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Everything posted by jimmymcgoochie

  1. I’ve had OPM, MPE (minor planets expansion), GEP and GPP secondary all running together in 1.9.1 using Kopernicus continued and everything looked like it was working fine. On a related note, does anyone have a Kerbalism radiation config for GPP? I already found an old one for Grannus and hackily updated it so it works with Grannus as a secondary system, but haven’t found one for GPP to do the same and would prefer not to just make one up from scratch as I’m not familiar with GPP’s solar system and it would probably be a mess.
  2. Which part of the video are you talking about specifically? Your first post isn’t very clear on what exactly you’re trying to do.
  3. Tell MechJeb to execute the burn, turn on x4 physics warp when it starts the burn, mute PC and do other things while waiting for the burn to complete, plot correction burn to fix the dismal accuracy of long burns. Before I found out about physics warp in space I once had a single burn that lasted over 10 hours (2 hour burn but the game was running at 1/4 speed due to a huge part count) and I had time to go shopping, watch two(!) full length DVDs and more before that burn completed, followed by a rather embarrassing correction burn as I had actually left it too long and it overran by about 100m/s
  4. Planetary Diversity mod might be able to do this as it can already change planetary orbits, although it might need some settings tweaking to only change the inclinations rather than the orbital distances; but unless you can make a Kopernicus config that runs once when a new save game is created and then saves the numbers for that specific save to be re-used later it’s going to be much harder to do it on a per save basis.
  5. If this happens again, try clearing the input locks by pressing escape, then clicking ‘show version info’ on the bottom right corner of the pause menu- I can’t remember exactly where that option is and I don’t currently have access to KSP to check but I believe it’s in there; there’s also a mod (can’t remember the name though, sorry) that adds a button to the toolbar to clear the input locks. Input locks can sometimes mess with control inputs and if the stages look weird and you can’t change them or manoeuvre nodes are acting odd, clear input locks might fix the problem.
  6. It might be a little bit counterintuitive at first, but the staging system works from the highest number to the lowest, and from bottom to top on the list- just like a rocket detaches its stages from bottom to top. Bungled staging gets even the most experienced players sometimes so don’t worry about it too much, just hit revert and don’t tell anyone . If you hover the cursor over a part, it will be highlighted in the staging list; the opposite is also true- hover over a part in the staging list and the part will be highlighted on the rocket. Make sure your decouplers fire at the right times to avoid dumping useful parts, lugging spent stages around or even decoupling while the stage is still burning and losing control of the rocket. Sort your staging out carefully in the VAB or SPH before launching as changing it in flight won’t be saved if you revert the flight or launch another one later.
  7. Just to clarify what I said earlier- Eve is better to go to than Duna for probes. NOT for crewed missions! Probes are generally one way trips so returning doesn’t matter, but generally speaking you should bring Kerbals back home from their missions. Duna is moderately difficult to land on because its atmosphere is so thin, but that along with its low gravity also makes it fairly easy to leave and with Ike so close nearby it’s easy to refuel too. Landing on Eve is a bit more challenging due to the high gravity and thick atmosphere giving really high re-entry speeds and temperatures, but the thicker air means parachutes are much more effective than on other planets so you need fewer and smaller parachutes to land safely. Getting off Eve again, on the other hand, is pretty spectacularly difficult without some very clever designs and/or mildly cheaty mods (Eve optimised engines, explodium breathing engines, the fireflash and project Eeloo engines from NF aeronautics, etc.) and should only be attempted once you really know what you’re doing. (And if you think Eve is bad- Venus has an atmosphere that’s 90 times thicker than Earth’s (or Kerbin’s), it’s hot enough to melt lead and it rains pure sulphuric acid near the surface!)
  8. I don’t really see the point of adding black/wormholes to KSP2, the neighbouring solar systems will be a few light years away, not light millennia. Conventional (if fusion drives and metallic hydrogen torchships can be considered ‘conventional’ that is) sub-light travel will be more than enough to get there without a wormhole, and black holes would either end up being reskinned suns to do it quick and dirty, or take a huge amount of effort to make them look and behave right for the few people dumb enough to fly into one; either way, the dev effort should be focussed on the core game instead.
  9. The log file ends with loads of errors for ExperienceSystemConfig which suggests that a mod you’re using is altering experience stats for Kerbals and is causing the game to fail. Check your mod list for anything that adds new experience traits- I see botany, medical, geology and ELconstruction in there so it may be related to Extraplanetary Launchpads or a mod that adds more skills for Kerbals. Try removing those mods one by one and see if the game loads correctly- if not, remove the next one and keep track of what you’ve removed so you can add them back in later, but if the game works then you’ve found the source of the problem. Mods can be tricky as things can have overlapping effects and it’s likely to be a combination of mods that is causing this issue. If you can track it down to a single mod, try replicating it in a new instance of KSP (clone it through CKAN) with no other mods installed and if the issue still happens post your logs and details in that mod’s thread so someone can investigate and fix it.
  10. Why do I get the feeling that Isaias and/or Steve are going to say “I’m sorry, I’m afraid I can’t do that.” in the next few chapters? Or possibly an eerily simultaneous “Resistance is futile.”? And sure, that’s just a “special rock”...
  11. @Sir Mortimer Using (I think) Kerbalism 3.11 in KSP 1.9.1, I had an alarming incident where I accepted a rescue contract, but the stranded Kerbal’s pod was totally empty of any supplies- I had to edit the save file so they didn’t suffocate in seconds. In previous versions of Kerbalism those rescue pods have had many days worth of supplies and those supplies have only started being used once a rescue craft got close- or they seemed to be filled up at that point at least, judging by the messages saying everything was empty and then full again whenever I got close to one. I also had two separate solar flares around Kerbin on the same (IRL) day, a few game days apart, and while I’ve set them to be fairly short after nearly losing a whole crew around Minmus, it was still a nuisance to have two of them so close together. There hasn’t been another in the ~30 or so game days since so it’s not like it’s happening all the time, but I’ve only had two before that day in nearly 2 game years since starting the save.
  12. I take it you’re referring to Environmental Visual Enhancements, or EVE for short? Make sure you have the right version of it for KSP 1.10 as older versions can cause issues. You should also take a look at the log files (KSP.log in the KSP directory) to see if there are any exceptions being logged as those can slow the game down drastically. Where are you getting 15FPS? At the Space Centre, tracking station or in flight, and if in flight, where- launch pad, in atmosphere, in space? KSP is limited by CPU rather than GPU power as the physics calculations can’t be split across CPU threads to any significant extent (if at all). Your reduced frame rate is likely because you have something nearby with a fairly high part count, or there are a lot of static objects nearby with collider meshes- terrain scatters and KSC buildings are the two most significant types of those. You can also hammer the FPS if you have reflection quality turned up really high on top of using EVE and scatterer (the mod, not the terrain scatters). Try: turning reflection quality down a bit; reducing the terrain shader quality one notch; reducing aerodynamic effects quality; turning off V-sync; or changing the EVE settings to reduce the performance impact that way.
  13. Eve is actually a better target than Duna for your first interplanetary missions: the transfer window is more frequent; it’s a shorter trip requiring a bit less delta-V for the transfer burn and (depending on how brave you are) a greatly reduced delta-V requirement if you aerobrake in Eve’s atmosphere; Eve stays in communication range more than Kerbin due to the shorter average distance between the planets; there’s much more sunlight so you need fewer and/or smaller solar panels than at Duna; and it’s a lot easier to land on Eve than on Duna- if you bring the heat shields to survive the heating that is! The oceans can be a nuisance for getting places especially if you drop a rover in one, but Eve is the perfect place to deploy an electric plane (using breaking ground motors and props or a mod like firespitter) and fly rather than drive around. A potent relay around Eve can also provide communications between Duna and Kerbin depending on the planets’ positions, but the opposite is far less likely. Gilly is a tiny little moonlet that won’t get in your way, whereas Ike is perfectly positioned to interfere and could ruin your Duna missions before they even make orbit. Once you complete some Eve-related contracts you’ll get some for Duna; alternatively just send a prove to Duna’s SOI and it should start giving you more contracts for Duna instead.
  14. Planetary Diversity mod does a lot of this if you pick those options, although I’ve never used it in that way so I haven’t seen its effects myself. While having a game that is different every time would keep things fresh, it would also make it that much harder to get help from others as the stock system is fixed for everyone but modifying it would probably make your version totally unique.
  15. Kerbalism can be set up to activate and deactivate almost any components depending on a variety of situations including low and high power (<20% and >80% respectively) and in sunlight or shadow. It does come with a huge pile of additional stuff though which makes it a much more challenging game, but it’s also very configurable so there should be a way to ditch whatever you don’t want (radiation, life support, slow science, malfunctions etc.) and just keep the auto control systems. If you just switch on mining gear and leave it unfocussed (ie switch to any other vessel outside physics range, the tracking station or KSC) it’ll continue to run at full speed for as long as you like, as long as you had power in the miner when you left it. You’ll need to switch back to start/stop ISRUs but so long as you still have some power on board you should be fine.
  16. I see the same thing, haven’t had a chance to look for a likely candidate yet but many localisation issues are just minor typos. Have you spotted a similar entry in the en-us file, or any other language?
  17. Since you’ve posted in the modded installs section, I’m going to guess that you’re using mods- if so: What mods? What versions? What version of KSP and which, if any, DLCs? Try to find Player.log/Player.txt instead of the KSP.txt log as the former has much more detail in it, and/or add screenshots/a video as it sounds like this would be easier to understand by seeing it.
  18. Following the ‘no oxygen’ debacle yesterday, today I completed construction of Space Station Two with the addition of an inflatable hab section and the remnants of Space Lab One, which was disassembled and most of its parts deorbited; rejigging the whole thing to use standard sized docking ports was just too much of a faff when I could build a new one with a sensible design and proper ports. Also, long-term science experiments can only be changed by a level 5 scientist, and all I have are level 0-2 (maybe there’s a Kerbalism setting I can change for that...) so a new lab and a new hab module were needed anyway. The new greenhouse from SSPXr is particularly fast, producing food every few weeks instead of twice per Kerbin year, and with 6 crew now aboard and all my newly rescued level 0 Kerbals levelled up to level 1, the station is fully operational. And then Kerbalism decided to throw two solar storms at Kerbin in as many munths, putting the crew of Space Station One (orbiting Minmus) in serious danger as it is pretty light on shielding. The crew weathered the first storm by pointing the entire station towards the sun while they hid in the section furthest from the front, which helped to shield them from most of the radiation, and dove for the surface to evade the second only to end up having to fly into the sunlight (and radiation) when the rather limited batteries on their Kerbin return ship and impromptu ‘lifeboat’ ran out and they all started freezing. A relief crew will be sent out in due course, as soon as I pull crews off the wheeled labs currently parked across Kerbin for some long-term science experiments to send them out for some long-term science experiments around Minmus instead. And in other news- a scanning and science probe arrived in Eve orbit and began sciencing and scanning Eve, while it’s sister probe parked itself in an orbit that will eventually encounter Gilly to do the same there. Two relays performed course corrections en route to Jool as well, laying the groundwork for future missions, and a trio of landers was launched to LKO to await the next Eve transfer window. And absolutely none of that required any save file hacking, in-game cheat utilisation or on the fly settings adjustments of any kind
  19. Have you tried Bon Voyage? Rover autopilot, comes as a separate part but also integrated with the RoveMate probe core (and some mod rovers like Buffalo), it’s easy to use and can drive to waypoints (for contracts), targets (to meet up with other missions) or to any point on the map you like. It also has a boat mode. The only downside is that it will drive exactly to where you tell it- half way up a cliff, inside another vessel, sometimes even under the ground if you don’t have terrain set to the highest detail- so it’s always a good idea to lop a few digits off the end of the target co-ordinates to prevent any unwanted explosions when your rover ends up inserted into your crew lander or base. For rover parts, there are a few out there- Buffalo and FUR are two that I can remember and I’m sure Angel125 has a few more rover-related mods. There’s also the Bumblebee quadcopter drone if you want to take to the air without the hassle of building with breaking ground motors and rotors.
  20. Comma networks depend heavily on what tech you have unlocked and your tracking station upgrades- with a level 2 tracking station you’ll need several RA-15s to reach back from Duna (and to a lesser extent Eve) to Kerbin but with a level 3 TS it’s easy to do with a couple of RA-2s or a single RA-15. Landing relays on tidally locked moons like Ike or the Mun seems like a good idea, but since they’re landed half the sky is blocked by the surface and for Ike that makes it harder to link up with either another relay or directly to Kerbin. A couple of potent relays in really high polar orbits will provide a connection back to Kerbin under (almost) all circumstances, so other probes/rovers or crewed missions don’t need such large antennae to connect to those and can save mass, cost and space with smaller ones. Ike does pose a threat to anything orbiting Duna so stick with really high orbits to avoid it; for relaying around Jool one or two really powerful relays in polar orbits of Jool and smaller relays around each moon will probably be the best strategy. Including a relay fish on any crewed mothership will also help increase your coverage for surface missions. A few big relays between planets can also help relay the signal and avoid blockages caused by other planets or moons, although it’ll cost a lot of fuel to get them into place without the help of a planet’s gravity well.
  21. Strategic and State Funding don’t touch in-flight vessels don’t they’re not likely to be the cause. Are you sure all the mods you’re using are compatible with 1.10?
  22. I usually push the speed limits for recovery fairly low for that reason. Besides which, adding 5 tons of parachutes to the launcher won’t do you any favours for payload capacity (or your FPS count if you spam dozens of parachutes on a big launcher!). Configure the settings more aggressively to reduce the returns if it seems too easy. I personally preferred the simplicity of SR over FMRS but it really depends on how challenging you want things to be for yourself- SR is very much fire and forget, whereas from what I remember FMRS is a bit more involved. There’s a mod called recovery controller that can make SR and FMRS work together, as they usually don’t work too well if you try to use both.
  23. Hi, There’s not a whole lot of information to go on here- ideally you should upload the log files (KSP.txt inside the KSP directory and Player.txt/Player.log, which on Windows is in C:/Users/your username here/AppData/LocalLow/Squad/Kerbal Space Program) to a file sharing site then link to them here so we can see them. Can you also provide the following info- version of KSP (and DLCs if you have them), a list of mods, with versions if possible, and what you were doing in the game when the exception occurred. Does the exception still happen if you reboot the game and load your save again? Did you change something recently which resulted in this happening, a mod installed or updated or the game itself updated to 1.10(.1)? That’s a frequent cause of exceptions like this. If you got KSP through Steam, it’s pretty easy to roll back to an earlier version, but you should copy the entire game out of Steam’s control to avoid updates breaking mods. And welcome to the forums!
  24. I’m getting the same thing in a pretty heavily modded 1.9.1 install, they take half a step then levitate along while glitching back and forth in a very weird way and it also means I can’t click anything as it seems to make the cursor glitch back and forth too. Moving the camera around with each step and walking diagonally can prevent the problem sometimes, but there must be a mod of some sort causing the issue. I might try removing Kopernicus and/or other mods to see what’s causing it later today.
  25. Try increasing the UI scale or reducing the resolution, both of those things should make the text appear larger. There should be a setting to increase the size of the in-game messages too but I’m not sure what it’s called.
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