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Everything posted by R-T-B

  1. Yeah, I kinda felt it was more transparent before too, but apparently not. Probably some config customization I forgot about, no biggie.
  2. Yep, it's actually for "Cat Day," a Japanese quasiholiday, that occurs on 2-22 every year.
  3. This is a 1.9 issue as the mod is not yet compatible with 1.9. Interestingly, I have the same issue as the above: Astronomers becomes painfully milky in 1.8.1 with this new build. It seems to be the new scatterer causing the change.
  4. I grabbed a quick one for you by sideloading 1.9 on a separate install. Mind you, all my mods are still in there (this is my 1.9 install where I keep track of how broken everything is, lol), but the blue terrain is still pretty apparent, even in the main menu:
  5. Yep, that dual mode approach is likely to be a pain. Out of curiousity, does it work at present if you force OpenGL? I can't test because I am still on 1.8.1, hehe.
  6. Minor report: There appears to be an issue with ice sheets on the poles of Kerbin. If they are at sealevel, it seems they appear as water. Turning off water shaders works as a temp workaround. I'd try to fix myself and make a PR, but my job is killing me right now, so this is all I can do. EDIT: Nevermind, pretty sure another mod was to blame for this one. Doh!
  7. There are absolutely no classes in the dlls to suggest this. This is the real issue
  8. I haven't seen any evidence of that being possible or even plausible, can you give an example? From what I've observed it only has code to log in game actions. Windows 10 build 1903 can install an optional Sandbox tool that does that.
  9. You have truth on both claims (I'd reccomend practicing "checks" at each patch for that reason, you'll need to do the same kind of thing for deleting dlls anyways), which is why I conquered this an entirely different way. But I can't really talk about that. My only point was I don't like removing the dlls because if any code references them, it will generate an exception, which can be expensive. No idea how much an impact that honestly has, but I don't like the idea personally. YMMV.
  10. Note your save games will most likely not load on a revert: Go to properties page on game, betas tab. Choose your version you want. Uninstall and reinstall.
  11. Replacing the file is ok... until ModuleManager wipes it out on a modded install. I created my own solution to that debacle. Basically, I updated module manager to reference a PartDatabase.cfg "template" in the game root named "StaticPartDatabase.dbk" (if it exists)and use it rather than blanking the file completely as it feels like it. The format of the template file is the same as the original, it simply allows us to "stick" some entries at our own static settings. You can drop the 1.7 PartDatabase.cfg in a 1.8 install as the StaticPartDatabase.dbk as an example to restore stock physics and still have working mods. The pull request is very simple, but ModuleManager team will need to approve it. If they don't, I'll be forced to maintain a patchset build for this useful feature (obviously, support for that would fall to me, even though it's a really simple patch). I'm giving them a day or three to act though. In the meantime if you'd like to test this for me, PM me. I can make a test build provided distribution is controlled (you expllcityly agree not to bug sarbian about it). Surprisingly simple PR link follows: https://github.com/sarbian/ModuleManager/pull/153 EDIT: Wow, that was closed quick. And after discussion with Sabian, it seems a patch is incoming soon and he has no desire to see this patchset in the wild really. His reasoning is pretty valid too. Nevermind about the above then.
  12. Ah, the Elektronika Mk-52, the last calculator designed and produced by the Soviet Union. A classmate brought one in. We always made fun of it becuase according to it, 2 squared was 3.999999997 Yes, it ended in 7. Other than that it was a decent calculator and even had an eeprom bank, which was cool.
  13. My fun little calculator I used in school/college: Yes, I was doing well then. You could basically tell the poor math students from the rich math students in this era by whether they bought HP or Texas Instruments... weird class divide from a different time (HPs were rich kid toys). I'd later feel the other side of the economic spectrum pretty hard, but... story for another day.
  14. It's a Unity bug as best I can tell. Squad is setting the flags as they should, Unity just doesn't care for those traits. That does work, but it's hardly "clean" Really, if you are locking down your hosts file, just don't bother deleting dlls, nothing is getting out anyways.
  15. Just a quick thought from me while I was thinking about this last night: We have, as a community, benefitted majorly from the open nature of Unity, and the ease of which Unity games are modded. If we had KSP2 in a custom engine, there is no promise modding would be easy, or indeed even possible. That'd be up to Take Two, and honestly, do you trust them? It wasn't but 10 years ago in gaming history that every game used it's own engine and modding was a proverbial hell. Mods were the exception, not the rule... Food for thought...
  16. I'm writing a script for a tool that acts on KSP configs in the Squad folder (I'm being intentionally vague atm). You know, the one in AppData\LocalLow\Squad on Windows. Can any linux user please look and see if their path is as follow on *nix (OS-X included) ~/AppData/LocalLow/Squad? IF it is, would you kindly confirm the GUID for the folder here: C:\Users\Memphis\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\Unity\ is as follows: 39811e89-d29d-4faa-bb01-997f3cda24f0 Or is it something else for you? Thanks. This will really help me.
  17. Hardware stats and game length. That's exactly what seems to be sent no matter what opt-out status as far as I can tell. For whatever reason, it probes my vjoy virtual joystick driver on my windows box pretty obsesively. I have no idea why.
  18. Me and a few others have been wiresharking KSP. There's certainly some telemetry in 1.7 forward, dll or not.
  19. Heck, I made a 1.8 recompile of scatterer and it still did that. Scatterer simply needs work... which means the modder needs time. Give it to him. Let him breathe.
  20. Oh, for most people sure. I'd actually advise that. For me there's nothing better than a flawed, broken toy with tons of potential. I'll probably love it no matter what lol.
  21. Not buying the game on day 1 isn't really an option for me because I'll immediately be trying to find out how bad the telemetry is and how to break it. Heh. I know, I'm feeding the beast, but hopefully someday the beast gets a message. Plus hopefully it helps other day 1 buyers.
  22. How very not surprising... sorry, I have feelings about that. I won't say more.
  23. I mean, thanks. That's very kind of you. I just like people to know the facts then they can make their own decisions about the rest.
  24. It totally does, if you don't have any mods that need network and don't want them to autoupdate, etc. It's a kludge of a fix but it does solve it. Hosts file is a bit more elegant. Best way is to have code that doesn't do it in the first place, though. This is actually a really clever idea if you have the ability to do the above. It'd probably really truly make the program shut up, or at least go into some kind of "bare minimum" mode.
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