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Everything posted by tupidfp

  1. Hello, is there any fix or workaround on the issue of statics "moving" when on rails? Like i'll plop everything and i'll make every static be on the same height relative to one another, then i fly away and when i come back, some statics have shifted, some are slightly higher or lower and there's bumps everywhere... Using Kerbinside Remastered. In any case, thanks in advance
  2. I'm using Kerbinside Remastered. Is there any fix or workaround on the issue of statics "moving" when on rails? Like i'll plop everything and i'll make every static be on the same height relative to one another, then i fly away and when i come back, some statics have shifted, some are slightly higher or lower and there's bumps everywhere... In any case, thanks in advance
  3. Well... Thats unfortunate... But it is what it is Anything on this?
  4. So huh... Please pardon me, i hate being that guy but... Is there an update on the horizon for this mod? It works and all, but i'm curious if anything new is coming in a foreseeable future, no pressure. And while we're at that, is there any fix or workaround on the issue of statics "moving" when on rails? Like i'll plop everything and i'll make every static be on the same level, then i fly away and come back, some statics have shifted, some are slightly higher or lower and there's bumps everywhere... This might be more of a KK issue but if some light could be shed i'd be glad, thanks in advance
  5. I'm talking about when you plop 2 statics (ex: a SPH and a runway next to it) and you cant precisely put both at the same altitude in a way that the spot where they touch is perfectly level. There will likely be a small slope when driving from the SPH's surface to the runway surface, or vice versa, because one is slighly higher than the other. I try to mitigate this by tuning both statics altitude to the third decimal but the object "skips" some values and then moves abruptly (ex.: Starting at 10m, then tuning it for 9.9, 9.8, etc... But the static remains in place until the number is some rounded value like 9.0. Then it descends a bit) All in all i find it very difficult to create a base with a number of statics when its so hard to align their surfaces, but i'm wondering if theres a way around it or if its simply how things are...
  6. Hello, I've been using KK for a while but never got around asking questions so please forgive me for this: Is there a way to properly align statics in a way that prevents slopes between then from forming? Tried fine tuning their altitude but it seens they "jump" on fixed values rather than going up and down smoothly Is this fixable or something i need to live with? No problem either way, just want to know so i can adapt myself
  7. Hum, sorry to ask, but among the "new runways" realm of possibilities, is there any chance of a flat version of the loooongest 4k km runway? Or a curved taxiway that fits it, its hard to use current taxiways with it as they're all flat compared...
  8. Unfortunately, none of the mentioned packs has what i want... Do you know this long parallel taxiway that comes with KSR? What i want is it in a single piece, without the entry/exit mini-taxiways, also those as separate pieces so i can have more than 3 entries, or closely placed runways with a single, non overlapping parallel taxiway between then... Things like that. I suppose those could come with KSR given time, if Eskandare keeps developing (even at their own pace), so i guess i'll wait a bit more. If you guys know a workaround to what i intend to do using other packs, please let me know
  9. Nope, couldnt find then, can you point me in the right direction?
  10. I see... Well, i was looking for some more taxiway pieces for a project i'm making, current ones are not very flexible. I suppose i'll wait.
  11. You mentioned a Discord. Is there a link for it? Or is it the one we are already in?
  12. Uh, you said before that Taythe was reserved for something in the future.... Is this it?
  13. Indeed. Though i'm very tempted at starting a save on Blalo with the new homeswitch. Either way I'll have to take my time making airports for all of then tho
  14. Sorry, another question: Are the KSC's, both in Blalo and "new" Kerbin, still located in the equator? Or did you guys change it's position for an additional challenge?
  15. Oh yes, the homeswitch! Its the second most anticipated thing for me (first is the actual home system). Good job!
  16. So, to see if i got all your posts straight: The current version is not working with 1.8/1.9 yet, but an update is on the way, is that correct?
  17. Ok thank you! Also, with the absence of The All to make everything orbit around it (not the Kerbol), any star systems will still orbit Kerbin's Sun, correct? And is there a plan to release a flat map of the planets, preferably with coordinates (not needed), so we can build bases and whatnot on then on precise locations? Something like Kerbal Maps or just a flat biome map or something that we could plan upon? Forgot to ask these on the first post, sorry...
  18. Nice work on GU so far (and also on KSS in the past). It seens the optional home system will be launched as 2 packages? If yes, will we be able to use only the "outer" system along with the stock one? Also, in the past you guys put an alternate Kerbin on KSS, and then the option to revert to original Kerbin WITH the other custom home planets. Will this still apply, or is this philosophy long gone? (Just trying to solve some questions i have, not asking you guys to go out of your way, in any way. Thank you) EDIT: Spell check
  19. So a few months ago i asked if it was possible to use your already released GU system as the home system by using IC's homeworld switch, and this quote was your response. Are we actually able to use GU as the home system somehow?
  20. Nice, and those will be packaged separately? (Seens that way). In this case it would open up the possibility for something similar on other systems made by you guys, like an "optional" pack with outer planets and minor features (comets, for example)
  21. Interesting, two terrestrial (kerbial?) planets close to ane another... Makes for some nice roleplay with planetary factions and stuff Are you also making an "outer" system? I mean, the home system will still be substantially "larger" than the others?
  22. The new homeworld looks great! Can't wait for the new home system (It's actually what i'm hype-ing the most from Galaxies Unbound)
  23. What i did was to edit the node ingame with NodeHelper and type the given coordinates directly to the part.cfg (3 stock fuel tanks). The mod didnt generate any file whatsoever, or at least i coudnt find any (neither in squad/parts folders or the mod folder). So i edited the cfg directly and the new coordinates are there, in the cfg, but nothing changes ingame, so either stock parts can't be edited, or i'm doing something severely wrong...
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