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Everything posted by R-T-B

  1. Probably scatterer terrain shadows? Turn them off from the main KSC view if you have them on with the toolbar... or if you have them off, then that's a mystery to me. They should be off right now as they are just buggy enough to work, but mess with you. Besides, stock KSP has basic terrain shadows in the standard settings now anyways, so they sort of aren't needed. The atmosphere transition is because literally the "Far away" space trackingcenter camera and the camera your ship uses are the same now. We have to kind of ease into that new idea graphically speaking, and it's tough to get the transition from "near" to " far" right without two seperate cameras like we had before. It can appear jarring where it tries to switch the clouds over, which is what you are seeing at 200,000m or so. I may try improving that a little later, but not right now, I'm pretty happy with the result as far as being safe enough to use (and yes, I "eat my own dogfood," been playing with this all day lol). I'd say overall though yes, it's a lot better than -force-d3d12, that's for sure! And yes, the unified camera does improve FPS.
  2. There is an experimental build I've been maintaining that supports 1.9. But it's not official, and it has buggy terrain shadows. Other than that, there are performance-hurting workaround options. See the main scatterer thread: My Release candidates for 1.9 (windows/directx only): https://github.com/R-T-B/Scatterer/releases
  3. Would that happen in a save game? If not, I should probably revert and update the fingerprints to force the systemfixup. I don't think it's an issue though: I still have retrobop and the planets/moons have hung around for nearly a game year in Frenet.
  4. Hello all. Another build. RC4 is out. This will probably be my last build until blackrack gets back barring a major buck report. Here's the release log: For DirectX 11 Windows Unified Camera mode only! (ksp default on windows) RC4 is out with the following changes: 1.) Fix a rare cloud-clipping bug at high angles in low atmosphere. Known bugs in this release (Will not fix without PR): 1.) The built in Scatterer shadows are jumpy/buggy, and disabled by default. Despite my best efforts I can only reduce this problem, not eliminate it, so I advise leaving them off. As KSP now provides it's own Terrain shadows, this is not such a big deal (actually, that may even be the source of the bug). The default settings are set to disable scatterer terrain shadows and I do not support changing that at this time. Test and report back. Download at github: https://github.com/R-T-B/Scatterer/releases or from my server (grab the highest number) http://glacialsoftware.net/ScattererBuilds/ Thanks all for the help debugging. It's pretty usable now, minus the shadow glitch noted above, which I consider minor considering KSP implements terrain shadows now.
  5. Seems like that put us on the border of the fix, if not a complete fix. I'll mess with it some more. I need to ensure first it hasn't messed with low altitude transitions (this would occur as "cloud clipping" around 70,000m on Kerbin, you'll know it when you see it). Thank you for testing! This will only help blackrack work on more fun stuff when he gets back. Afterall, I'm just doing an update, he knows the black magic that makes it pretty.
  6. RC3 is out with the following changes: 1.) Adjust the near/far clip plane ratio to attempt to fix near field shadow corruption (flickering and jumping). Please test and report. Also low atmospheric scenes should be tested, as adjusting these clip planes are known to affect low atmospheric flights in bad ways sometimes even if it fixes something else. Links updated in orgin post and at github. Also can grab at the following links (please use the latest and report what version when reporting bugs): Github: https://github.com/R-T-B/Scatterer/releases My Server: http://glacialsoftware.net/ScattererBuilds/
  7. Seems there are still some issues with the near clip plain. That's what causes the shadows glitch (in particular jumpiness). Darn, I thought I had that hammered out. Oh well. I will look into it. Standby for another Release Candidate, until then you can simply disable scatterer shadows and it is less noticeable. Kerbal itself will still do its thing with shadows.
  8. Ok people, I am happy with the state of things with my builds to the point that I feel I can temporarily support them and at least do some ahead-of-time bug gathering for blackrack. I by no-means want to hijack his work. He's still in charge: I just want to help out while he's away. He's free to reject all this later and start over if he wants, but I think we have a quality product here. My beta testers have mainly reported issues with atmospheric transitions and shadow corruption in the near view, which I have been steadily trying to squash. Please pay extra attention to visual defects you may spot in low Kerbin orbit or in near field shadows. I think they are mostly eliminated but we want it just identical to the previous build if possible. I'd like to open it to more testers. With the understanding this is just beta, probably safe (no promises), but certainly not blackrack-release-grade, I am publically releasing my first release candidate. Please post issues here as you please. Github: https://github.com/R-T-B/Scatterer/releases My Server: http://glacialsoftware.net/ScattererBuilds/ Understand, these are unified camera builds. That means they will function in the Windows default mode of DirectX 11 ONLY. No linux/mac builds at this time. Honestly, the old scatterer should work there with my config fix, anyways. If you are on windows, just don't force any weird things like opengl or d3d12 and you'll be fine. Also, with these builds, my config fix is no longer needed. Use normal configs! EDIT: RC2 is out with the following changes: 1.) Rather than statically setting the far clip plane, we set it based on planet radius using a scatterer facility. This seems to not mess with shadows when zoomed out as much as on RC1, and eliminates that bug as far as I can tell. Links updated.
  9. You should not be using OpenGL or anyhting but DirectX 11 with these unified camera builds (this is the default in windows). The old builds should work with OpenGL, in theory, but these will not. I know, it sucks, but squad makes us use effectively two codepaths for OpenGL and DirectX now with the one/two camera system, and I can only personally manage to update this one. As for your other bugs, I have not experienced them but there is an atmosphere transition issue I did see. Please see what happens with a clean install when you get the chance, in DirectX 11 otherwise the report is useless (just remove any commandline things about OpenGL or directX12 and use the included configs in the zip to test). Sorry I can't offer more but I'm doing the best I can with limited resources and understanding of the work here. Also, these builds require no config fixes. They should work with the stock config. The only reason I can think of for that brownish terrain is that you are either using opengl or somehow have a config patch from earlier that is breaking something.
  10. Solar eclipse in 1.9 today. Yes, the water is red. It's because I modded the Sun to be a more system-size acurate red dwarf star (custom work).
  11. PM will be sent in a second. Same basic requests (report bugs to me, don't redistribute etc) Not legally enforcable, just requests.
  12. At this point, I need testers, and I may just give you a binary. PM me for a link with an understanding that I'd rather binaries not be distributed without blackracks expessive permission. I need about oh... say 10 testers to do this right. I have just one now, so 9 seats. PM me to apply. You'll be downloading this on the "pinky swear" promise to report bugs for my pull request to blackrack, and acknowledging they are very beta. Sound good? Current known bugs.) 1.) Engine lighting mods cause weird light and shadow effects on planets, this may not be a scatterer bug at all but it happens with that mod combo. 2.) Nothing else yet? I even got caustics and the old configs working (no config file hackery). PS: If you really want to compile my code, the starting point would be on windows, to download visual studio community edition 2019, and give it the right reference paths to your KSP install. Then, it should just compile.
  13. If anyone is curious release Frenet runs fine as best I can tell when built from source for 1.9. Passes all tests in compile and works flawlessly. I've been using it (along with my personal unifiedcamera build of scatterer) for some time now.
  14. For those who want to follow my source, and/or build it, I'd advise watching my pullrequest against blackracks work here: https://github.com/LGhassen/Scatterer/pull/87
  15. Keep in mind I've only posted the source code. The reasoning for this is so people who download it really have to think it out and know what they are getting into. Pending either blackrack's approval or A LOT more testing, I may provide a binary.
  16. Yeah. To be clear, this is a really hacky build. I'm sure blackrack can do better. I'm just trying to give us something in the interim to keep the needy people off his back. It lacks caustics, too. But again, it's better than what we had for 1.9.
  17. Oh, well all good then. I just figured I'd left the bin folder and checked and yep, I had. lol. This one sunflare glitch is driving me crazy, but it's still tiers more usable than dx12 mode IMO. Hope blackrack can weigh in soon.
  18. Thanks. The only issue I've found is the mapview in flight lost sunflares. I'm working on it. it's a weird bug because I can make the sunflares reappear, but they seem to map to the inflight sun angle and not the map angle when in map view. Confused. I know, I should've made this a proper github pull request, but really... I wasn't expecting it to work. lol. Oh, and there weren't supposed to be binaries in there. Sorry, but I gotta scrub those until blackrack says otherwise. You can keep what you dl'd though I'm sure.
  19. Hello all. Not wishing to step on anyone's toes again, I am formerly requesting Blackrack's permission to release a binary build of the following code, which enables Scatterer to work on the unified camera in KSP 1.9.1/1.9 and generally puts us in a better situation there. The work is not complete, nor will I be the one to complete it! I don't understand half of what is going on in scatterer and I do not pretend to. I just managed to cobble together something that works. It is presently lacking the following: 1.) Caustics and the new ocean effects are completely gone. I wasn't able to merge them without breaking some of the old unified camera prototype code I based this on. (the branch is here: https://github.com/LGhassen/Scatterer/tree/unified-camera) 2.) It still depends on my config fix (I'll integrate that if he lets me release it). PS: I want to issue full credit to blackrack for the code on this one, I just glued it together from his work by merging a bunch of stuff he otherwise would have had to do by hand likely. Here is the source. The following bits are really just for the dev, blackrack: @blackrack This is simply your unified camera branch built with all the most recent features (sunflares included) up to here: https://github.com/LGhassen/Scatterer/commit/7cadb9ae3ec13597452c6718f285a64f93c11b62 I was not able to integrate your core refactoring or caustics because I really have no idea what's going on in there with regards to the camera and was not comfortable guessing at it. The only commits after that integrated were: https://github.com/LGhassen/Scatterer/commit/2399fed1fa8c15d0eee57299e6fca73daee1b748 (a crash fix for the destructor) https://github.com/LGhassen/Scatterer/commit/ded126bd70f1aa0cfa3c53a706554a5a2830f074 (a sunflare thing) Nothing more was done except some merging of the codebases. Still, it is provided in the hope that it helps somehow. It DOES seem to work. And it took hours. So I hope it saves you some trouble! Here is the source, provided under your same license (GPL-3.0): Source here: http://glacialsoftware.net/scatterer-ufc.zip Let me know if binaries would be ok (I have them ready, and they'd log themselves as version "0.0542RTBDEV" for your knowledge. Take care and get to it when you can, just seeing if I can't help out while we all wait. This is all I can do though, my head hurts too much after this, you are a very skilled man to understand all that. -RTB EDIT: having host issues, standby. EDIT2: Should be good now. There does seem to be a bug where sunflares don't work right in actual flightmap... I'll see if I can't fix that later.
  20. After the rebuild for 1.8 patch, I've been having constant issues with this mod and I can't seem to figure out where in the code it's going wrong, but: 1.) High reliability parts with a MTBF of around 10 years, like batteries, fail the most often. This is the opposite of how it should be, no? 2.) The alarm triggers constantly, even on other craft when switching around. I can work around that one by turning the alarm off, but... Any ideas? I looked over the code and can't figure out why this is happening. To be fair, batteries should probably fail at a higher rate than they do, but right now they are the MOST failure prone. On the flipside, I've experienced zero engine failures, ever.
  21. He's using one of the workarounds posted that hurts performance (either -force-dx12 or -force-opengl) They hurt performance massively though. He must have a heck of a beefy system.
  22. If it's working, why? I mean I guess it depends on how bad your performance is. My modstack runs fine though other than scatterer, and the performance hit is within acceptable. Then again, this is really a personal preference thing. I've always been the "bleeding edge" type. Unfortunate, thanks.
  23. For the record, I forced DX12 with a Radeon 5700 XT and though performance is worse (still playable though), there are no bugs yet. For me it is worth it, but YMMV obviously. DX12 is rough on overlays in general. Also DX12 support on cards varies wildly (you need a pretty new one, honestly for good support). Vulkan, which I am about to mention below, is kinda the same. Though DX12 is Windows 10 only, Linux users may have an additional trick up their sleeve. It looks like the Vulkan renderer may be enabled there. I have no idea how well it works, or if it even will load, but you may give it a try with "-force-vulkan"
  24. Yes, I tested both ways actually (was what I meant by "any mode"). Without the other clutter and mods FPS is playable, but barely (~45FPS near Kerbin). It's best to just disable scatters atm as far as I can tell.
  25. Yeah, I have to turn of terrain scatters to get acceptable performance in any mode, and I'm running a RX 5700 XT, so horsepower isn't the issue. Interesting. Seems it's not just a branded issue then.
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