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Posts posted by Commodore_32

  1. 2 minutes ago, StinkyAce said:

    Hello all, ok I designed a Willis Jeep rover, took forever to get wheels down. Now I have an interesting problem. 

    after exiting the vehicle scene and going to the space port, when I choose the same vehicle again, the wheels are popped out of place, that is to say they are lower and more away from the vehicle. They still work as wheels, but I can’t figure this out.



    Hello, we will need some screenshots to see the problem with more detail.

    And also, did you clipparts in your rover?, KSP is known of doing that when parts are clipped.

  2. On 8/23/2020 at 1:20 PM, lemon cup said:

    So you are using the SOCK and reDirect mods, or something else that provides gimbaled SRBs? What mod, and what is the name of the SRB?

    SOCK, stock and Cormorant Aeronology

    On 8/23/2020 at 1:20 PM, lemon cup said:

    What mods, are you using MechJeb or KOS, or any other autopilot? Ferram Aerospace or anything else that might affect aerodynamics?


    On 8/23/2020 at 1:20 PM, lemon cup said:

    My first thought given the limited information is control point problems. Make absolutely sure your starting control point is the Shuttle’s cockpit. Easiest way to do this is go to the VAB and select the Reroot tool and then click the cockpit. If it is the SOCK shuttle, right click the cockpit and make sure one of the options says “Control Point: Forward”.

    Everything is right.

    As requested, screenshots:

    Test 1:










    Test 2








    (Notice the full control inputs, I was struggling)


  3. 22 minutes ago, JakGamingKSP said:

    saves literally dont exist.. wiped clean from existence

    It could be a failure of your storage device (Hard Drive or SSD)

    If that happended, then press F to pay respects to your saves.

    Tho, if there was not any failure, have a look around in your folders, maybe you could find out that you moved it out, or even search in the Trash, for misterious reasons things can end up there, already happended to me. :P

  4. 7 minutes ago, Dr. Kerbal said:

    if you need help to rescue your Kerbals from the scary depths from space or get all that juicy science come here and ask for help. Of course I wont help cause I play on PS4 but post em here and someone may help!


    I'm not doing this to get followers or like. Im just here to help.

    Ummm, yeah, always search for existing threads instead of posting a new one.

    There is already a rescue force:


  5. 2 minutes ago, JMBuilder said:

    Something that's been driving me a bit crazy as of late. My shuttle-style craft are in need of something between the Pollux and Clydesdale boosters, especially since they use the 3.75m-diameter parts for the external tank. The Pollux is the correct diameter and power, but has no thrust vectoring. The Clydesdale has that thrust vectoring, but is too large and very overpowered.

    What I propose is the addition of a downsized Clydesdale; 1.875m in diameter with slightly better thrust than the Pollux and the addition of thrust vectoring. There could be some very minor aesthetic differences to help set it apart, but for all intents and purposes, it's just a smaller Clydesdale.

    Just install TweakScale and scale the Clydesale to 1.875m, it will automaticly reduce thrust, weight and fuel capacity.

    As an alternative, install Modular Segmented SRBs and stack your own 1.875m SRB.

  6. Just now, ussoldier2002 said:

    I just downloaded the steam version of KSP. I know that most mods go into the gamedata folder. I found a game data folder but I am not getting any results when I put a mod in there. Here is the path I am using:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData

    Is this not the correct one? On my old computer I just right clicked on the KSP shortcut icon, clicked to see the actual location, found the game data folder and used that. On this download I can't do that for some reason. Any help would be appreciated.

    Maybe you are installing the mod incorrectly.

    Most of the mods come in a .zip file, extract that in Downloads, and the resulting folder will probably have a "GameData" folder, open that and a folder with the mod's name should be there, copy that folder and paste it in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\comon\Kerbal Space Program\GameData and it should be good, if it's not, and if you are 100% sure that it's correctly installed,  then you will need to ask in the mod's thread.

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