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Posts posted by Pouicpouic

  1. On 5/29/2024 at 11:02 AM, Ianwubby said:

    and do a completely aquatic eve circumnavigation instead of doing part of the trip on land.

    Hi ! -->  @MythicalHeFF did a totally aquatic circumnavigation of Eve, if I remember correctly. (see just 1 or 2 pages before the link below)

    Edit : My memory isn't good, he passed over strips of land, so it wasn't all water. (page 7)

    On 5/29/2024 at 11:02 AM, Ianwubby said:

    So I just can't find a way to get propellers underground, which makes the whole plan kinda not work at all

    If you look at the details of my circumnavigation of Eve, you'll see that it's possible to pass under the South Pole while floating on the Explodium Sea without using a glitch. I'm not sure if this will help you, but there was no problem with the propellers, even underground.


    Haven't posted anything here for a while, but I haven't given up on my ‘one launch, all biomes, all circumnavigations’ saga: the craft is up and running and I'm taking my time, with breaks that can last for months.
    I'm currently at the end of Laythe's circumnavigation, having completed Kerbin, Minmus, Mun, Duna and Ike, and got 71 biomes so far, or about 48% of the total.







    In the meantime I've also circumnavigated Kerbin in 5h34 IGT (new world record ^^ sorry MythicalHeff) and lots of other things: KSP is the best game. ;)




  2. 2 hours ago, RoninFrog said:

    One issue I do see is that I use the same propellors for land, and I can't really shut them off immediately when I unintentionally go airborne (which happens a lot; I usually travel at 60-80 m/s), so they still generate thrust during a jump. 

    If you hold down the brake shortcut ("B" by default I think) it cuts the rotor immediately.
    You can also use a kal1000 to reduce the angle of the blades : if it's well adjusted, braking is even more important than cutting the rotor with "B".

    2 hours ago, 18Watt said:

    What music is that?

    I always use royalty-free music from the Youtube library. This one is called "Six seasons" by the artist "Unicorn Heads".  :cool:

  3. 22 hours ago, RoninFrog said:

    When it's on the water, the back half actually uses elevons to hover slightly off the surface with only the front pontoons in the water.  This greatly reduces drag and makes the boat much faster.

    Horizontally placed elevons are at the limit of the rules for this challenge as are all surfaces that generate substantial lift --> it gives an upward thrust in case of a jump, which is forbidden (if there is an atmosphere of course)
    --> But I don't think it's specifically forbidden to have these parts, never asked @18Watt about this. (maybe there are already crafts with lift-generating parts in the leaderboards)

    I tried several configurations with hinges to go on water, but never had a very satisfying craft --> 70+m/s is already more than enough to circumnavigate Kerbin in a short time ! ;)

    22 hours ago, kspfreak said:

    are we allowed to modify non-critical parts of our vessel (such as science experiments or power sources) with EVA construction, or would that violate rule 6 of the challenge?

    I think it's allowed for science but im not sure about power sources. Everything is allowed for SCIENCE !! :D

  4. Hello adventurers!

    Despite a "Grand Master" badge and already at least 400h of play on this challenge, I still love driving rovers in KSP, and also spending hours testing stuff ;)

    And I discovered Parallax... since then I don't want to launch KSP without it.

    I'll let you discover the goal of my next 400h mission in this challenge (in video). Mission that I already started 5 days ago, but (this time) I had to be sure of my move at least for the 1st critical step ;)

    Wish me good luck. :confused:


    Here are some screenshots
    Parallax offers us 2 more biomes for Kerbin : "Cold Shore" and "Cold ocean". So 11 Stock biomes and 2 parallax biomes for 13 crew reports on Kerbin (they are all stored in the rover science container --> goal 146 crew reports at the end)

    Circumnavigation Map :?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Lett



    Shores :


    Grasslands :


    Mountains :


    Deserts :


    Water :




    Ice Caps :


    Tundra :



    Northern Ice Shelf:


    Badlands :


    Southern Ice shelf:


    Bonus Cold Shore:


    Bonus The Cold Ocean:


    Enjoy :








    To Be Continued...

    All screens : https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198022663037/screenshots/?appid=220200&sort=newestfirst&browsefilter=myfiles&view=imagewall

  5. Hmmmm, forgot to post here the video of my second circumnavigation of Duna a month ago. After a impressive 8h15 IGT around the Mun, here is Duna in less than 9h IGT!

    To clarify, I am sure I'll do another Mun circumnavigation one day, but never again at this speed on Duna... In my head I had calculated that it was possible to do it in less than 9 hours, so I tried it, but it's one of the least interesting so far: at this speed, it's impossible to do routing, impossible to look at the landscape, you have to be constantly aware of your speed in relation to the jump you're going to make on the next dune. it's really boring and exhausting: I don't recommend it to anyone. :D

  6. 7 hours ago, Icky said:

    what kind of speeds were you cruising at on kerbin?


    In the meadows my cruising speed is above 90m/s without taking any risks. If it's really flat, It cap at 160m/s near the KSC and 135m/s at the poles. (Here we are talking about speeds reached with the propellers).

    For the jumps, the most important thing is the relative vertical speed, but it's hard to give precise values here, it's mostly up to experience. The wheels or the rover are destroyed when the relative vertical speed of the impact exceeds 18-20m/s in general. For my PB at 162+ on tylo, I'm at more than 50m/s of vertical velocity but the slope is very steep, so compared to the ground my relative vertical velocity is not necessarily destructive --> you can see a force of "only" 6.2G maximum on the F3 box after the attempt. These wheels can withstand impacts up to 7G in most cases.


    Look at my first memorable jump recorded on the mun almost 3 years ago: my vertical impact speed is about 50m/s (i think) but no wheels are broken (the explosions are only small structural parts and the headlights)

    Since this rover, I think I must have improved the robustness of my crafts by 10% with the tips given in my previous comment. ;)

  7. 4 hours ago, Nazalassa said:

    Just a question: How did you manage to get 162+ m/s with wheels that can only go up to 57 m/s?

    more than 3000meters downhill : it helps a lot ;)

    I haven't recorded a video on tylo yet, but it's similar to the 85m/s run on eeloo :


    --> It is not necessarily difficult to reach high speeds: but the rover must remain in one piece...


    all the tips I use to improve robustness:
    - autostruts on the main parts
    - COM as low as possible
    - 4 different wheel settings (per axle) - only the front axle is directional - specific settings for each axle for traction, friction and braking (depending on the CB)
    - wheels are all removed from the symmetry

  8. Hello and Merry Christmas to all the brave circumnavigators!

    A short video that summarises my last kerbin ground circumnavigation (with a new rover optimised like never before) --> my old graphics card doesn't support the maximum parallax quality and to make matters worse youtube degrades the overall quality... sad

    And for those who remember, I said I would come back on Tylo to break 150m/s (without propulsion other than wheels and without damage): done, 162.5+, new PB :)  (175 displayed on the F3 info) on the 2nd attempt ;)




    why so much difference in quality between a screenshot and the youtube video...??

    See you soon, happy end of year celebrations !

  9. On 8/19/2022 at 11:11 PM, Jack Joseph Kerman said:

    Average speed: 170.8 m/s

    On 8/26/2022 at 12:23 PM, Pouicpouic said:

    Raw average 3770km : 174.5m/s

    My apologies for these errors... You have to tell me when I am wrong!

    There was a conversion error in my spreadsheet: division by 84600 instead of 86400... I am so stupid, sorry.

    So here is the updated version for Kerbin :


    *Estimated times from your screenshots --> if you can get a more accurate value I will update.

    A recap for the Mun? Yaya :


    (Sorted here by time and not by date)

    @18Watt : I know that these "speedruns" are against the spirit of the main challenge, so, if you want I can create a new topic instead of posting here?  I don't want it to bother you, and I don't want it to repel newcomers. Just tell me.

  10. We had to find a way! :D

    We couldn't stay there forever without being able to drive at night! (Stock)
    So, once again, here is an "unexpected" rover:
    Aka "Eyestalk"


    I love my rovers for this challenge : they are so ugly ;)

    It had to be tested in the most beautiful way, on my favourite CB : Mun ! oh Yeah !


    (After providing a satisfactory network of 6 relays for a good Kerbnet access in this new game) Let's go


    Don't ask why but i had better rocket control without fairing...


    Landed on the night side to split my night driving into 2 phases.


    Circumnavigation :


    Starting Day 6, 5h 44 at 0°43 N ; 82°43 W


    Forgot to plant a flag... the target will be the empty tank that I leave on the ground

    Video of the night session n°1 (Bad routing...)

    Sun rising, canyon

    Day session, jumps, fails

    All markers at 30 minutes interval (kal 1800s looped) / So here is 2hours :


    My daytime driving was really fast, I just lost time fixing some wheels and over-braking  for a couple of craters.



    4h, more than halfway, but a big night session is coming



    New PB for the Mun: 75,5m/s no damage


    5h30, already at night, no more direct routing, only kerbnet help a bit. I was 90% of the time between 0.5°N and 0.5°S but sometimes I made detours up to 3° from the equator


    This 2nd night session is endless, I lose a bit of rhythm at the end... 7h :


    Finally we are getting closer!


    8h, only some km left


    only 12 kits left! I have repaired 10 wheels :)  I really had no luck with the terrain elements (rocks and craters Breaking Ground) --> I crashed at least six times, with systematically broken wheels.


    Crossed 82°43W Day 8 ; 1h 59



    Circumnavigation done in 8h15min IGT, 42.3 m/s raw average speed (1257km) !

    That was a really decent run, this one should be much much harder to bring down. No major technical improvement seems possible, it's all about routing, piloting and knowing your rover. :cool: You will need to attack attack attack !! :D

    PS : I love the Mun ! :heart_eyes:

  11. 7 hours ago, Jack Joseph Kerman said:

    it's my first serious attempt at making a video

    For a first serious attempt it's a great success! I watched it twice from start to finish with a big smile :cool:

    4 hours ago, Jack Joseph Kerman said:

    putting it together took about a week or so

    Yep, editing videos is very time consuming... I never managed to find a proper rhythm and am never satisfied with the result. But it's definitely better than screenshots!

    I never tire of rereading/reviewing our adventures "together" and I hope they will continue for a long time! You've given me a new taste for life with all this. I'm serious, you are great people ! TY! @18Watt @Jack Joseph Kerman @damerell ;)

  12. On 6/23/2022 at 8:47 AM, imcute said:

    i dont have enough patience to redo it

    Same for me: I had a 156kg craft (Powered by ladder-drive exploit without kal) but I wouldn't have the patience to do the Grand Tour again... ;) Moreover, I haven't tested it since KSP1.7 or 1.8, so I don't know if this exploit still works today... :/  --> If anyone wants to try, all parts are visible (1x ladder, 1x octo2, 1x small solar, 1x small reaction wheel, 1x control seat, 1x cubic structural block and 1x 100EC battery)

    It takes only 40 minutes to orbit Eve :D Note that the control seat was broken when I got out of the water, so the grand tour was no longer possible after that.

  13. On 8/19/2022 at 11:11 PM, Jack Joseph Kerman said:

    KELP-182 "Lightning"

    Beautiful craft ! Awesome run ! In the footsteps of "Spirit of Australia", the speed record holder on the water (IRL, 142m/s official, with a peak speed of 555 km/h - 154m/s - 345 mph - 300 kn) ! ;)

    On 8/19/2022 at 11:11 PM, Jack Joseph Kerman said:

    I was really aiming for was to finish in less than 6 hours. I'm almost sure that this was due to my route not being 100% optimal

    No doubt that by following a perfect route the sub-6 hour mark was a reality!

    On 8/19/2022 at 11:11 PM, Jack Joseph Kerman said:

    Average speed: 170.8 m/s

    Raw average 3770km : 174.5m/s


    On 8/19/2022 at 11:11 PM, Jack Joseph Kerman said:

    I'm planning on making a YouTube video about this adventure and its hopefully more successful successor, as well as the development and design process of the vehicle and the sort of "competition" that's been going on here lately

    That would be really great! If you need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask.

  14. Mission to Laythe with "The Kraken's Breath"

    This is the penultimate missing circumnavigation for me (Laythe by sea)



    KSC - Laythe :




    First stage dropped


    Leaving Kerbin...


    ...for the joolian system. Tylo assist as usual


    dropped last stage in suborbital traj, no more fuel now


    so beautiful


    11m/s a bit fast, need to activate the propellers






    Starting D235 03h34 at 2°09 S / 19°19 W


    Let's start gently


    +200m/s but im not at max power, just didn't want to reload because of my greed for speed. At this speed, i guess the frontal nose cones won't last long :)



    Almost 1h - back in the northern hemisphere (My journey is going to be mostly south, so if I cross the equator twice to the north on each side of the planet, I would be sure to have covered a distance greater than the perimeter)


    Lost Kerbnet access (as usual :D) - but only 20 minutes


    First stop, i close the game for tonight.


    Let's go, frontal nose cones are still alive... it's time to push now :D

    let's see what you're made of "Kraken's Breath" !


    1h30 (oh yeah 222m/s ! - It shakes on all sides! So much so that it makes me nauseous :/)



    2h10 (half the journey is over)



    3h - approaching my second break



    Break next to one of my masterpieces. It reminds me of the good old days, when I allowed myself to play at less than 10FPS. :cool:

    Here is "Laythe Triforce". So majestic, I loved this project !





    Triforce because there is the helicopter and a submarine hidden in a cargo bay.

    launch of this monster in video : https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1199631729

    Ok guys, the break is over, let's cross the great ocean of laythe and go back to northern hemisphere.





    almost 4h


    only some km left (need to cross 19°19W)


    line crossed Day236 - 1h48


    Circumnavigation done in 4h14 min ! Raw average speed : 206m/s :D


    The Kraken's Breath :

    6 medium rotors, 24 blades each, 48 RTG... And the most important : tentacles :cool:


    Now let's see if this craft can survive Eve or if I need to make some changes.

  15. On 7/16/2022 at 6:29 PM, marcu said:

    I have not found a simple way to balance rockets. like real world missions launch asymmetric crafts

    They are many ways to balance rockets, and therefore to launch asymmetric craft without any mods


    Some examples all launched from the KSC

    landed this on laythe sea?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Lett

    Hanging this in the Dres canyon


    This on Duna


    This masterpiece on Vall (300t totally asymmetrical)


    This madness on eeloo (There were 3 different thrust centres on this craft, each for a phase of flight)


    Like The Aziz said :

    On 7/18/2022 at 2:20 AM, The Aziz said:

    there are overlays in VAB showing thrust direction and center of mass

    You should use these guidelines to build your project:
    - align the COT (centre of thrust) with the COM (and do not try to do the opposite...)
    - have an aerodynamic vector under the COM (or at the back if it's a plane)
    - Plan for each phase of flight where your COM will be and therefore plan either a different thruster setting or a dedicated stage with other thrusters

    Note: indications are also visible in EVA construction mode.

    On 7/16/2022 at 6:29 PM, marcu said:

    but that is nearly impossible manually

    It's possible but I advise it as a last resort because it's the most hazardous choice :cool:

    On 7/16/2022 at 6:29 PM, marcu said:

    rovers are insanely irrealistic and a major part of the game. while I know gravities are different and on low gravity planets wheels are not working like on earth, they aren't working like in ksp either, its near impossible to control them

    I just finished an Elcano Grand Tour with a single rover, witch means i circumnavigated all body in the kerbol system (28 000km with a single rover at 50m/s average speed)

    I bet all my money that you don't respect the essential rules of construction for a rover. :/
    I bet 1 trillion kerbucks that your navball is looking skyward, that your SAS is not in "SAS only" mode and that your wheels are in the default setting.

    Page 6 (i think) I have left all the tips I use for rovers.

    On 7/16/2022 at 6:29 PM, marcu said:

    but its annoying when you are trying to do an actual more complex mission

    Yes KSP is a difficult game, you have to learn from your mistakes and persevere to end up doing everything you want. ;)

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