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Misguided Kerbal

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Everything posted by Misguided Kerbal

  1. I use rockets and rockets only. The SSTOs I make are purely just for the sake of it, and don't have any real use other than to say I made an SSTO. I think a few pictures are worth a thousand words, so here are some examples of my lifters: Slap some boosters on, and it becomes the Heavy version: Clustered cores can also become a Heavy version: Once again, another 3-core heavy version: Even the Saturn V can become a Heavy version: There's always a basic light lifter: I hope that helped
  2. I started out with a stint in 1.4.5, then I got bored and forgot about it. I rediscovered it when 1.7 came out, and I've been playing regularly ever since.
  3. Howdy! So, I've been wanting to use this lately for @Askerad's awesome thing called Transfer Windows. However, it says in the OP that only Windows are supported, and I have a Macbook. Is there any specific reason why not? Will it work if I try? Thanks for any assistance.
  4. Since the Mk-33 is done now, will there be any continuation of this? or will there also be warp drive now
  5. Granted, but the moon creatures decide that Earth is a nice place and so they decide to come to Earth. I wish that there were more movies like The Martian
  6. Wow. That's absolutely amazing. I have so many questions right now.
  7. That's a good idea, since I already have a lifter using the mammoth engines. I could probably cluster the cores and call it a day. That is an option, but I've never actually used those mods before now, and I don't feel like cheating is a good option. I will consider it, but I would prefer not to add any more mods to my install (10.6 GB as of current!)
  8. Wow! I just discovered this a few days ago, and I've been reading it from the start. This is great, and I can't wait for the next chapter!
  9. I do want to try and stay away from those options. YOU KIDDING? SPEWING RADIATION INTO KERBIN'S ATMOSPHERE? AHHHHHH
  10. I don't actually. The patch that changed the fuel tanks also breaks the spaceplane parts for some reason, making them only oxidizer instead of both lf and oxidizer. 4.5 of them would make around 162 tons I believe.
  11. Hmmm... FFT NSWRS are not available to me as of yet, I'm on 1.9.1. I haven't used FMRS yet. That does seem like a rather overcomplicated solution though. I'll be refueling the depot often, so a simple solution would be preferred.
  12. While that is always an option (I play in sandbox), I would prefer a reusable option and one that isn't too big (<5m).
  13. ANTS-1 Circularizing ANTS-1 on final approach to the KOFD ANTS-1 docking with the KOFD's lower truss section Griffon-2 launching from Pad LC 39A Callisto 2 lifts off from the KSC Callisto 2 in LKO
  14. Short Story: I need to make a (preferably reusable) vehicle that can haul 4.5 Rockomax Jumbo-64 tanks worth of liquid fuel up to a 100 KM orbit, plus have margin to spare for rendezvous and docking. Long Story: I'm creating a system based around space tugs called ANTS (Advanced Nuclear Tug/Transfer Stage). In theory, a fleet of ANTS would service the Kerbin system by making back and forth transit between Kerbin and its moons relatively easy. The ANTS (solely powered by liquid fuel) would dock to a station in LKO, refuel, send it's payload off, then head back to LKO and then repeat the process over and over again. In practice, however, that requires a tanker vehicle capable of refueling an orbital station. The KOFD (Kerbin Orbiting Fuel Depot) can store 4.5 orange tanks worth of fuel, give or take. Attached to the bottom truss is one of the ANTS vehicles. The ANTS's sole fuel source is a Jumbo-64 tank, and in theory there would be 4 in active service at a time. Since the nose cones can hold fuel, that means that it has enough to refuel 4 empty ANTS vehicles at once, with about half a tank worth to spare. Since I'm using a handy patch provided by Kerbal atomics, each tank is modified solely for liquid fuel, therefore storing about 6400 units worth in each tank. The ideal tanker would be reusable, easily recoverable, and easily launchable. Any help and suggestions would help me greatly, as I really look forward to using the ANTS system soon!
  15. This is beautiful! Do you have a craft file for the lander? I love the design of it!
  16. Scorpius Fuel BLK I lifting off from the KSC Space Shuttle Pathfinder leaving the KISS on STS-24 Kraken 4 carrying Valentina, Leo, and Babora into orbit Kraken 4 carrying Valentina, Leo, and Babora into orbit Scorpius Centrifuge Block lifting off from the KSC EV-3 Scorpius completely assembled and crewed in LKO Callisto I liftoffs on the first crewed launch of the Thunderbird lifter Callisto I heads towards orbit Callisto I heading for orbit Callisto I performing the circularization burn Callisto I in LKO Callisto I heading towards the ocean
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