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lemon cup

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Posts posted by lemon cup

  1. Just saw the footage and wanted to ask about one thing I noticed.

    At launch, water deluge kicks in and the whole pad lights up, then you see dozens of visible rapid shockwaves emanating from the pad.

    Does this mean the blast mitigation problem is still not solved? Was that a goal of this launch, or have they said they aren’t even worried about that yet?

  2. That is why I loved Editor Extension Redux mod from KSP1, and will never go without it. Pressing Space snaps the entire rocket to a preset height above the ground, based on the lowest point (not including clamps). 

    Ability to use the translate tool on the parent part would  be very nice too. Also, ability to hold Shift and click ANY part to select the entire rocket (in case the root part is hidden) which was present in KSP1 as well.

  3. Assuming that the system is anything like Waterfall mod for KSP1, that means any rocket plume you see in the game now can (and very likely will) be made better as time goes on with very little impact on performance, which is awesome.

    I’ve done a decent amount of tinkering with plumes in Waterfall, and you can achieve some really spectacular effects in no time.



  4. On 3/8/2023 at 1:34 AM, Picard2 said:

    You could maybe go even further by having a 'pop-out' or "up" button on the right-click display to open this out in to the full part manager or something.

    You may be onto something here. As long as the lag spike (from calling up the full part list) is isolated to that specific button, and not just from right clicking a single part. 

    As for the rest of your post, spot on. 

  5. Slightly off topic but a I don’t think a separate thread is needed and this one seems to get good traffic. 

    I was getting severe lag/fps drop inside the VAB building a large rocket, when previously I would only get very minor lag and occasional stutters. 

    I didn’t have enough time to do much trouble shooting but it seemed to be triggered by the XL hydrogen tanks and largest nuclear engine. 

    Is this a known bug that existed before patch, or has anyone else had this crop up post-patch?

  6. 4 hours ago, Scarecrow71 said:

    I see this all the time while trying to get to Duna.  I'm trying to do the Duna Mastery challenge, and every time I've plotted a course it changes dramatically once I leave Kerbin's SOI, forcing me into a whole bunch of mid-course burns.

    I encountered this last night plotting a return from Minmus. I was puzzled because when I started planning the maneuver, my gut told me I was going to burning prograde in the completely wrong spot on my Minmus orbit. But the maneuver node told me everything was good. Well I should have trusted my gut; as soon as I exited Minmus SOI, I was due to eject into solar orbit.

  7. 2 hours ago, JebNotFound said:

    I looked in 000_TexturesUnlimited and found no cfg for SOCK or even anything, what am I doing wrong?

    My apologies, I was trying to remember off the cuff. 

    It is MagpieMods that has the .cfgs, one of which should be SOCK. Delete it.

    Confuses me sometimes because it ties in with Texture Replacer just like TU.

    If you examine how Magpie Mods writes the MM patches that give parts shiny/reflective appearances, you can write your own custom cfg that handles that on a part-by-part basis, if you want.

    But as it stands Magpie just applies a bunch of patches en masse that basically amounts to: All Parts = Shiny.

  8. 11 hours ago, JebNotFound said:

    What's wrong with the decals on the wings??

    Textures Unlimited.  MagpieMods

    go into that mod folder and delete the .cfg titled SOCK.

    has a bunch of configs for a ton of mods that it has no business supporting. That is why the Shuttle is totally shiny, it just applies the metallic look to all parts.

  9. 45 minutes ago, B15hop said:

    Are you using something to get analog sensitivity for control? Using WSAD is a nightmare. Lol

    Nice work. :D

    Tips for flying planes with WASD (yes it sucks lol):

    -Turn off reaction wheels

    -Caps Lock toggles fine controls when you want to make small/smooth adjustments

    -Toggle camera (V key) until you get to “capture” or “body”. These lock the camera to your vehicle, then you can orient it to the rear of the plane and it stays there. (“Chase” works but it recenters everytime you make a control input which is annoying)

  10. 37 minutes ago, Buzz313th said:

    Do you know when the song selection was finalized?    

    That trailer was one of the best, if not the best game cinematic I have ever seen, both technically and creatively.  Was the animation work done by Halon in the states and do you know who directed it?

    Song was finalized before I came on board which was mid April of last year. At that point Halon was slated to do the work but was not involved yet.

    I was working from the Intercept side of things so unfortunately I have no idea who and what was brought to bear over at Halon to do their part.


  11. On 3/1/2023 at 3:41 AM, Kerbart said:

    I don't think there's any subliminal messaging from the devs. In fact, the devs are as far away from the people who were involved in making this as possible; it's an external agency and the ones that interact with them are likely PD managers.

    I helped in the making of this trailer. I don’t want to say too much because my involvement was fairly small but I can confirm that:

    -as of less than 1 year ago this was still just story boards

    -those story boards were drafted by senior creative devs at Intercept

    -Halon received those story boards and followed them quite faithfully.

  12. 12 hours ago, Leocrabe225 said:

    Hey! First, thank you for this, I managed to make an encounter with Eve before I read that, but the extra info and details are really appreciated. 

    Then comes my question, once you reach another planet, how do you get back with the least deltaV ? Should I re orbit and wait for the transfer window, and then do the maneuver all over again? (Which makes me wait a year 'cause you miss it by the time you reach Eve if I understood correctly) Or is there an even better method?

    Final question, When I managed to meet with Eve, I had an orbit with a TERRIBLE angle. Is there anything I can do without needing 4000m/s of deltaV ? Or should I avoid having such a terrible meeting angle (how?)
    I hope you'll see this, thanks again for this amazing tutorial!


    Glad it helped!

    I am out of practice in stock KSP and never really got the hang of Eve so I will have to defer you to youtube videos on that one.

    I can advise you on arriving though, which is nearly as in depth but can be summarized nicely.

    Your initial ejection from Kerbin matters a lot on how much energy you have on arrival. The more accurate your Kerbin ejection is, the less energy you will have to put into injecting at Eve. But equally important to the nature of your arrival orbit is your Correction Burns and Pre-Orbit burn that you need to preform in the coast phase.

    Even the most accurate transfer will probably need a small correction burn, the best place to do your first is at the AN (ascending node) or DN(descending node) of your target body, this is your opportunity to match planes and get a nice equatorial trajectory for when you arrive. A good rule is to pack a good RCS array that can fire in all directions. Once you execute the node, you can correct for error using small bursts of RCS.

    When nearly done with the coast phase, I like to plan a Pre-Orbit burn before entering the planet’s sphere of influence. This is a good spot to burn Radial In or Radial Out, trying to get your periapsis as close as possible to the minimal safe height, for max gravity breaking. Even better, try to enter on the advancing side of the body, the side that is facing “forward” as it orbits the sun.

    You can also do an aerobrake here, but be extremely careful with Eve! I recommend a powered capture into a highly eccentric orbit first, then whittle it down with careful aerobraking passes. 

    So in a nut shell: plant a maneuver node somewhere close to AN/DN during coast. Then zoom into the target planet and adjust the node using the maneuver node tab on the lower left of the HUD. Plan more nodes closer the the planet to get as close an incoming periapsis as possible. 

    There is more but I risk this becoming it’s own guide haha. I know there is lots more info on youtube, here are some keywords to get you started.:

    interplanetary match planes
    correction burn
    gravity break




  13. On 9/4/2022 at 5:36 PM, Kuiper_Belt said:

    I want to see more of the station while not losing the crisp sharp shadows.  Is there a setting or mod that can fix this (is this even a bug or an intended behavior?) or increase the distance at which these shadows are cast? I am aware that I could increase my FOV and zoom in to get more of the station but I personally perfer the low FOV shots more, they look more organic. Any guidance as to what I should do or who I should ask would be appreciated!

    Hey long time no see! Station and photos look amazing btw, your progress never ceases to amaze me.

    I’m away from the computer right now and can’t remember where to find this, but there is a way to access the in-game Scatterer settings and manually change shadow quality distance settings. Yours are set to the default low number I reckon.

    @Pioneer_Steve @Beccab @alberro+ you guys know what I’m talking about?

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