I've been very frustrated by this since day 1 with KSP (started playing with v1.8.1). The load times for every single location transition get slower the longer I play the game. I'm NOT referring to the initial load time at the start of the game. It's every loading transition after that: KSC overview to VAB; VAB to launchpad, reverting back to launch/ VAB, flying to tracking station, even exiting the game. Every step just gets bogged down after an hour of playing and it's soul crushing after 2 hours. At that point it takes as long to quit as it does for the game to initially load! Insanity. Otherwise, performance seems consistent- frame rates seem the same.
Memory use increases with time too, roughly 3 GB up to 8 GB. I originally had 6 GB of ram and this problem was even worse. Game was often crashing after 3 hours. With 12 GB it's better but not fixed. I ran the game overnight yesterday and then it crashed after another hour of playing (waiting more than playing). It was a stack overflow. I didn't try to capture that. I just removed all 12 mods - no change. I did a fresh download of KSP from Steam- no change. I have ran windows memory and drive checks in the last couple months - nothing found. I ran Windows file check a few weeks ago and it found and fixed a file, but that didn't change this issue.
I checked the KSP file integrity in Steam many times and it always says there is 1 corrupt file after exiting the game. Even with fresh install. Sometimes there are more, worst was 8. Does anybody NOT have 1 corrupt file after exiting the game? Maybe a false positive, wrong hash? Grasping at straws. It says 0 corrupted if I run it twice.
So to better quantify this, I loaded my career save (about 50 flights) tested transition time from VAB to launch pad with a single MK1 command pod. Initially, it's 26 seconds. Slow but OK. Then reverting to VAB and going back to KSC overview, doing absolutely nothing for 20 minutes and repeating VAB -> pad, it was 33 seconds. These were the same within a second with/ without mods. Actively playing seems to accelerate this. Remember the delay happens at EVERY transition. Not fun.
I'll come back and try to upload log files later. Just let me know if this is normal for you too. I hope not.
KSP 1.9.1, Win10, 12 GB RAM, Xeon X5670, SSD with 40 GB free, GTX1060 3GB. Nothing OC'ed.