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Everything posted by Krazy1

  1. Wow. That's so random. Why some parts and not the others? The stock game doesn't even tell you the torque, so how would anybody know this and get a ship balanced? Especially a small xenon science probe. Thanks for the info. I'll chalk it up to another KSP annoyance. It would be nice for a workaround if KER displayed "mass: parent" or "mass: self". It also would be nice if it displayed the parts' temperature ratings, BTW.
  2. Hello, I apparently found a bug. Running KER on Win10 In the VAB, several parts do not display mass property in mouse wheel click pop-up information. More importantly, these parts also are not calculated in the torque values in the KER stage data table. Placing these off the engine thrust line should obviously cause non-zero torque and it does for other parts. There are lighter parts down to 5 kg that do have mass in the pop-up information and also affect torque values, so there isn't some general lower mass limit for parts to be included. communotron 88-88 communotron 16 communotron 16-S RV-105 RCS thruster Vernor thruster barometer thermometer Gravmax Double-C seismic BZ-52 radial attachment point Kelus-LV ladder EAS-4 strut connector I didn't check every part, may be more. Oddly, the total ship mass seems correct. It changes as the listed parts are added and also matches the total KSP gives at the lower right.
  3. Hi all. You can follow along these steps in the VAB to reproduce these errors in KSP 1.9.1. I'm on Win 10. 1. open a new model 2. place a Mk1 command pod 3. RMB menu on the pod: reduce the monopropellant quantity and also change the flow priority. RMB away to close menu 4. place any MK1 rocket fuel tank below the pod. RMB it and reduce liquid fuel and/ or oxidizer levels and also change the flow priority. RMB away to close menu 5. use ALT + LMB to make a copy of the tank and attach below the first tank. The second tank should be an exact copy of the first... it is NOT. The fuel priority was copied but fuel quantity was reset to default. Copy: FAIL. 6. Press CTRL-Z. Second tank is erased as expected. But SURPRISE there's more you can't see. RMB the first fuel tank. Note the fuel quantity and priority have both been reset to default values. Undo: FAIL 7. Press CTRL-Z again. First tank is erased as expected. Now RMB the command pod. The fuel quantity and priority have both been reset to default values. Undo: FAIL again If you have a big model and change many fuel levels and priorities sequentially, then move something by mistake and undo it... it will undo the move and ALL the fuel priority/ level changes back until there was a second visible change to the model. All of those changes are undone without warning. Terrible! I'm a hardware engineer, no software expert, but this is some very basic stuff here, like CS101 stuff. And we still can't press ESC to cancel a move command. GAAAA!
  4. Thanks Cavscout74. Sad though. Other games don't behave like this. I also wanted to mention this: KSP Memory Allocation Fix It helped extend playing time a lot with 6 GB ram. It delayed KSP from filling up RAM completely and using the disk swap file. However it's not a noticeable improvement with 12 GB.
  5. I've been very frustrated by this since day 1 with KSP (started playing with v1.8.1). The load times for every single location transition get slower the longer I play the game. I'm NOT referring to the initial load time at the start of the game. It's every loading transition after that: KSC overview to VAB; VAB to launchpad, reverting back to launch/ VAB, flying to tracking station, even exiting the game. Every step just gets bogged down after an hour of playing and it's soul crushing after 2 hours. At that point it takes as long to quit as it does for the game to initially load! Insanity. Otherwise, performance seems consistent- frame rates seem the same. Memory use increases with time too, roughly 3 GB up to 8 GB. I originally had 6 GB of ram and this problem was even worse. Game was often crashing after 3 hours. With 12 GB it's better but not fixed. I ran the game overnight yesterday and then it crashed after another hour of playing (waiting more than playing). It was a stack overflow. I didn't try to capture that. I just removed all 12 mods - no change. I did a fresh download of KSP from Steam- no change. I have ran windows memory and drive checks in the last couple months - nothing found. I ran Windows file check a few weeks ago and it found and fixed a file, but that didn't change this issue. I checked the KSP file integrity in Steam many times and it always says there is 1 corrupt file after exiting the game. Even with fresh install. Sometimes there are more, worst was 8. Does anybody NOT have 1 corrupt file after exiting the game? Maybe a false positive, wrong hash? Grasping at straws. It says 0 corrupted if I run it twice. So to better quantify this, I loaded my career save (about 50 flights) tested transition time from VAB to launch pad with a single MK1 command pod. Initially, it's 26 seconds. Slow but OK. Then reverting to VAB and going back to KSC overview, doing absolutely nothing for 20 minutes and repeating VAB -> pad, it was 33 seconds. These were the same within a second with/ without mods. Actively playing seems to accelerate this. Remember the delay happens at EVERY transition. Not fun. I'll come back and try to upload log files later. Just let me know if this is normal for you too. I hope not. KSP 1.9.1, Win10, 12 GB RAM, Xeon X5670, SSD with 40 GB free, GTX1060 3GB. Nothing OC'ed.
  6. Yahoo! My station had 3 pairs of docks and a grapple all "glued". I fixed the first pair of docks in Wordpad and it took me at least an hour. Then I discovered the miracle of KML and *POW* it's done. I was grappled to a docking port and it fixed that too. You probably know this but it gives warnings for Kerbals sitting in external command chairs "part not attached to parent part" but I just ignored those. Rant: The devs have got to fix this docking port garbage. Why would I buy KSP2 if they can't get the fundamentals right on KSP1 after 5 years??? I did have the docking port alignment indicator mod installed before so I wonder if that is implicated. It was giving me graphics glitches, helmets jumping on/ off their heads for example, when in physics range of another vessel. It hasn't done that after uninstalling that mod.
  7. It didn't minimize for hours last weekend but it just did it. I was in the SPH holding RMB rotating view. The cursor was near the middle of the screen. Running apps: windows explorer, chrome, WPS office. All of them were already minimized. It didn't switch to anything else; it just minimized KSP. I just opened the KSP window again - no errors, just annoying.
  8. Me too. It doesn't do it very often for me though. It sometimes doesn't minimize for hours and sometimes a couple times in 5 minutes. I was trying to correlate it to other open apps, like browser or spreadsheet but nothing obvious so far. It seems to do it more when actively flying rather than in VAB... but maybe it just ticks me off more when flying so I remember it. Running 1.9.1 on Win10. I uninstalled some mods (to troubleshoot texture flickering) and only have KAC and KER now. I'll update if I have more.
  9. Hello. I'm having problems with planet surface textures flickering. I do have a few mods but I don't think these are the problem - sorry if this belongs in the modded thread. KSP 1.9.1 (originally 1.8.1 installed and updated with Steam) Mods: KAC, KER, Craft Manager (with KXAPI) Win 10 64bit Intel Xeon X5670 (6c/ 12 hyperthread) 12 GB ram (6 gb wasn't enough but that's another story...) Nvidia GTX 1060 3GB Problem: The surface textures flicker rapidly and chaotically with dark patches/ patterns. The viewing angle and distance matter: Perpendicular straight down at any distance does not flicker. Under about 200m or beyond about 5 km from any angle does not flicker. Camera at about 2 km just above the surface, at the edge of the scatter draw limit is the worst. It does this while the camera is stationary or being moved around - doesn't matter. I put screenshots and DxDiag in a dropbox folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/laijvtntsvnzxdi/AABtA67goatQw7sruguNZ60ka?dl=0 The Kerbin shots are looking at a flag with nothing else around. Minmus shots are looking at a ship. Both are too far to see. It didn't always do this - I think it started with version 1.9 but I changes some graphics settings around that time too. I haven't tried much with graphics settings so far - turning off AA did not change it. There's a screenshot of the graphics settings too.
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