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Space Nerd

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Everything posted by Space Nerd

  1. Ksp with a lot of visual mods will look great. Also space engine.
  2. My logic is the red plants live closer to the substellar point, so they need to reflect infrared and red light in order to not overheat.
  3. So, I'll say both purple, indigo , and red plants are plausible, is that correct?
  4. I'm making some space themed art featuring proxima b and trappist-1 e, and I drew purple and red plants on them for aesthetics (black doesn't look that good), is that scientifically plausible?
  5. The Mk2 costs almost 10000 funds, and the recoverable parts are about 5000 funds, so I don't think it will fulfill this challenge. But I might still make it work, it's just it won't be first class anymore. (Which doesn't matter now, because I got into first class by Mk3)
  6. Epic! I saw it before, but it's still very impressive!
  7. I belive this is a first class entry. Presenting: the KSS Bootcamper Mk3! (Mk2 is also a prototype for first class entry that carries a "budget sat" but can't fulfill 5 adornments without being overpriced.) https://imgur.com/a/snWPagd
  8. I'll just drop this here, hope that's enough. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/18_Scorpii 18 Sco isn't in the field of view of Kepler original mission, and I don't know if it's observed by K2 or TESS. Anyway, my question : I'm making some space themed art featuring proxima b and trappist-1 e, and I drew purple and red plants on them for aesthetics (black doesn't look that good), is that scientifically plausible?
  9. I mean I thought 5000 is enough to get to LEO from 7000m on Eve, but now I think it's not enough to get to orbit and go to gilly to refuel.
  10. Can this launch to orbit from the highest mountain on Eve?
  11. Counting the mars rover theme, why not Spirit?
  12. This, and the treatment should only be applied to who don't want kids and want to live for 1000 years. And this, for SCIENCE!!!!!
  13. A good ending is one where "you" is not dead or taken by the aliens or unhappy.
  14. I would stay with Saia if I got death threats. Also I started to think there's no good ending...
  15. After reading the replies, I would tell the aliens to just keep helping us, and we'll create something to give back. And according to what I voted (intelligence on the galaxy) I would choose the exit door ( maybe before and definitely after reading the reply).
  16. I used 1.5.8 with ksp 1.9.1, but the game freezed whenever I landed in ocean (happened on Kerbin and Eve), and when I teleported my ship to Eve surface, the music still plays, should I use the beta version instead?
  17. Rhino engine is more rated for vacuum operation, so it probably won't work very well on Eve, try to change that to a cluster of vectors or aerospikes, or just use a mammoth engine (which is just a cluster of 4 vectors).
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