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Everything posted by KawaiiLucy

  1. Sarnus is a gas giant, therefore shouldn't have a surface per se. You should be able to get a visual scan tho I think, but biomes and altimeter shouldn't work.
  2. Read the thread title, the latest version ins't compatible with anything below 1.11
  3. Read the Main post, they aren't and probably won't be supported as GU has its own visual pack.
  4. There is no analytic solution to a problem with more than two bodies, all you can do after 2 is computation which is extremely resource intensive. Furthermore the gravitational force is inversally proportional to the square of the distances, so distant objects pull can be neglected. While yes it would lead into more "realism" it takes away the playability of the game as the stock system would highly likely be unstable. Patched conics are literally 2 body motions btw.
  5. Hi! I was wanting to play with the contract pack Bases and stations, but running into a an "issue" I'd like to fix. It uses parameter which is a requirement of a partmodule that has to be unlocked. However I am using the community tech tree and it pushes that one very far back, so I wondered if it would be possible to make an exception to this parameter if ctt is installed, i.e setting it to true or false?
  6. Edit: added an "s" to "KopernicusSolarPanel" as suggested earlier in this thread. The mission now shows up. I'd be interested tho if the issues with newer versions of scansat have been ironed out?
  7. I have never seen them change though, I thought it lists all that are included in the pack, and then makes some available based on rng. I assumed since "launching a space station core" isn't there it was missing?
  8. I have read the faq, but isn't it supposed to show contracts for building space stations too? Or does it still rely on the stock contracts, and then extend the playability of those stations? I have all the requirements by the way, science lab, docking ports and solar panels unlocked and purchased.
  9. I don't know if it's a bug or not, but the science container (using restock) has ~560 units of dark science in it, but there is no slider to adjust it anywhere, nor does it show it in the right click menu.
  10. I am a simple man, I see update, I update. Soo hyped, thanks for another release!
  11. Your craft isn't well built for atmospheric reentry. You need to consider the center of mass for having a stable profile. It should be as close as possible to the heatshield for maximum stability. Your command pod is much heavier than those crew cabins, so put them on top with a nose cone, for the ascent. Next, the thermal rating of the crew cabins isn't as high as the one of the command pod (you can see this in the vab when hovering over the parts), so they are less likely to resist high temperatures. That means either a shallower reentry trajectory ~45km, with multiple passes maybe, or slower descent, engine assisted retro-burn maybe, with a gimbal which can help keep your craft pointing retrograde.
  12. Hi! I just wondered what mod allows the "Landing mode" to work in the IVA screens? Or am I just dumb and need to add cameras? https://imgur.com/a/UBG0D2N
  13. I hope this isn't a feature o.O Btw regarding @eberkain's problem, I think it's due to altitude restrictions, as raising my orbit allowed the use of the 2500 fuel, whereas lower down, the engine didn't ignite.
  14. little bug with the etna: it spawns in boattail configuration although set to compact https://imgur.com/k6qv6hN
  15. Just some feedback for using GU in career mode: I haven't left kerbins SOI, and am receiving contracts to go to glowridge 1618, which is gonna be hard with only 2.5m parts and less than 500k funds
  16. There is a little mistake on Spacedock, the mod is still listed as for KSP 1.10.1 ^^
  17. Hello! I wanted to give designing my own spacesuit(s) a try, but was wondering if the templates of the stock suits were available somewhere, so I would be able to go from there and only modify colors, without having to worry about textures, as I want to keep the stock look. So far I've had no luck searching in the game folders, wondering whether they are available at all?
  18. Check out the DeepFreeze mod, or to stay with USI, the Alcubierre Warp Drive. The first removes the need to supply your Kerbals, and the latter makes interstellar travel close to instantaneous.
  19. Are crafts supposed to disintegrate when running out of exotic matter? been happening to me lately ...
  20. I don't know if it is already known, but some star system have their moons shown as unknown objects, and most of them don't have any at all (presumably because not yet included)
  21. No issues on my side if you include the GC folder in the release. Are the tundra parts currently placeholders for future modules? I really do love the new part artworks!
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