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Misguided Kerbal

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Everything posted by Misguided Kerbal

  1. You guys notice it's page 125, right? 125 * 8 = 1000 1000 * 10 = 10000 We're getting there! not
  2. Komrade 16 on final approach to Molinya Station Molinya Station in LKO C7-115 flying past South Field An EVE sunrise as viewed from the Eve Descent Probe ASM-1 lifting off from KJSLC ASM-1 on final approach to Molinya Station ASM-1 about to dock with Molinya Station Molinya Station fully assembled in LKO
  3. Here's a jackpot: These specific tutorials: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qjvv67ms1zromh2/GasGiantTutorial.zip?dl=0
  4. Hmmm.... by far, my favorite one is either the Mun or Romily. The Mun has that cool surface pattern. Romily, I like the idea, but I think it should look more like this: http://www.worldofgotha.com/PF_TUTORIAL/israh_index.html It's a tutorial, the end product is what I think Romily should look like. It's a great tutorial, though! I also like Doosem, because of the reddish color and the craters and hills. Evap is also great! One thing I would improve on though, if I were you, is improve the gas giants' textures. Otherwise though, it looks great!
  5. That looks great! I usually just generate the heightmaps from the colormaps in GIMP. I'm curious, how do you make such a detailed heightmap?
  6. Kerbinside Remastered. It's called Kojave Sands Launch Center, but I usually abbreviate it as KJSLC
  7. MFSM 1 lifting off from KJSLC MFSM 1 approaching Molinya Station
  8. Misguided_Kerbal has replied to Misguided_Kerbal's top [We need ~685 posts per day] Let's make this the Megathread! That's probably true.
  9. Thanks! The KISS... *thinks* In game time, it took about a week to launch all of the modules, and another 2 weeks to dock all the crew vehicles, so about 3 weeks in-game. In real time... about 5 days, playing on and off.
  10. Wait.. so you're an official tweakscale tester now? Also, for anyone that is interested (probably no one, like always), I have a new barrage of screenshots!
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