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lemon cup

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Posts posted by lemon cup

  1. 31 minutes ago, Starhelperdude said:

    this would be Saturn INT-20

    Got it, thank you.

    39 minutes ago, Starhelperdude said:

    In short, the INT-20 is not a real workable design since most spacecraft have a hard limit of 4.0x the force of gravity.

    I see this configuration has some interesting limitations in regards to G-Forces. In a lot of ways the INT-20 reminds me of a super-sized Atlas-V, which does not have the same problem with peak acceleration. Of course this is due to the awesome throttle-range of the Atlas' RD-180, whereas the F-1 could not be throttled at all.

    But the F-1 could be shut down early in flight correct? So starting off with say 4 engines, then shutting down a pair of outboard engines early would preclude a huge G-load towards the tail-end of the first stage?

    Of course then I suppose you are accepting that you've basically paid full price for a pair of F-1 engines to be useful for half of the mission, and dead weight for the second half.

  2. Okay guys, so for someone like me who is uneducated on the history of the various Saturn proposals, I've got to use online sources like astronautix.com for info. I could have sworn I remember seeing something like this as an official proposal, yet now I can't find anything about it:


     Basically just a standard S-IC first stage (minus the center engine) and a standard S-IVB second stage.

    Was this a real proposal? If not, why?

  3. 2 hours ago, Papa_Joe said:

    Looks like this feature is in demand.  I've posted to a request thread here:  

    I'm making progress on it.  Provide your thoughts on how the UI should look.  thanks!

    Any way to rip the game's built-in UI? Basically place the little "Clothes Hanger" icon next to the Kerbal's name, and that activates the default Squad suit-switcher interface?

    (for reference - not my pic)


  4. 22 hours ago, pTrevTrevs said:


    These are awesome!

    1. The kerbals frolicking together is just pure gold, do you use EVA Follower to get these shots?

    2. I actually really enjoyed the narrative here, along with the context from your successful rendition of Apollo 13. There's a ton of neat facts that I did not know about these missions.

    Keep up the great work.

  5. 3 hours ago, OrbitalManeuvers said:

    Hmmm, if this were true, then you should be able to divide the larger one by 4 to get the smaller one, too. But Apollo 11 entered an Earth orbit of 185km x 183km, which when divided by 4 is not valid for KSRSS, so something is wonky with this way of thinking.

    It is and isn't wonky at the same time...!

    It is in fact the correct scale factor, it just feels off because on these scaled down planets, the atmospheres have to be abnormally high to feel challenging and realistic.

    If the atmosphere of 1/4 size Earth was to scale, then it would "end" and space would "start" at only 25km! It is a common KSP problem for pretty much everything besides RSS

  6. Soyuz TMA-1   -   October 30th, 2002


    Launching just after sunrise from Baikonur Cosmodrome on October 30th, 2002 was the first of a new generation of Russian Soyuz vehicles, the Soyuz TMA. Differing from older Soyuz TMs only in its internal display components, the "A" in TMA stands for "Anthropometry" which refers to an enhanced crew awareness due to the addition of "glass cockpit" digital displays. The TMA upgrade was very similar to the upgrades that the Space Shuttle fleet was also undergoing at the time.

    TMA-1 was a routine taxi mission to the ISS, with the primary goal being rotating an old Soyuz vehicle, used as the station's lifeboat, with a new one. As such the three crewmembers would only be staying for 9 days along with the Expedition 5 crew, who had been in charge of the ISS for nearly 5 months at this point.

    The Soyuz crew consisted of cosmonauts Sergei Zalyotin and Yury Lonchakov, and German ESA astronaut Frank De Winne.


    This was the first use of the "Soyuz-FG" launch vehicle to lift a manned Soyuz spacecraft. The FG had flown three Progress missions prior to this, but from this point on, would be officially replacing the Soyuz-U launcher in every capacity.


    On the outside, the Soyuz TMA is identical to the older TM.

    A standard 2-day coast followed the successful orbit of TMA-1, with ISS rendezvous occurring on the first of November.


    It was 10:00am in Moscow at Roskosmos Mission Control when positive docking was confirmed with the Pirs module.


    Departure of Soyuz TM-34 and End of Mission   -   November 9th-10th, 2002

    At the conclusion of the short ISS/Soyuz taxi mission, the 3 crewmembers took command of the older Soyuz TM-34 vehicle docked to the bottom of Zarya, and departed.


    The landing of TM-34 on November 10th, 2002 marked the last use of the Soyuz TM vehicle, starting with Mir in 1986.

    Expedition 5 would soon be drawing to a close with a new crew arriving - along with the next piece of the Integrated Truss Structure - in just a couple of short weeks.

    Up next, Expedition 6 and the P1 Truss are sent up on STS-113!

  7. 23 hours ago, Patko said:

    Really cool job I love it , but how did you made Hab Tech 2 Parts Shiny ? 

    A mod called TexturesUnlimited provides a framework for recoloring parts, and a mod called “MagpieMods” is a set of configs to go with it, that makes tons of parts shiny.

    of course only some parts should be shiny, so upon installing MagpieMods most people go in and delete the files for stuff they don’t want. For instance Space Shuttle shoudn’t be shiny, so the config file for SOCK should be deleted etc.

  8. 17 hours ago, Pappystein said:

    The S-IV stage is actually powered by the RL-10-A-3S (S denoting Saturn as in the computer hookups.)

    Excellent to hear that from you! So the RL10A-3 is the correct model, good to know I guessed it right :D

    4 hours ago, CobaltWolf said:

    What about a modest stretch to both stages? Does that help or cause TWR issues?

    Oh I will have to do some more testing to iron that out but my trajectory didn’t help. Low TWR on the S-IV stage is the main challenge so the rocket should have been more lofted than usual, but I started out too shallow and had to pitch up quite a bit for a while, killing efficiency.

    A modest stretch on the first stage would help but I leaned away from that for authenticity.


  9. 13 minutes ago, DaveyJ576 said:

    Is that an ETS service module? How was the performance with the Saturn I? I jury rigged up a "Block 0" Apollo that consisted of just the CM and the SM decoupler, two batteries, some extra monoprop, and eight Gemini solids for retro. It worked pretty well and the Saturn I had no problem lifting it.

    Well as you can see I forgot the instrument unit, so I guess that helped my performance :D

    I had to down-fuel the Apollo service module, and the S-4 stage had RL10A-3 engines which I think were technically not used? Even then it barely squeaked  the spacecraft into orbit lol.

  10. 16 hours ago, Pointblank66 said:

    but looking how you used it from the screenshots, I think it's not that difficult to learn how to use it

    Looks can be deceiving! Robotic parts can be a bit of a pain, set traverse rate to very low, like 1-3. And lock all robotic parts before leaving the scene or switching vessels, even then they can be Kraken-bait...!

    Here is a picture of the CanadArm1 from SOCK next to our kitbashed CanadArm2. You can see they use the same end effector.

    OH! Well in that case a picture of my GameData folder would not help you, since I have the exact same problem! I've gotten so used to it though and just accept it lol. Yeah, there must just be a missing texture Module that would usually be referenced in a .cfg maybe, though I have no idea what specifically that would be. 

  11. On 12/2/2021 at 11:40 PM, Papa_Joe said:

    Interesting.  I've been looking into the suits thing.  I have access to that data in flight, so it then becomes only an issue of where to put it in the UI.  Since the Roster window is available for the active crew, it makes sense to add it there.   I can add a Change suit button to the crew member line and include the currently worn suit as a data item.  click change suit, select an available suit, and click save.

    Will that work?  I will look at adding that to the next release of ShipManifest


    Jumping in with the crowd, this sounds like a great idea.

  12. 3 hours ago, Pointblank66 said:

    Are you using Infernal Robotics or just the stock ksp robotics to move the arm about? If it is possible, could you post a side by side close up of the end affecters?

    I can try to get that for you guys here in a bit, and yes I forgot to mention that the end effector is also from SOCK/htRobotics, the idea is that it’s compatible with the Shuttle’s common PDGFs. And all of the parts utilize stock robotics, courtesy of benjee_10’s modding prowess.

    3 hours ago, OrbitalManeuvers said:

    I'm desperate to solve the black terrain issue outside the VAB, so I'm looking for any differences in my install and other people's. 

    I can try and give you something like that also, sounds very strange. But yes we are both using KSRSS 0.7 beta; I am in 1..11.2 and Kuiper is in 1.12.


    I am really unversed when it comes to troubleshooting issues like this, but when you mention black terrain, the thing that sticks out to me the most is actually Scatterer. Have you looked into that? Might be beneficial because I know BlackRack (current manager of scatterer) is still pretty active and might be able to help.


  13. 2 hours ago, braxfortex said:

    I really want to try this mission now.  Docking a dry Skylab with 4 S-IVBs chained together to go to Eve and back (2.5x scale via JNSQ).  Is there a docking ring in BDB or other mod that could enable this?

    You can find a 5m diameter “annular truss” docking ring in the mod NearFutureConstruction from Nertea that performs this job very well.

    Only problem is that it is wider than the BDB S-IV stage by default, so you will need Tweakscale to make it work :)

  14. 1 hour ago, danfarnsy said:

    It's part of SOCK, I think

    Nyet, komrade.  Our CanadArm2 is actually a kitbash. The main booms are in fact from SOCK(the bundled htRobotics mire specifically) while those robotic rotary servos come from benjee_10s MMSEV mod. And the L-joints are tweakscaled pieces from Nertea’s SSPXR.

    The most pivotal (no pun intended) parts are those rotary servos, they are a great fit for the job. There are probably several routes you could go to get the rest of the arm.

  15. 17 hours ago, danfarnsy said:

    Are you using TUFX for your color adjustments? You're matching the brightness, contrast, etc. of NASA photos about as well as I could imagine from KSP. I tried to get there with a TUFX profile, but yours is fantastic.

    For me, it is a combination of a TUFX that combines the best effects from both @Pioneer_Steve and @alberro+ as well as my own meticulous tweaking, to get one base profile that covers a wide range of lighting conditions. 

    Each situation and craft really reacts differently for any given profile. So afterwards I use Windows Photos (comes default with Windows 10/11) for very basic adjusting of light levels to solve that.

    Soon I’ll post a couple of raw before/after shots to give a general idea of what that looks like :)



  16. 4 hours ago, BuranAce said:

    Are fictional shuttles allowed? And do i need to use the orbiter construction kit? (I use lifting body for my shuttles.)

    Check out page 2 and 3 of this thread to see the crazy/awesome shuttle concepts by @Beccab :cool: pretty much anything Shuttle-related is welcome here as long as the concepts sticks to the theme  of “plausible manned space plane” designs.

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