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  1. How to do it? Can you show me a tutorial? I cannot use github very well. Thanks for your advice. I'll try to make it.
  2. Thanks to the user on Github named WC12366, help me to solve the license problem on Github release.
  3. I have published the mod in the wrong place, again. I am so sorry about that. I have corrected it. I hope someone like Staffs or other people could help me to close or delete this topic.
  4. At the end of 2019, the Long March-5 Yao-3 Carrier Rocket achieved a go-around. Wanhu Studio took this opportunity to produce the Long March-5 launch vehicle. The Long March-5 launch vehicle, also known as the "big rocket" and "Fat 5", is a disposable large-scale low-temperature liquid bundling launch vehicle developed by the People's Republic of China in 2006 to meet the needs of further aerospace development and bridge the gap between China and foreign countries. China's new generation of launch vehicle core-class rocket series with a diameter of 5 meters. This module contains the components of the Long March-5 launch vehicle and the launch tower used for go-around. Based on the KSP update of 1.8.0, Wanhu Studio remade the tail flame of the hydrogen and oxygen engine and applied it to our Long March-5. Availability Download: [Link removed by Forum Staff due to non-compliance with Add-on Posting Rules] Download: [Link removed by Forum Staff due to non-compliance with Add-on Posting Rules] License: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 Thanks to all members of Wanhu Studio for their efforts in releasing this module. Supplementary note 1、Download links on Spacedock, CKAN and CurseForge will be released after approval. 2、Reproduced mark of: 万户 or Wanhu (English) 2019年底,长征五号遥三运载火箭实现复飞。万户组以此为契机,制作了长征五号运载火箭。 长征五号运载火箭,又称“大火箭”、”胖五“,是中华人民共和国为了满足进一步航天发展需要,并弥补中外差距而在2006年立项研制的一次性大型低温液体捆绑式运载火箭,也是中国新一代运载火箭中芯级直径为5米的火箭系列。 这个模组包含长征五号运载火箭各组件,和复飞时使用的发射塔。 基于KSP在1.8.0的更新,万户组重新制作了氢氧发动机的尾焰,并应用于我们的长征五号上。 下载链接: [Link removed by Forum Staff due to non-compliance with Add-on Posting Rules] 下载链接:[Link removed by Forum Staff due to non-compliance with Add-on Posting Rules] 许可证: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 感谢万户组所有成员为此模组发布做出的努力。 补充说明 1、在Spacedock、CKAN 和 CurseForge 等处的下载链接,将会在通过审批后放出。 2、转载标注作者:万户 or Wanhu (in English) Picture appreciation
  5. At the end of 2019, the Long March-5 Yao-3 Carrier Rocket achieved a go-around. Wanhu Studio took this opportunity to produce the Long March-5 launch vehicle. The Long March-5 launch vehicle, also known as the "big rocket" and "Fat 5", is a disposable large-scale low-temperature liquid bundling launch vehicle developed by the People's Republic of China in 2006 to meet the needs of further aerospace development and bridge the gap between China and foreign countries. China's new generation of launch vehicle core-class rocket series with a diameter of 5 meters. This module contains the components of the Long March-5 launch vehicle and the launch tower used for go-around. Based on the KSP update of 1.8.0, Wanhu Studio remade the tail flame of the hydrogen and oxygen engine and applied it to our Long March-5. Availability Download: https://github.com/WanhuKarrot/CZ-5/releases License: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 Thanks to all members of Wanhu Studio for their efforts in releasing this module. Supplementary note 1、Download links on Spacedock, CKAN and CurseForge will be released after approval. 2、Reproduced mark of: 万户 or Wanhu (English) 2019年底,长征五号遥三运载火箭实现复飞。万户组以此为契机,制作了长征五号运载火箭。 长征五号运载火箭,又称“大火箭”、”胖五“,是中华人民共和国为了满足进一步航天发展需要,并弥补中外差距而在2006年立项研制的一次性大型低温液体捆绑式运载火箭,也是中国新一代运载火箭中芯级直径为5米的火箭系列。 这个模组包含长征五号运载火箭各组件,和复飞时使用的发射塔。 基于KSP在1.8.0的更新,万户组重新制作了氢氧发动机的尾焰,并应用于我们的长征五号上。 下载链接: https://github.com/WanhuKarrot/CZ-5/releases 许可证: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 感谢万户组所有成员为此模组发布做出的努力。 补充说明 1、在Spacedock、CKAN 和 CurseForge 等处的下载链接,将会在通过审批后放出。 2、转载标注作者:万户 or Wanhu (in English)
  6. Due to the time difference between China and your country, I can’t reply immediately, but I will respond positively when I see related posts. @Vanamonde
  7. I have uploaded my home-made module on Spacedock, but it still cannot be searched. Clear description on Curse, this module is pending review。 The modules published on Spacedock and Curse are all my own modules, and the integrated resources have been removed from the original distribution site, which is why I apologize. Thank you for your advice. I have not accepted any localization work at this time. I have sincerely apologized for the work mistakes of the localization GU and passed the localization documents to the author @StarCrusher96. I have never deleted any posts in the forum, and I don’t have related permissions.
  8. @VanamondeI want to release my mod on the forum, but my release on the spacedock and curseforge are still being reviewed. What's more, I cannot understand the instruction about github.How can I do? Thank you for your attention.
  9. Sorry to interrupt you. My link is completely free. I applied for spacedock and curseforge accounts, but they have not been approved yet. 3DM links are only temporary. I will replace the links of spacedock and curseforge as soon as they are approved. Thank you for your attention. @Poodmund BTW, I seem to be putting the module release in the wrong place. On the forum, I will seek to close the LongMarch-5 post, and re-publish it after carefully studying the module release format.
  10. 各位KSP玩家、KSP模组作者: 你们好 很抱歉以这种方式进入大家的视线。从前天开始,我陆陆续续听到关于我们万户组的负面消息。我这两天进行了深刻的自省,还是应该将这个事情做一个彻底的了结。 首先,我需要向各位诚挚的道歉。由于我本人的疏忽,忽略了对各版权信息和规则的理解和学习,导致在万户组的运行过程中违背了相关条款。 1、违反了CC协定的BY条款。万户组在汉化Galaxies Unbound和制作相关整合包的时候,没有给各位作者进行详细署名。这一点,我们做的确实不对。撇开协定不谈,于情于理我们都应该履行告知他人模组作者的义务,不应该这样直接汉化或是一股脑的塞进整合包,堂而皇之的讲万户汉化/整合而不做任何说明。这一点,我们正在努力寻找各模组作者,并积极改正。 2、违反了CC协定的ND条款。万户组变更了(汉化和整合)原作者的模组,并加上了密码,强行引导玩家进群获取密码。初心可能是阻止伸手党,但是采取的方式错了,就导致了错误的结果。在2020年1月6日,万户阁成立之前,我们已经去除了各平台上公开发表的整合包和汉化包压缩文件中的密码,玩家可以自由选择。 3、违反了CC协定的ND条款。万户组在汉化Galaxies Unbound模组时,在汉化文件内植入广告。在意识到这一点之后,已经将广告完全删除。在此,需要向Galaxies Unbound的作者StarCrusher96单独致歉。 4、违反了T2的EULA。在万户阁成立之初,群内只有万户自制模组时,我们采取了加群收费的策略,有强制买卖自制模组的嫌疑。不管我个人是否赞同这个条款,但是违反了就是错了,就应该认下来,积极改正。万户阁在一月底的时候,已经完全去除了加群群费的设定。 以上就是万户组所违反的全部条款,我再次像各位致以诚挚的歉意,对不起! 其次,两位up主认为万户组违反了CC协定的NC条款,我需要澄清这方面的事情。在2020年1月6日,万户阁成立之前,我们已经去除了各平台上公开发表的整合包和汉化包压缩文件中的密码,玩家完全不需要加入万户阁才能解压。两位up将先前的压缩文件密码与之后的万户阁收取进群费用混为一谈,这是我所要澄清的。两位up所说的事情时空并不同步,也就是说,上述两件事情没有同时发生,没有任何关联,万户组没有贩售任何其他人制作的模组。 最后,万户组违反了各项协定,我作为组长难辞其咎。我们在道歉之余,决定彻底清查所有公开发布的模组和整合包,按照相关协定的要求积极整改,给玩家和模组作者一个交代。 感谢所有为推动这件事情解决而做出努力的组织和个人。 此致 Karrot
  11. Dear all KSP players and KSP modules Authors: Since the day before yesterday, I have heard negative news about our Wanhu Studio one after another. After two days of introspection, I still have to finish the matter thoroughly. First of all, I need to sincerely apologize to you. Due to my own negligence, I neglected to understand and study the copyright information and rules, which led to the violation of relevant provisions during the operation of Wanhu Studio. 1. Violates the BY clause of the CC Agreement. The Wanhu Studio did not give detailed signatures to the authors when it finished Galaxies Unbound and produced related integration packages. This is indeed wrong. Leaving aside the agreement, we should all fulfill our obligation to inform others of the module author. It shouldn't be finished directly or crammed into the integration package in such a way, and talk about the localization / integration of Wanhu Studio without any explanation. At this point, we are working hard to find the authors of various modules and actively correct them. 2. Violation of the ND clause of the CC Agreement. Wanhu Studio changed (Sinify and integrate) the original author's module, and added a password to forcibly guide players into the group to obtain the password. The original intention may be to stop reaching out to the party, but the wrong approach has led to the wrong result. Prior to the establishment of Wanhu Pavilion on January 6, 2020, we have removed the passwords from the publicly published integration packages and finished packages compressed files on each platform, and players can choose freely. 3. Violation of the ND clause of the CC Agreement. When Wanhu Studio finished the localization of Galaxies Unbound module, it placed advertisements in the finished file. After realizing this, the ads have been completely removed. Here, a separate apology to StarCrusher96, the author of Galaxies Unbound. 4. Violation of EULA of T2. At the beginning of the establishment of Wanhu Pavilion, when there were only modules make by Wanhu Studio in the group, we adopted a strategy of increasing group charges, and there was a suspicion that it was mandatory to buy and sell homemade modules. Regardless of whether I personally agree with this clause, but the violation is wrong, I should acknowledge it and actively correct it. At the end of January, Wanhu Pavilion had completely removed the setting of the Entering Fee. The above is all the terms violated by the Wanhu Studio. Once again, I sincerely apologize to everyone, sorry! Secondly, the two ups believe that the Wanhu Studio violated the NC clause of the CC Agreement. I need to clarify this matter. Prior to the establishment of Wanhu Pavilion on January 6, 2020, we have removed the passwords from the publicly published integration packages and finished packages compressed files on each platform. Players do not need to join Wanhu Pavilion in order to decompress. The two ups confuse the password of the previous compressed file with the subsequent fee charged by Wanhuge. This is what I want to clarify. The things mentioned by the two ups are not synchronized in time and space, that is to say, the above two things did not happen at the same time, there was no connection, and the Wanhu Studio did not sell any modules made by others. In the end, the Wanhu Group violated the various agreements, and I couldn't blame it as the team leader. After apologizing, we decided to thoroughly check all publicly released modules and integration packages, and actively rectify in accordance with the requirements of relevant agreements to give players and module authors an account. Thanks to all organizations and individuals who have worked hard to advance this matter. Sincerely, Karrot 各位KSP玩家、KSP模组作者: 你们好 从前天开始,我陆陆续续听到关于我们万户组的负面消息。我这两天进行了深刻的自省,还是应该将这个事情做一个彻底的了结。 首先,我需要向各位诚挚的道歉。由于我本人的疏忽,忽略了对各版权信息和规则的理解和学习,导致在万户组的运行过程中违背了相关条款。 1、违反了CC协定的BY条款。万户组在汉化Galaxies Unbound和制作相关整合包的时候,没有给各位作者进行详细署名。这一点,我们做的确实不对。撇开协定不谈,于情于理我们都应该履行告知他人模组作者的义务,不应该这样直接汉化或是一股脑的塞进整合包,堂而皇之的讲万户汉化/整合而不做任何说明。这一点,我们正在努力寻找各模组作者,并积极改正。 2、违反了CC协定的ND条款。万户组变更了(汉化和整合)原作者的模组,并加上了密码,强行引导玩家进群获取密码。初心可能是阻止伸手党,但是采取的方式错了,就导致了错误的结果。在2020年1月6日,万户阁成立之前,我们已经去除了各平台上公开发表的整合包和汉化包压缩文件中的密码,玩家可以自由选择。 3、违反了CC协定的ND条款。万户组在汉化Galaxies Unbound模组时,在汉化文件内植入广告。在意识到这一点之后,已经将广告完全删除。在此,需要向Galaxies Unbound的作者StarCrusher96单独致歉。 4、违反了T2的EULA。在万户阁成立之初,群内只有万户自制模组时,我们采取了加群收费的策略,有强制买卖自制模组的嫌疑。不管我个人是否赞同这个条款,但是违反了就是错了,就应该认下来,积极改正。万户阁在一月底的时候,已经完全去除了加群群费的设定。 以上就是万户组所违反的全部条款,我再次像各位致以诚挚的歉意,对不起! 其次,两位up主认为万户组违反了CC协定的NC条款,我需要澄清这方面的事情。在2020年1月6日,万户阁成立之前,我们已经去除了各平台上公开发表的整合包和汉化包压缩文件中的密码,玩家完全不需要加入万户阁才能解压。两位up将先前的压缩文件密码与之后的万户阁收取进群费用混为一谈,这是我所要澄清的。两位up所说的事情时空并不同步,也就是说,上述两件事情没有同时发生,没有任何关联,万户组没有贩售任何其他人制作的模组。 最后,万户组违反了各项协定,我作为组长难辞其咎。我们在道歉之余,决定彻底清查所有公开发布的模组和整合包,按照相关协定的要求积极整改,给玩家和模组作者一个交代。 感谢所有为推动这件事情解决而做出努力的组织和个人。 此致 Karrot
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