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Everything posted by MK3424

  1. It might sound stupid but is there a way to disable solarpanel rotation with this plugin? Because when i want to recreate the Soyuz spacecraft or Dragon, they don't have rotating solarpanels.
  2. I know a server that does: kmp.joshj5hawk.com:2076
  3. Shure, as long you've edited the cfg files of the command pods or join a modded server that allows mechjeb.
  4. you can do that with vanilla ksp: just hold ALT when you are moving your camera, and won't stop showing the resource GUI (It helps sometimes to transfer between fuel tanks that are placed at strange places on a space station).
  5. Is there a way to use a shared craft folder that you put designs in that works (including subassemblys) and the manager copy's them to the designated folder when you ask it to do it. It would help me alot when playing with multiple saves. And if so will it also displays from wich save the craft comes from and/or it has been changed.
  6. I see a great potential for this app, very usefull to display, show and share your crafts. I hope it will be improved (adding more parts). The visuals are great even if it's only a minimalistic display. I hope that you will also implement a browse craft option. By the way, i've posted my (working) mini shuttle, it can't lift any payload, it's more like a gimmick than a usable craft: http://howintsui.com/webVAB/?craft=WZA03l
  7. Neat update! Are you gonna add a default EVA propellant icon?
  8. I suggest you use Crew manifest: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24636-0-21-x-Kerbal-Crew-Manifest-v0-5-5-0-Released!-0-21-Compatible!!! it adds the same funcionality with the added bonus you can move kerbals around a space station without EVA
  9. while everybody is playing multiplayer on KMP, more and more servers are showing up with modparts on them and finding the right parts is becoming a hassle so i suggest the following: -A clear calassification of modpacks to start with the name t it clearly states what mods it represents exmpl:-Dynamic packs :procedural wings, stretchy tanks, stretchy SRB,... -Alternative fuels:Kethane, modular fuel system,... -Custom builds: B9,KW,NOVA,... -Vanilla:only stock -Hardenend:deadly reentry,TAC,... -Plugins should be allowed as long they don't add parts and a agreement is settled when using modified cfg's: Mechjeb,Internalpropmonitor,... I would suggest putting up a forum post displaying all the available modpacks, their contents and limits I would kindly ask if there is someone who can make a modpack launcher that will prepare the ksp install files for the server. what do you think of it? Needs something to be changed? Let me know.
  10. I prefer the left style one because it reflects the style of the panel itself.
  11. Since the first time i saw the new part UI in 0.23, the first thing i saw was that they stole your UI design. But, i'm glad that they did it because it looks better and it somewhat remind me of the late 90's F1 tv UI.
  12. According to github 0.1.4 is closed and should be up any time!
  13. Add to the .cfg between the modules of the command pods this line: MODULE { name = MechJebCore }
  14. Another song that came out recently that also reminded me of KSP: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcuKxAvCSZ4
  15. These are all good choices of songs. I might even add these as a playlist for livestreaming(if i ever do one).
  16. True, but the song does remind me a bit about KSP.
  17. I wonder if KSP was represented with a song. My choice would be Peter Schilling - Major Tom(coming home) So, what are your thoughts and, do you have another suggestion?
  18. Oh, i almost forgot: Will it also be compatible with other mods? like Kethane,.... (for the long run that is)
  19. Also would it be possible to show a miniaturised version of the overview showing the icons being drained and flashing when it goes under a certain treshold?
  20. You have bought the steam version wich is identical to the one being sold on this site. You don't have to register it on this site.
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