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Everything posted by Redneck

  1. i wanna know who made the call that the game was ready for release when it clearly was not and nothing more than a buggy demo pre alpha game.
  2. @Nate SimpsonTHATS how you do a update! No PR bs just straight to the point communication. Thats all we ask. Im still a lil liquided about releasing the game in this condition and at a $50 pricetag BUT at least now we know the what and why is being worked on along with the results even if not conclusive. This is all we ask. Thank you for this
  3. yeah now that they have our money
  4. Dude! But that was one of the main reasons ksp was so successful back in the day! How dare you sir mock the hayday of ksp 1 thats just….just unkerbalish :-) i wanna get that ksp 1 magic back! Those were great times
  5. Thats fine disagreeing is ok no harm no foul. No offense taken What i meant was after reentry and iva but before science i would like to see some unity tools and api. When the basic foundation of game is complete imo before science
  6. Modding tools those kinds of things. Yes there are mods but they are limited
  7. @Nate Simpsonat least open up the game to modding before science and after reentry. Modders came through before for ksp1 no reason that cant happen again.
  8. 3 all at the same time. passed 2 out to friends. Had one friend come all the way from Wisconsin to Texas to be here on launch day and yeah we knew about EA but damn man we expected the game to at least work! 2 brand new rigs 13900k with 3070's
  9. Dude! We paid $50.00 for this! I paid $15.00 for ksp 1 and it had modding! THATS the difference! And i bought 3 copies of this Piece of garbage. Im sorry, but, they straight up ripped us off! What i would personally like to see is them bring back Harvester (creator of ksp 1) in some form or capacity if even as a consultant. If i knew they did that then i would have more confidence about this game and its future
  10. They knew the game was not ready or even close to being ready. Why did they still charge $50 ? Who made that call? Who made the call that the game was ready enough even though bugs and errors were in plain sight? Why are there no refunds being issued? I want mine refunded and I bought 3 copies!!!!! This game is going nowhere and im tired of being BS'd!
  11. Thanks thats all i wanted to know. Ill leave you to it.
  12. why are you doing it ? Just out of curiosity? Why instead of building say.... a space station, or going to the furthest planet for example or rescuing a kerbal? Why this? just curious
  13. i am aware. If thats your thing then by all means you do you!
  14. let me get this straight......so we have a game building planes and rockets yet whats being celebrated is building "capybaras". Am I the only one that realizes that they are building animal creatures in what is supposed to be a rocket/plane building orbital mechanics, learning about space, game? People are building animals in your game instead of rockets or planes. Think about that for just one second @Nate Simpson. Have you ever stopped to think why? Because they are being creative? Ok ill give you that nothing wrong with that. But what is the other reason nate? Tell me why did people spend $50 dollars? to build "capybaras" ? This is truly sad! You still think the game is ready for release nate? This thread is just downright insulting.
  15. yeah umm...Multiplayer ready yet? is anything ready yet?
  16. Its like having a car with no tires. If only i had the tires. If only we had a lil mini update fir reentry it would be better than driving on the rims
  17. i know right? who would of thunk it? I mean who in their right mind would do that? Oh thats right KSP1 did that. i paid like $15 in 2011. It was basic but it worked at least oh and hey....It had modding from the get go!
  18. OR.....they could of released the game without the obvious bugs that everybody on the team knew were there and were obvious but they chose to release anyways at top dollar prices i may add. We would prolly be further along in the development roadmap by now. And all these complaints prolly wouldn't be as big an issue as they are now. But i know that just makes to much sense.........SMH
  19. hey thats great @Nate SimpsonIm glad we paid your light bills and we were able to do our part! How about you guys do your part and give us a game that works!
  20. Finally, Someone is listening and responding. Thank you @Darrin Ho7 keep the communication flowing
  21. i get it. but lets stay focused on facts. The dev that created this thread, from his post, seems like a straight up guy. Lets see if someone is willing to put on the big-boy pants, step up to the plate, go to his/her superiors get permission or whatever they have to do to stay in compliance with NDA and give us a simple answer.
  22. wait....no..The question was to IG and the devs and the employees who know. Sorry but i will not accept or respond to any further "opinions." Im asking the devs directly to address this question. No disrespect to you personally or intended. But this needs to get resolved
  23. yeah i just went back reading the posts and i got to admit...guru DID give them that exactly what they asked for. WTH devs?
  24. i think where the criticism begins is with IG having a QA team and the game released in the condition it was with basic things not working is where the trolling starts. I'll admit i was one of those people who was like "what the hell is this?" "QA approved this?" when i first tried the game. Reading things nate said that "productivity was suffering because the devs are busy playing the game". And i think to myself...all these people playing the game before release and nobody noticed this bug or that bug? I noticed it right off the batt. How can they NOT know? Basic stuff like reentry and all the other bugs makes people think "i paid $69 for this?" THATS where alot of it is coming from. It is hard to wrap your head around how can they release a game in this condition AND for this price? So if you could talk about that, that is what people like me wants to know. Who pulled the trigger on that decision to release and in this condition? Its not even a matter of who...but WHY? I understand NDA and all that but if you could answer that question I think it would prolly calm the negativity down a bit and offer a little more InSite into how this process is going to work going forward. if we just knew why then we could all move on. But see this is the problem.....I see stuff like AMA (ask me anything) but then i see its not really ask me anything its ask me about the pre-screened, pre-approved, questions the team approve of and not the questions everybody want to know. They go around all that. We see things like you guys have to have "media training" before you can answer questions or deal with the public and then turn around and praise yourselves on how transparent the team is and in the meantime the forum and steam are blowing up with negativity about the game. So what do we see next? Here come the PR marketing guys to try to save the day and talk the game up with contests and stuff nobody really cares about they just want their ksp to work. In this post/thread you were pretty straight up with us and i appreciate that yet the elephant in the room still exists. This is my way of giving what you guys asked for and thats constructive criticism. I hope we can both learn from each other
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