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Neil Kermstrong

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Everything posted by Neil Kermstrong

  1. I saw there's a version of kopernicus for 1.10.1 but iirc it's not stable, and they said it could corrupt the save or something iirc
  2. Ive thought about doing that too, but I'm lazy because I'll also need to get a ore to LF/Oxidizer converter to the station. However, laziness and KSP shouldn't stay in the same sentence
  3. ohh so it isn't replacing directly, but instead removing one to add another. that's pretty cool. i'll see if i can get this mod in my next playthrough. i guess it won't work on pre-made saves (or if it does all my vessels will probably vanish or be destroyed. you replied fast btw, gj
  4. what happens to minmus in this mod? is it left unchanged? or is it deleted from the game?
  5. Oh well, guess I know what is my next tech-tree unlock then I have only launched normal rockets since I started playing this game so now I want to try and build a functional shuttle, it's mainly because I love planes and rockets, but a space shuttle is literally what would come if a rocket and a plane had a baby
  6. This mod looks cool, it's probably great to mix with space telescopes mods like tarsier's technology
  7. Well, the rocket I was using to expand my station was too big and I had some problems handling it (Even when the part I wanted to dock weighted like 12t) I don't even want to imagine how hard it would be to send an entire fuel tank, that weights 36t to the station. However, I just rememberd i have almost 1k of fuel in my station (because of the fuel tanks I used to dock each part of it) so maybe if I managed to send the jumbo successfully, and docked with some fuel from the last stage it would complete the contract Also, I have managed to build a shuttle but for some reason it can't go straight up, every time I launch it the shuttle just points to the ground moments after I launch
  8. Well I know about that but if I only put LF it will have almost no use
  9. Thank you everyone, I am trying too build a space shuttle to do this contract
  10. I got a contract where I need to upgrade my mun space station, and for it I need for it to support 13 kerbals and 4000 total fuel. The crew capacity is fine, but I have no idea on how to complete the fuel one. A fuel tank with almost 3k liquid fuel and 3500 oxidizer has a mass of 36t, I don't have how to launch this thing, its too heavy, and I don't want to launch like 3 or 4 rockets costing >100k each to complete a contract that gives only 288k
  11. This mod looks cool but there should be some kind of cheat maybe to disable and then enable again the signal requirement, bc I have a rover in the mun and can't control it
  12. I've installed toolbarcontroller and now the log's issue seems to be fixed. Also looks like that ball was because of FreeIVA, I removed the mod and it disappeared. maybe that ball was the camera's location when the astronaut leaves the seat. Anyway, thanks for the help
  13. https://www.dropbox.com/s/vzwvhv2f4ahxqob/Player.rar?dl=0 I wonder why this log is WAY larger than the other one I sent to you
  14. I like your idea, but something else I would also like would be cables. I'd love if there was a mod that made all parts that need, stores or generatea energy needing to be connected to the desired part. Ex: connecting a Gigantic XL Solar Array to a Z-1K Rechargeable Battery bank, and connecting the Z-1K to a Probododyne OKTO2. Of course this wouldn't needed if the parts were directly placed one on the other, like placing batteries and a solar panel in a Probododyne probe.
  15. For some reason there is a weird ball that apparently is connected to my kerbals when they go on EVA. I have tested on multiple kerbals and that thing is on everyone of them It's nothing gamebreaking but it is kinda irritating. My modlist: B9PartSwitch CommunityCategoryKit EVAEnhancementsContinued FreeIva HullCameraVDS KAS KerbalEngineer KIS MK!CabinHatch NearFutureProps ScanSat StationsPartExpansionRedux TarsierSpaceTech TextureReplacer ThroughTheEyes ZeroMiniAVC and ModuleManager 4.1.4 I am using game version 1.10.1. Also unrelated: How do I hide my text in this forum? Some times i see some posts where I need to press "Show" to see the text. I want to know bc I want to hide the modlist
  16. Great mod, helped me a lot with crashes and infinite loading screens, thanks god you're a KSP modder, halfthe mods I have are yours Same happens here, but I don't think that's too much to worry about
  17. I just uninstalled ASE and the other sound mod I had (that was made by the same guy and updated for the last time on 2015 I think) and installed your ZeroMiniAVC mod and it seems to have improved, no crashes, no FPS drops, no infinite loading screen and I think my game is running better in general. I'll test it a bit more
  18. I'll try uninstalling some mods then. Sadly I got some vessels with parts from multiple mods so I can't remove them all
  19. It was from a run where my game got an infinite loading when I tried to launch/track a vessel from the tracking station And I thought the ASE was compatible because my friend said there was no problem on using old mods on new versions
  20. Whoops wrong file I am about to give up on dropbox, every link I send doesn't works, doesn't matter whether it's a TXT or a RAR or whatever https://www.dropbox.com/s/xe2sxdzkau32mxi/Player.rar?dl=0 oh ye' gods this link actually worked in my phone, I just had to create a new link for it. i hope it works for you guys too
  21. Yeah the same thing shows up to me. It showed as the full text tho, Dropbox is weird. I'll try
  22. Well it was named player.log so I thought that was the right file, maybe I did something wrong when I posted? Wait what the hell now I opened it on my phone and it indeed only shows two words, in my computer it was a big file well since you can see it, do you see what's wrong? Now I tested my game without mods and it's working just fine
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