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Misguided Kerbal

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Everything posted by Misguided Kerbal

  1. I'm flattered Make a giant habitable - super kerbin that has extreme climates, such as a huge ice age at the poles, but huge deserts at the equator, and only a tiny bit of actual habitable zone. Also, no water except for some tiny lakes in the habitable zone.
  2. Today I made a Soyuz-Inspired vehicle. It's called Komrade, the lifter's called Korolev. I know, so creative of me.
  3. Komrade 1 lifting off from KJSLC Kerbin as seen from Komrade 1 Komrade 1 and 2 about to dock Komrade 2 about to land in the desert near KJSLC
  4. Me... but if we do we're probably gonna get this thread shut down too. For the greater good, right?
  5. No. I wouldn't do something dishonorable like that! Here, have another angle: this is UNACCEPTABLE no. no. you stole it from someone. Hullo, my name is Scott Manley...
  6. Kraken 1 lifting off Kraken 1 lifting off Kraken 1 flying Kraken 1 flying Kraken 1 in orbit Kraken 1 performing deorbit burn Kraken 1 about to land in the desert
  7. Land on Duna, and colonize it! You're Dunamaniac, anyways... make sure to post lots of pics here! NOOO. Stop being an ad.
  8. umm... Time Machine on your mac... lol. Also... guess what? I have exactly 555 posts!
  9. Today I launched this monstrosity: Meet the Omega Heavy. Literally 3 Saturn V cores strapped together... I'm killing my Macbook.
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