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Everything posted by R-T-B

  1. If you want a bug free experience, there's no safer way to go. Right now scatterers own terrain shadows glitch out like crazy, I just had to temporarily disable them (they can still be turned back on for testing, but most wouldn't want them) until we can fix them. Glad KSP 1.9 at least offers SOME terrain shadows stock to replace them! But yeah, the best experience will come officially.
  2. Heh, newest release candidate is the best (I think we're at 6 now). Release Candidate is a fancy way of saying beta, and newer = better. We're pretty close to release-grade now. The only buggy thing is terrain shadows. You might want to turn those off (KSP provides it's own anyhow). Just drop the folder in and merge with gamedata like any mod. Delete any old scatterer first though, just to be safe. EDIT: OH! Are you clicking "assets?" Github hides the downloads on prereleases until you click that.
  3. Scatterer in general is a performance hit, but running in DX12 is a far bigger one than scatterer. Doing both is murder on your PC. If you just swap the folders with my builds, and get rid of dx12, I think you'll find it runs far smoother than the old workaround.
  4. Yep. And though I am not officially a member of the Kopernicus team (so I have no say so in this), I can safely say that if I were in charge, Kopernicus would be considered ready. But I'm a more bleeding edge type, so... hehe, I get why they wait. ...Anyways: RC6 is out with the following changes: 1.) OpenGL/dual camera mode support has been restored. That means *nix users can enjoy 1.9 scatterer, now, too. Please specify your OS when posting bug reports, as always. Now new bugs or performance impacts on Windows should result from this. File a report if you find any. Grab at the usual spots: https://github.com/R-T-B/Scatterer/releases or my server: http://glacialsoftware.net/ScattererBuilds/
  5. Astrononmers Visual Pack did most of it. You can find their awesome visual pack around here somewhere. I just integrated a bunch of red-dwarf coloration things into it.
  6. It relies on a Kopernicus patch, and I'm not sure I'm allowed to release an early Kopernicus for 1.9. Got yelled at last time I tried to do that during the 1.8 update, so no, but maybe soon? You can kind of emulate it with scatterer though. Set your sunflare color and it will try to match up the atmopshere a bit. It's a lot of fun, honestly. I do plan to one day release the whole shebang.
  7. Blackrack and I are working on it now. You can test my "earlybird" builds from the link in the OP, keeping in mind they are unofficial and beta. So yes, there'll be one. Likely soon. I just got scatterer's build system to work on both OpenGL and DirectX targets with the same source: Observe these two images of my pretty red dwarf Kerbolar system from the KSC: One is on OpenGL/linux, the other DirectX/windows. Same build, all on 1.9, despite OpenGL and DirectX featuring entirely different camera setups. NIce eh? You can't even tell the difference quality wise, but the bottom one is actually dual camera/opengl, while the top is the new unified camera. It auto sets the mode so you don't have to think about it. So yes *nixites, this means the next RC will probably support you guys too.
  8. Oh, I see! I can look into it for sure, especially if OpenGL is staying that way. I have some ideas of how to do it. I can get you a head start if you'd like. BTW everyone, we rolled back to RC4. This means shadows are back! Why? Because it turns out tweaking the normal bias a bit seems to make them work right. I'd like to test that and see if we can actually keep dem Terrain shadows in scatterer. Please, if you are having shadow issues/flicker with RC4, play with the values at the KSC titled "shadow bias" and see if you can't find a happy spot to make it work (the ones I'm distributing now work pretty well though)
  9. Excellent to have you back, blackrack. My pull request is a bit disorganized (honestly I did not expect it to well... work), but I think you'll probably want it all other than the last commit, which comments out the shadow code. If you can make that work again, I'm all for it! It was just beyond my skills. Ask away, remember: this is still your baby. If anything I did seems wrong, father probably knows best as I was stumbling in the dark a bit. My advice for opengl builds is simple: Use a seperate branch with either a full codebase, or even better, a simple patchset you maintain. That's how I'd tackle it anyhow for the shortterm, unless we don't think they are going to merge cameras on OpenGL soon (I imagine they are, why wouldn't they?) As a resident of Washington State USA, one of the hardest hit states, I feel you. At least I'm rural so lockdown isn't so bad. If you have any questions or concerns, write here or PM me. I have to remote in to work (yes, they still demand digital attendance I guess) so I may take an hour or so to reply, but I will do my best.
  10. We have unofficial builds at the end of the thread that truly work without workarounds on 1.9, but they have a few small bugs (mainly, terrain shadows don't work, but KSP added something like that anyways, so...). They are actually pretty decent quality other than that, if you want to try them until blackrack returns. https://github.com/R-T-B/Scatterer/releases
  11. Unoffical Release 1.2 just dropped: This is a minor bugfix update to the 1.0 unofficial 1.9 release series of Scatterer. To install simply extract to your KSP install. What was changed / added since Unofficial Release 1.1? 1.) Fixed RSS Mode, which was broken by a regression caused by a over-optimistic optimization. Now it works again, and we still have pretty much the same level of optimization for those who don't use it. If you aren't experiencing any of the above bugs, this is a fairly minor release and I'd not worry about it. Usual places: Github: https://github.com/R-T-B/Scatterer/releases My Server: http://glacialsoftware.net/ScattererBuilds/ Thank you all and enjoy! -RTB
  12. Would a fingerprint before and after sucesfully running the patcher on 1.9 help? I found out why my build is working, it's been so long since i compiled it I forgot I updated (and noted!) the fingerprints lol: Straight out of Principia\Principia\astronomy\solar_system_fingerprints.hpp in my build tree: constexpr std::uint64_t KSPStockSystemFingerprint = 0x63A5CF9AAB1676AE; constexpr std::uint64_t KSPStabilizedSystemFingerprint = 0x9DCFF6CCCD13551F; That's for 1.9. Result on fresh game: This is the Jool system retrobop'd after the patcher runs on 1.9, after ~2.5 years max time acceleration, max history shown. My game has been running a similar time with no issues, btw. Seems similar to your analysis: Chaotic but stable. Hope these details are helpful! You can view the complete log here as well: http://glacialsoftware.net/PrincipiaLog.txt
  13. Probably scatterer terrain shadows? Turn them off from the main KSC view if you have them on with the toolbar... or if you have them off, then that's a mystery to me. They should be off right now as they are just buggy enough to work, but mess with you. Besides, stock KSP has basic terrain shadows in the standard settings now anyways, so they sort of aren't needed. The atmosphere transition is because literally the "Far away" space trackingcenter camera and the camera your ship uses are the same now. We have to kind of ease into that new idea graphically speaking, and it's tough to get the transition from "near" to " far" right without two seperate cameras like we had before. It can appear jarring where it tries to switch the clouds over, which is what you are seeing at 200,000m or so. I may try improving that a little later, but not right now, I'm pretty happy with the result as far as being safe enough to use (and yes, I "eat my own dogfood," been playing with this all day lol). I'd say overall though yes, it's a lot better than -force-d3d12, that's for sure! And yes, the unified camera does improve FPS.
  14. There is an experimental build I've been maintaining that supports 1.9. But it's not official, and it has buggy terrain shadows. Other than that, there are performance-hurting workaround options. See the main scatterer thread: My Release candidates for 1.9 (windows/directx only): https://github.com/R-T-B/Scatterer/releases
  15. Would that happen in a save game? If not, I should probably revert and update the fingerprints to force the systemfixup. I don't think it's an issue though: I still have retrobop and the planets/moons have hung around for nearly a game year in Frenet.
  16. Hello all. Another build. RC4 is out. This will probably be my last build until blackrack gets back barring a major buck report. Here's the release log: For DirectX 11 Windows Unified Camera mode only! (ksp default on windows) RC4 is out with the following changes: 1.) Fix a rare cloud-clipping bug at high angles in low atmosphere. Known bugs in this release (Will not fix without PR): 1.) The built in Scatterer shadows are jumpy/buggy, and disabled by default. Despite my best efforts I can only reduce this problem, not eliminate it, so I advise leaving them off. As KSP now provides it's own Terrain shadows, this is not such a big deal (actually, that may even be the source of the bug). The default settings are set to disable scatterer terrain shadows and I do not support changing that at this time. Test and report back. Download at github: https://github.com/R-T-B/Scatterer/releases or from my server (grab the highest number) http://glacialsoftware.net/ScattererBuilds/ Thanks all for the help debugging. It's pretty usable now, minus the shadow glitch noted above, which I consider minor considering KSP implements terrain shadows now.
  17. Seems like that put us on the border of the fix, if not a complete fix. I'll mess with it some more. I need to ensure first it hasn't messed with low altitude transitions (this would occur as "cloud clipping" around 70,000m on Kerbin, you'll know it when you see it). Thank you for testing! This will only help blackrack work on more fun stuff when he gets back. Afterall, I'm just doing an update, he knows the black magic that makes it pretty.
  18. RC3 is out with the following changes: 1.) Adjust the near/far clip plane ratio to attempt to fix near field shadow corruption (flickering and jumping). Please test and report. Also low atmospheric scenes should be tested, as adjusting these clip planes are known to affect low atmospheric flights in bad ways sometimes even if it fixes something else. Links updated in orgin post and at github. Also can grab at the following links (please use the latest and report what version when reporting bugs): Github: https://github.com/R-T-B/Scatterer/releases My Server: http://glacialsoftware.net/ScattererBuilds/
  19. Seems there are still some issues with the near clip plain. That's what causes the shadows glitch (in particular jumpiness). Darn, I thought I had that hammered out. Oh well. I will look into it. Standby for another Release Candidate, until then you can simply disable scatterer shadows and it is less noticeable. Kerbal itself will still do its thing with shadows.
  20. Ok people, I am happy with the state of things with my builds to the point that I feel I can temporarily support them and at least do some ahead-of-time bug gathering for blackrack. I by no-means want to hijack his work. He's still in charge: I just want to help out while he's away. He's free to reject all this later and start over if he wants, but I think we have a quality product here. My beta testers have mainly reported issues with atmospheric transitions and shadow corruption in the near view, which I have been steadily trying to squash. Please pay extra attention to visual defects you may spot in low Kerbin orbit or in near field shadows. I think they are mostly eliminated but we want it just identical to the previous build if possible. I'd like to open it to more testers. With the understanding this is just beta, probably safe (no promises), but certainly not blackrack-release-grade, I am publically releasing my first release candidate. Please post issues here as you please. Github: https://github.com/R-T-B/Scatterer/releases My Server: http://glacialsoftware.net/ScattererBuilds/ Understand, these are unified camera builds. That means they will function in the Windows default mode of DirectX 11 ONLY. No linux/mac builds at this time. Honestly, the old scatterer should work there with my config fix, anyways. If you are on windows, just don't force any weird things like opengl or d3d12 and you'll be fine. Also, with these builds, my config fix is no longer needed. Use normal configs! EDIT: RC2 is out with the following changes: 1.) Rather than statically setting the far clip plane, we set it based on planet radius using a scatterer facility. This seems to not mess with shadows when zoomed out as much as on RC1, and eliminates that bug as far as I can tell. Links updated.
  21. You should not be using OpenGL or anyhting but DirectX 11 with these unified camera builds (this is the default in windows). The old builds should work with OpenGL, in theory, but these will not. I know, it sucks, but squad makes us use effectively two codepaths for OpenGL and DirectX now with the one/two camera system, and I can only personally manage to update this one. As for your other bugs, I have not experienced them but there is an atmosphere transition issue I did see. Please see what happens with a clean install when you get the chance, in DirectX 11 otherwise the report is useless (just remove any commandline things about OpenGL or directX12 and use the included configs in the zip to test). Sorry I can't offer more but I'm doing the best I can with limited resources and understanding of the work here. Also, these builds require no config fixes. They should work with the stock config. The only reason I can think of for that brownish terrain is that you are either using opengl or somehow have a config patch from earlier that is breaking something.
  22. Solar eclipse in 1.9 today. Yes, the water is red. It's because I modded the Sun to be a more system-size acurate red dwarf star (custom work).
  23. PM will be sent in a second. Same basic requests (report bugs to me, don't redistribute etc) Not legally enforcable, just requests.
  24. At this point, I need testers, and I may just give you a binary. PM me for a link with an understanding that I'd rather binaries not be distributed without blackracks expessive permission. I need about oh... say 10 testers to do this right. I have just one now, so 9 seats. PM me to apply. You'll be downloading this on the "pinky swear" promise to report bugs for my pull request to blackrack, and acknowledging they are very beta. Sound good? Current known bugs.) 1.) Engine lighting mods cause weird light and shadow effects on planets, this may not be a scatterer bug at all but it happens with that mod combo. 2.) Nothing else yet? I even got caustics and the old configs working (no config file hackery). PS: If you really want to compile my code, the starting point would be on windows, to download visual studio community edition 2019, and give it the right reference paths to your KSP install. Then, it should just compile.
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