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  1. Woah, almost the KSP 2 part manager 6 years before
  2. Also, is there a way to define scatter density body by body ? I changed the ''spawning chance'' but it seems to change nothing
  3. Hey ! Thanks for this amazing mod If I play scale 2.5, how much I should increase the density to get the same result as stock size ? Thanks
  4. Hello ! I have these strange geomtrical ''shadows'' which are moving while rotate my camera around the rocket. Is there a workaround or a setting to change to get ride of this ? Thangs for your hep https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1sMKC8vFTDeXIMRtxJgyV70wev-hRq-4G?usp=sharing
  5. Hey ! Just tested your file and it's working fine from my side Well done ! And thank you again for you time anf help !
  6. Hey ! Sooo, after more testing I'm now 100% sure of what is causing the infinite loading when BDB, KSPCF and Realchute are installed It's because of ''[1.9.X] Tantares and BDB now in Colors!". Removing it make everything working fine, at least on my heavly modded game Hope it will help others people with the same problem (don't forget to delete ''setting.cfg'' and ''ModuleManager.Config.Cache'', had others loading problems before doing it"'
  7. Let's say I want use your simplex ressource, but keep vanilla all the other kerbalism features (Including science) Is it possible by just swaping some folders inside Simplex ?
  8. I tried to launch the game without Kerbalism, and it still not work. I guess that's not the problem
  9. Hey ! Thank you for your time I can confirm that I use the latest BDB version. Again, everything work well without KSP community fixe (or withoutRealchute when I use KSP community fixe) You can find here all the stuffs you asked for https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dgREvE2weV3CN8DwkfAoCEYD9G0QECcG?usp=sharing
  10. Hey ! I'm hesitating switching to Simplex, but the differences between classic kerbalism science and the one from Simplex don't seem clear to me. How different are they ? Thanks
  11. Hey ! It seems that the use of ''KSPCommunityFixes'' create an incompatibility with ''RealChute'' in my installe. The game go in infinite loading at launch. Remove ''KSPCCommunityFixes'' fixe the problem. Here is the log, if you want take a look https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dgREvE2weV3CN8DwkfAoCEYD9G0QECcG?usp=sharing
  12. The flickering you are seeing in the video is due to the EVE city light . Just have to disable it.
  13. Hello ! I have a very weird bug After extensive tests, it seems that Waterfall (when used with ''Katniss'sCapeCanaveral for KSRSS'') is causing problems to ''GravityTurn continued'' and ''NASA CountDown Clock Updated'' On the launchpad, the ''gravity turn'' launch button is not present (it should be), to make it appear, you have to do a timewarp. After the timewarp, you can use ''gravity turn'', but it's not possible anymore to make appear the ''Nasa Countdawn'' window. I think that the game think that you are not landed anymore. It's not doing this with every rockets, but for exemple, the bug occure with the SLS craft file from ''Artemis Construction Kit | Stockalike Orion & SLS'' It's a situation pretty specific, but when I remove waterfall or Katniss, there is no problem anymore. I guess that there is a weird interaction between those two mods causing the two others to bug. In case you want reproduce this, you can find here log/photos/gamedata : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1KFLfi_Iy5UfprhCqlLXUIhlCYLRrBT0-?usp=sharing
  14. Hey ! After the very good looking of restock RCS effect, it's pretty hard to see the ''stock effect'' of RCS from other mods So, just a little technical question, is it possible to do a patch that add the effect to all RCS/Monoprop engines. Or the config have to be done one by one per engine ? Thanks
  15. For what I know, the only mod that add atmosphere to Tylo is "realistic atmospheres".
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