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Everything posted by alberro+

  1. Thank you for telling me, I haven’t used modded textures in a while.
  2. So I want to install Araym's Stock-alike Advanced Suits along with Texture Replacer, but I don’t know where to put the texture pack. I’m not very dextrous with KSP modding. Any help is very much appreciated!
  3. Is there a way I can put the SpaceX textures in with stock KSP? It doesn’t show up for me.
  4. Launchers Pack works perfectly for 1.8.1, but I don’t know if 2.0 will be available for 1.8.1.
  5. Is this mod known to work with 1.8.1? If so, I still can't make it work with my KSP.
  6. I've been trying to download the texture packs properly, but it still shows up as a dull, textureless grey.
  7. Since both mods are listed as Launchers Pack , I am required to replace one of the two. Is there a way I can put both of them?
  8. Sorry for spamming this post. When I download the SpaceX pack, It shows up as Launchers Pack, and so does the Delta Pack. Is there a way I can change the name without breaking the mod?
  9. Did that, put the B5 textures are just grey. Any fix?
  10. To be honest, I’d really like to see some revamped engine textures, but that’s just me.
  11. What’s up with Dalys’ north and south poles?!
  12. How do I install this mod? I'm playing on 1.8 with KK Launchers SpaceX Pack, and all of the textures are just dull grey.
  13. Hey, Sorry for the lack of logs, but all the parts of this mod are missing textures. I seriously don’t know why.
  14. Literally most of my mods are screwed, but Tundra Exploration seems to be working like a charm.
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