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    Certified Not a Rocket Scientist
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  1. Just redid my ISS craft. I'm always blown away with the quality of the parts in this mod. An absolute joy to work with!
  2. To The Loyal Viewers of The Shuttle Adventures and ISS Adventures Forum Threads: A Reflection - A Message - A Farewell... For Now After watching Kevin Gustafson's excellent ISS series, I had wanted to recreate and document the ISS and the Space Shuttle myself. So I began building the ISS and uploading each little step to reddit. I'd periodically get some reception and I thought it was nice people were equally enthused by my mission as I was. Eventually, the developers of KSP hosted a little interactive thing with an engineer who worked on the International Space Station, members of the subreddit and followers of KSP twitter could submit images of their space station to be selected by the KSP devs and then commented on by the NASA engineer. Somewhat accidentally I had posted an image to the KSP subreddit of STS-133 during the selection period, with the following picture: It was actually an album of 5 images but that's neither here nor there. This was really cool to me! A developer of KSP had thought that my silliness was worth showing to NASA engineers, and they seemed to like my work! This was November 2nd of 2020, or around there, and at this point I was considering joining the forums with a series surrounding the space shuttle and after following @Jay The Amazing Toaster's Kanaawai Ares to Mars thread I knew how I'd want it to look. And in March of 2021 I would, Shuttle Adventures was born. At this point I was a sophomore in high school during quarantine so nothing much was going on and I had all the time in the world. And I did what I loved and that was play KSP (I did in fact keep up with school and friends and whatnot but thats not important to the story). I remember spending the mornings prior to the first post grinding out the crawler way for the pads in KSRSS (There wasn't KSRSS Katniss Cape yet!). KSP between now and then is completely different from then, I remember photon corp was brand new, and I was fiddling around with kerbal konstructs trying to make everything look right. I'd spend evenings looking over documents relevant to missions and planning them out to look as authentic as possible. I fiddled with TUFX (and KS3P gosh it's been a while since that was around) trying to make the pictures look beautiful (KSP screenshots actually got me into photography so thats neat). And then eventually I get a message from a guy on the forum by the name of @lemon cup who expressed interest in the thread and participating. This was quite exciting to me as I hadn't expected someone would want to collaborate in this manner, but I was all in! We planned out what missions we wanted to do and we got after it. Pushing the limits even further. Soon enough I realized I wanted to go all the way with another project, one that overlapped with Shuttle Adventures but would swiftly outgrow it, which would become ISS Adventures. I wanted to document every module, every launch, every crew rotation, every space walk, so it would be a 100% accurate rendition of the ISS in KSP and Lemon Cup was on board. So we got to work, we'd flesh out the station in a join save file we'd pass around and look at the history of the launches and recreate them. It was awesome. July was an awesome time for me to be playing KSP because I had so many missions to do. (Also if anybody knows how to get the clouds to look like that please tell me every other time I've tried to recreate that terminator I've failed and its caused me much grief. Thanks ) We got active and eventually got to around 2006 through the ISS. Our KSP pictures at this point start to look like their contemporary counterparts, katniss cape was being used, textures unlimited were implemented to make certain parts shinty, new high resolution ground textures were employed making the views from space beautiful. Conformal decals were pushed to their limit and part welding was employed, building the station was testing new methods to fiddle with the game (at least for me ) Eventually @D0m1nu2 hopped on the ISS adventures project and we continued work. But life is a bit of a pain and simply got busy. I couldn't afford to work on this project as much as I used to because of school returning to in person. In addition, I became more and more obsessive with the missions and they became increasingly complex as the nature of assembling an orbital laboratory would suggest. I insisted on not compromising on this (specifically Canadarm work god that was a pain) and eventually something that had not occurred in my 5 years of KSP began to manifest: burnout. I wouldn't really want to work on it and school had become quite oppressive. Lots of work and important tests had led to me being drained and not wanting to do research on space missions. I still followed the forums seeing what had gone on while I had grinded away with academics but work on the project was not really happening. We had all gotten busy and it was no longer really. practical work on it. Eventually when I entered my senior year I thought I could work on this again a lot more but I had a lot of work to do with college prep and a rather difficult roster of classes to keep up with (more than I had dealt with in the past that's for sure) so that was out of the question (P.S. I don’t want this to sound like oh boo hoo whoa is me, I was goober who wanted to sign up for hard classes and I knew what I was doing). I made a couple of posts here and there about ideas I wanted to do but I never really got around to them. School ramped up all the way until May after which I graduated, and prepared for college over this very summer. Eventually I was A) not burnt out and B) Had Free Time! and that leads me to today, I will go off to college soon and I'm not in a position to bring my machine that I use to play KSP with me at this time (nor should I because this is an important time) so this will likely be the final post for a while here by me, which brings me to a point that I'd like to invite people to contribute to this thread. Complete missions and post them here! I'll be watching and interacting the forums so you best believe I'll be here. Finally I'd like to thank some people who've been influential to me or I may have inspired : @lemon cup: Who knew how far we'd go when you first inquired about joining this thread. You really pushed the limits on what the Space Shuttle could look like. I remember looking at your custom external tank and seeing the detail and being really impressed. Then you managed to make the SRB waterfall configs when I couldn't, gosh they were amazing when we first played with them. They still are! And the toasted Discovery, you really brought KSP alive with that. Thank you for reaching out to me about this thread and participating, it would be nothing like it is now without your help and contribution. @D0m1nu2: You were a great help with the International Space Station, you found inconsistencies that I couldn't see. Your missions were lovely with wonderful details about crew activity and general procedure aboard the station. Your insights about the ISS were invaluable. Thank you very much for being a part of the team! @Beccab: I remember first seeing your work in the BDB thread and then you popped up in here. Your work was impeccable, finding old documents and concepts and bringing them to life in game. Your rendition of the Dual Keel was great. I cant believe you were able to belt out so many wonderful missions so quickly, and with such detail. Thank you for participating in the thread. @Jay The Amazing Toaster: You were my greatest inspiration for this thread's existence. I always looked forward to your installments of Kanawai. As a Constellation fan myself you've done a great job with it! I can't wait to see the MTV! I'm excited to see what comes of Kerbal Community Payloads. You best believe I'll have a mission for you (It's cool that I 'm credited for inspiring KCP the cycle continues I suppose ). Thank you for inspiring this thread. @Jacktical: Your missions in the thread were great. Space Station Freedom and Kratos were great threads while they lasted (I loved the little power module in SSF that they would use to keep the station alive before it got more built out!). Your TUFX configs are wonderful. For the Shuttle TUFX configs each one suits its appropriate orbiter perfectly if you ask me. I see your stuff periodically in the community discord and it's always breathtaking. Thank you for being a part of this thread and I'm sorry ISS Adventures lost the momentum before you could take part. Perhaps in the future I suppose. @AmateurAstronaut1969: I'm glad to have been an inspiration for your recreation of ETS's Space Station Freedom. I always looked forward to that thread and its updates and I'm glad after its completion you ventured to the ETS Artemis Program. I've been looking out for your stuff in the community discord and it's been sweet. And Lastly thank you for your mission with Space Station Enterprise. It was a fantastic mission with a concept that I personally love, you really did it justice. Thank you for participating in the thread. @TruthfulGnome: No Shortage of Dreams was a fantastic series about STS and Skylab. It was beautiful and I'm glad I was able to be an inspiration. I see your stuff in the community discord and I love looking at what you're working on. It always looks great. @Talverd: I'm glad the threads inspired Chasing Dreams. You really fleshed out a sweet universe and the way you fiddled with conformal decals was insane, your craft (both spacecraft and design of the series) was seriously great. I see your stuff in the community discord (obviously ) and it's always great to see. @Aviation365: You were the first person I ever saw with waterfall plumes on your SRBs and that's what got myself and in turn lemon crazy about working on making some for ourselves. You really pushed KSP forward with that one element. Go At Throttle Up was a wonderful series and I always looked forward to the next installment. @Spaceman.Spiff: You were there from the very beginning always interacting with the thread! Thank you for the support early on in the thread. It meant a lot to me. @benjee10: It is your mods that made these threads work and look so good. Uncompromising detail on the part front (thanks to you) made it possible for us to take the missions to that level as well. SOCK ReDirect and Habtech made these threads what they are and without them, I'm not sure I would've made these threads at all. Your mods are among the gold standard for ksp and likely for modding video games in general. Your work is something to be immensely proud of and I am grateful for the privilege to have been able to fiddle around with them. Thank you very much. @tony48 @ballisticfox0 and the KSRSS team: I thought nothing would take me away from JNSQ but when I saw KSRSS I knew immediately I would switch, like comically quickly. Wasn't even a question. KSRSS is what kept these threads grounded, well, in reality. Being able to look down from orbit and see the general location of my house was something cool, and to let other viewers see their homes was an element of realism that I deeply appreciate, thank you very much for curating this wonderful mod, never before has the ground looked so good! (P.S. Fox your TUFX configs are to die for) @Beale: If it was Russian, you had it. I remember when I first started playing KSP I didn't have a good idea of what Mir looked like and I didn't really care to check or learn. I had thought, oh well its an old mess in LEO cause the Russians couldn't land on the moon. But when I started making it for Shuttle Adventures I fell in love with it. I will never beat out the glory of the ISS but Skylab has a tough fight for second place . Thank you for taking such care with such an all encompassing mod. @MATVEICH_YT @Invaderchaos and @Arthurism: for SPDS, SOCK Recolored and SOCK Repainted respectively. These mods brought so much more detail and so many more mission options to do with higher accuracy than ever before. These mods made my quest for accuracy so much easier with zero compromise to looks. Thank you all for your time. And finally I'd like to thank those I didn't mention directly. It's been a while so forgive my ignorance if I'm forgetting anybody, but if you see your work in here whether it be a mod or a suggestion to me or a report, know I am most grateful for your contribution to this thread. It's been a wild ride and I'm glad I rode it. I sincerely hope this is not the end, in fact I'd bet it isn't but It'll be a little while before it gets exciting because of me. Thank you very much for everything. This forum and its members have treated me with nothing but kindness and I sincerely hope you liked reading and looking at what I posted over my threads. I remember talking to Lemon about how many new mission report threads popped up with this as an inspiration. I never imagined this would've inspired so many people. Should any of you need (or want) to reach out to me, you can find my discord in my profile. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. - Kuiper Belt
  3. That would be the conformal decals text decal. I think it was with helvitica font, im not sure if I bolded it or not. Just adjust it untill it looks about right . As for the reverse flags, ms paint has your back!
  4. I still plan to work on it however I’ve been swamped with work as of late… That would be KK’s SpaceX pack. It comes with all sorts of cool stuff!
  5. The procedural wings, the shaders, the visuals, the new parts! So much to love and be excited for!
  6. In those photos its actually the braking ground dlc however for static usecases I believe they are fuel lines from module launch padshowever I would need to double check on that. If I were you I'd go with breaking ground for the functionality, since we're going for the looks . Hope this helps!
  7. I was aware of the propper arrangement, it seems that it just slipped out of my mind to make the adjustment to the craft! Thank you for bringing this to my attention! They are home grown by @lemon cup however if you download magpie mods and prune it just right you can get the same visual effect really quickly! As to whether my computer is a super computer or not, it is pretty cracked, I'm running a 4080 and 13700KS. However there are some welded parts abord, but they dont really do much to the frame rate from my testing, however if you are aware of a part welding method available to the public that does substantially improve framerates I would love to be enlightened. I am always loooking for a higher frame rate (hence the money pit of a computer). Thank you very much! With KSP 2 just around the corner what else do you have planned for HabTech? With radial attachment points not being possible on the SAWs how do you pan on doing the iROSAs? And, if you've got room on the to do list, individual space shuttle trunion pins, reaction wheels, and radiators would be greatly appreciated for additional detailing. I'd like to thank you for putting in all this time into this wonderful mod. It's among the most legendary mods made for this game and is a must have in any modded playthrough. I remember it like it was yesterday being mentioned by NASA on reddit because of a post I had made during the Crewed 20 Year Aniversery AMA and without this mod I would have never been in such a position. Thank you for investing your time into this wonderful mod, its deeply apporeciated by myself and the community!
  8. NEW TOYS! Now some squares: Now back to widescreen! Absolutly Beautiful parts by Invader and Estreet! I can't wait to play with these! Some Additional Updates.... As of late, a lot of things have changed! New parts have been released for Habtech adding fresh parts to play around with for ISS Adventures which has been quite nice, Some pictures of these new parts will be spread throughout this post. As well as that we have the wonderful new External tank to play with from ORANGES! In addition to this, I have finally built myself a new computer, resulting in a better performing KSP to play in, which not only is great for carrying out the missions themselves, but recording them... I've been wanting to record a Space Shuttle mission for quite some time, practically since the inception of the thread, and I finally belive I am in a position to do it. All of my screenshots thusfar have been 1440p, and it is now plausable for me to be able to record a video at such a resolution at a reasonable frame rates! I'm excited to venture in this territory! I'll likely give it a testaroo with a short mission montage before I do the real thing. New things are Coming SoonTM!
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