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    in bad internet purgatory
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    not having my ksp be broken as hell ._.

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  1. I've tried them all. Sandcastle, Extraplanetary launchpads, Simple construction, Global construction, and pretty much all the popular ones. None of them are "simple". I just want to be able to put down like, a launchpad part or something and use ore to make a rocket. This has been driving me insane, as I literally can not use any of them due to how complicated they are/how stupid I am. PLEASE. give me some suggestions for lesser known mods.
  2. For some reason, i cant seem to be able to change the parts from metal to other stuff, nor the tops
  3. I'd really like to know because i dont like having it in the way. I just really need to hide the kerbal's body in the IVA mode! I cant figure out how though
  4. I have this super cool IVA mod that makes IVA more usefull then non-iva, but the big fat orange kerbal is in my way!!! is there a way (mod or not) to make the IVA view not include this orange little doofus?
  5. Ah thank you guys so much I'll try it out later
  6. I meant the planets getting flung and stuff. Oh. is there any way to stop it from modifying the joolian and kerbin system? (i think minmus gets ejected idk)
  7. Like, i saw a few videos on youtube like this one but i cant seem to find a mod like this that actually makes the moons get ejected or anything.. And ive tried principia but it doesnt do anything to my knowledge, unless theres a config that i havent seen yet. Please help!
  8. Wow! that was fast, Thanks for the help its fixed now!
  9. Hello, Ive been using ckan for a while now, And i just wanted to ask you all, Ive redownloaded ksp a few times and modded them seperately, so that they're all in their own seperate folders How do i make ckan register those as builds? or whatever its called
  10. How do i launch from the launchpads? It doesnt give me the option to launch from anything other then the stock launchpad.
  11. Is there a mod (That works for stock vessels) which makes the windows not just blue, but actually see-through? And like, JUST the windows, not like the iva view on the bottom right.. i really need this in my life.....
  12. which version of kerbal space program is this for? 1.12.2?
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