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Everything posted by horngeek

  1. @linuxgurugamer given that the three control modules all have built-in antenna in their models, would it be possible to make them all RemoteTech antenna, or is that impractical?
  2. I’ve made a patch for this For Connected Living Space- which I’ll upload when I get home, it’s mostly for the benefit of the block II parts. I’ll check on the docking part as well when I get home before uploading it. i also updated the USI-LS patch to include BLOCK-II parts- with @FellipeC‘s permission I’ll upload that as well. A question about orbital maneuvering, however- when you want to- for example- do a burn prograde with the OMS angled engine version (aka the default), should you angle your ship so the *engines* are pointed prograde like MechJeb maneuver planner does by default, or should you angle it so the *ship* is pointed prograde? I’ve done a few quick searches on how the actual shuttle did it for a clue and have found nothing. EDIT:On a side note, the Stock Fuel Values patch makes it impossible to get to orbit because the engines don’t have enough thrust to deal with the increased weight. It’s not *vital*, I’m using a stock Kerbol system scale (Outer Planets Mod, but that’s never going to be relevant to the shuttle :V), but I admit I don’t mind having that little bit extra room.
  3. I've tried to install this mod a few times, and it's just... not showing up in-game each time. Does anyone have any idea what's going on?
  4. UPDATE: As it turns out, *something* in that save in particular was corrupted, not sure what. At least I hadn't gotten *too* far already.
  5. Two questions about Command Stations- firstly do they eliminate the need to connect to the launch centre entirely, or simply reduce the lag? Secondly, once you have the requirements, how do you actually *set one up*? Do you need to do anything to activate it, or...
  6. Fair enough! And I *can*, since I can just turn off the 'enforce Ship Manifest transfer' option, I guess.
  7. Another bug - if the control unit from this mod is the only probe core/control unit on a spacecraft, it a) shows up as junk on the map/tracking centre, b) on the ksp stock stage display, none of the d/vs show correctly (they all show as 0), and c) none of the manoeuvre nodes show up correctly in the flight window- they all show something like 12000 d/v requires and 1h 20m until burn time. None of this is actually *gamebreaking* for me, since I use MechJeb to fly my ships anyways and both Mechjeb's manoeuvre planner auto-execute and RemoteTech flight computers execute everything *correctly*, but it's still a bit of a pain and I could see it being gamebreaking for those who prefer to fly manually.
  8. Trying to get the Malemute landed on the Mun- any tips for balancing it out so the thrusters don't cause it to flip over? EDIT: Karibou, not Malemute >.<
  9. Yeah, that makes sense- however, it makes it rather tricky to judge how much expansion of life support you've just gotten when you add a hydroponics module to a space station already in orbit. @RoverDude, a suggestion- it might be good to have a window where you can calculate 'ok, given the *current* rate of energy production and supplies production on the focused vessel/space station, you have this much time until they run out'
  10. ...also, I'm *assuming* the same applies to usage of supplies and hydroponics?
  11. @Daishi speaking of Orbital Science- there's a few missions in that mod that require you launch a ship with specific science parts that have equivalents in this mod- but the mission doesn’t recognise said parts. Would it be possible to fix this on your end, or would it have to be done on Orbital Science's end? Thanks for the mod, on that note- it's making designing a science probe (and having it look nice :P) much easier!
  12. Huh, neat. As for the Breaking Ground experiments, they probably did the same thing as whatever SCANsat does
  13. ...ah. So it's only a problem in terms of supplies, for example? Science analysis will still keep going? Hah, whoops.
  14. You're not *wrong*, but it was somewhat annoying (I solved the issue by way of 'I have Universal Storage installed I can just up and add 30,000 EC storage)
  15. If the answer turns out to just be 'you require more vespene gas power storage', I might just turn EC requirements off until I retire these two stations aka when their respective labs finish processing their data)- they're *really* not designed with large amounts of power storage in mind, or adding much additional power storage- I mean I *could*, but I don’t know of any battery options that are passable with Connected Living Space which I'm also using, so adding a considerable amount of batteries onto one of the two Konstruction docking ports would prooooobably block that arm off. And not look nice :V (but if I have to do it that way, I will)
  16. Yeah, I had the fixed version, I was just being a bit dumb.
  17. The station in question - mostly using Stockalike Station Parts, with six Kerbals on board. Same setup for the other one.
  18. I mean, they both *do* only have 2000 storage- but to clarify, are the effects of power generation just not taken into account while off-focus, or is that purely solar panels?
  19. It's not in the VAB- I've got two stations, both of which have the same design, both of which have two Gigantors, one orbiting Kerbin and one the Mun, and both- when in sunlight- are energy-positive. However, I'm having to come back to focus on both of them pretty much every day, because otherwise they *will* run out of power.
  20. An issue I've been having- stations with solar panels don't seem to be taking them into account when calculating how much EC is available for supplies. Any idea how to fix this?
  21. One issue for you if you're still maintaining this fork - contracts don't recognise ship manifest crew transfers for the purposes of any contract requiring you to transfer crew between one vessel and another.
  22. ...so, as it turns out, you need to open *both* hatches.
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