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Everything posted by Its_Marc

  1. Hey, I love your mod and use it often. I gonna ask, is there any chance we could see the N1 first and second stage parts have toggleable interstage trusses? I wanted to use them for a project, but without the truss structure, so was curious if that would or could ever be a possibility.
  2. Oops, I might be at fault for Skylab demise, my bad guys. Joking aside, Jess you nailed the execution of this story beat, really well done. Can’t wait for more of the future antics.
  3. No way, the dream is being chased, who could have seen this coming?!?!
  4. Hype is real, can't wait to play
  5. Is their a way of getting two different textures on the top and bottom of wings like in older versions of Proc wings?
  6. Hey, I read this while I was developing my some heavy SSTOs and its been pretty impactful, but something I've been wondering is how you get the perfect angle, since in the stock game the lowest you can rotate object with the rotate gizmo is 5 degrees on snap, and on the free rotate you cant really figure out exact angles. How did you get your perfect angles to exact degrees?
  7. For some reason this white halo of light is surrounding Kerbin and Laythe while on the map mode and in orbit and I don't know how they appeared or how to turn it back. All the other plants with atmospheres are fine but its just those 2 that have that issue. https://imgur.com/gallery/VLov80C
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