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Space Nerd

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Everything posted by Space Nerd

  1. I can't use any of the files from KSS (so the planets are similar, but the names and looks will be different), and the devs have to allow me to do the "KSS style" mod first, also I have to learn planet modding before that.
  2. There's something that has been in my mind for a long time: I really likes the original KSS, so after it was took down, I have the idea of remake the mod with my own planets that has similar properties if I learn how to make planet mods in the future (I can't say when), would that be allowed? (the mod will have a different name)
  3. Well, when I say "gas giant", I mean planets that don't have a solid surface . That looks blue to me, or is that an old version? Even if I make my own planets and use my own names, then say their kerbalized version (analogs) of real exoplanets?
  4. Why did you chose to make tau ceti f a gas giant instead of an ice world? Also why the rock on teegarden b looks blue? If I learn planet moding in the future, I might remade your mod but with more habitable planets and maybe add some fictional planets and moons!(It's sort of a KSS remade that have been in my mind for a long time)
  5. My rocket probably has enough margin to put on a science junior(with over 400 m/s left in orbit), but it would be 11 parts then . Alternatively I can remove the goo so the launch cost is under 5000.
  6. I added a poll for which system to draw next!
  7. Ok, it's here. KSS "Bootcamper" Built with 10 parts lower than T5, and carries 3 experiments. I did several runs, the photos are probably from the same run, but I'm not 100% sure. I'm sure the rocket works. https://imgur.com/a/WXYGSeN
  8. I'm playing KSP right now, I'll sent an entry (likely) an hour later.
  9. I just realized I mixed up profile banners and signatures the whole time Jeb likes this/100
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