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Everything posted by Krazy1

  1. I believe the clock stops when the plane stops. But I'm not the judge. I'm sure it was fun to fly your plane. Panthers are more enjoyable than Rapiers that I'm fighting with now. Up and down and up and down. I just reinstalled Waypoint Manager - looks like that will help with the approach.
  2. Yeah I was setting the axis on first then trying to set the value. Need to use the "target" button to set AND enable it. Thanks. I've decided it's better at flying and I'm better at making sandwiches.
  3. EVE noob here... I have EVE 1.10.1-1 and stock config EVE-1.2.2-1 from CKAN. Kerbin looks great but Eve is a solid purple sphere. Config editor says: No config! Please add a config with the content of "EVE_ATMOSPHERE{}" to populate. No config! Please add a config with the content of "EVE_TERRAIN{}" to populate. OK how?
  4. I'm new to this and I can't get it to hold altitude. Heading hold seems to be working. I pause the game, type a desired altitude which I'm very close to already and the yellow text top center says it's been changed. But it keeps changing the target altitude. I tried changing SAS surface/ orbit but it's the same. I tried setting climb rate to 0 too but either way it goes to a slow descent about -5 m/s. It certainly has enough control authority. I can can hold it myself. I'll try again. So now I can set an altitude but it won't hold the heading setting. I set 90 but it keeps increasing constantly... 95, 100, 105. It seems it will not hold heading and altitude? I certainly need both to walk away from it.
  5. Thanks for keeping it going. I'm working on a big plane that should do 4 times around in 3 hours... theoretically, based on a few test flights that ended suddenly. I do need to get autopilot working for Voyager. Getting Pilot Assistant in CKAN now. How do you feel about Simple Fuel Switch? It changes LFO tanks to LF. Seems like that should be stock IMO. SFS
  6. Oh. I guess I'm reading impaired... thanks
  7. So just to clarify, I interpreted the "landing" rule to mean a full-stop but ralanboyle just did touch-and-gos. So that's OK? Touching one wheel on the grass near KSC at any speed is good enough?
  8. So I've been looking at old posts and I just have a suggestion: add some more rules to the first class to make it more of a "limited" class. So there'd be limited (fastest 1 lap), unlimited (fastest 1 lap) and endurance classes. There's a lot of things I just personally wouldn't do: No fairings - too much abuse, like air intakes and cockpits inside them. Long history of aerodynamic exploits. No parachutes. Everything must be 100% reusable without maintenance and resetable in flight. No moving parts contacting anything when they move. I saw some had elevons inside each other. Includes airbrakes and landing gear doors. Strictly nothing on the back of the engine. Air intakes must be on the front fully exposed to the air stream. Offset parts must still touch their parent part, not just any part on the craft. The cockpit window must have a clear forward view (like a real airplane) Must take off and land upright on landing gear on the runway. Driving on the grass is not allowed. Tipping inverted on landing is a DQ even if nothing breaks. Dragging a wing tip or a tail strike while moving is OK if it doesn't break. Must be on wheels only when stopped. No autostruts. Real visible struts are OK. Very limited allowance for part clipping - hard to quantify. Just my personal standard. Take it or leave it.
  9. Done! I used my 2 Whiplash science plane. No changes for this challenge. I did 1 lap around but I had enough fuel for twice. It just takes so long! I'm flying manually - none of this autopilot stuff. The SAS won't even hold it straight at cruise altitude so I'm adjusting a lot. My joystick is pretty mechanically sloppy and no calibration in KSP is really sub-standard for any flight game. I didn't remember to try the fine adjust mode. Anyway... I put all the pics here: https://imgur.com/a/QcMT7NV Time: 55:59. The comet made for some pretty pics. I'm proud of my landing. It looks like others used map view for their screenshot of the far side but I just turned on long/ lat in KER: top left.
  10. So with thermal, fuel, orbit cheats... I was able to beam to a 2.3 Gm polar orbit but it didn't let me go any lower. Some warning about not safe - whatever. No worries though. With a tiny probe and a Vector with unlimited fuel, I got 222 m/s^2. 12 km/s to pull PE in (under a minute burn) and 21 km/s burn to pull AP in (under 2 minute burn). Then I was actually in the correct orbit that the message said. My probe core was almost 5000 K but no worries. And the answer is... Yeah, just the same message. I was hoping for a kraken at least.
  11. Yeah... like I said I haven't been that low. Squared law for radiation is a problem. OK. If it was simply difficult and pointless I'd try but since it's actually suicidal, that's were I draw the line. I found that after I posted. It looks like many got well below 1000 Mm but 26 Mm just won't work without bugs/ cheats. I do feel responsible for starting this shenanigans so I'll try it with maximum cheating and report back.
  12. @CommanderSmith The units... of course. It's always the units. Thanks for pointing out the obvious I guess 13.3 GM seemed plausible because it looks so gigantic. And now I see the Wiki actually says N/A for Kerbol altitudes. It's quite obvious the orbit message is just a bug and it won't work. I could just cheat it up there, it won't work and move on with life. But this has become a challenge of it's own at this point. That's very low, polar and hot. I've only been down to 2.4 Gm for rescue missions before.To do it in my career game will take a couple months of human time because I have 15 contracts going now. I welcome anybody to try it. The Kerbol M700 Scan Challenge: Your ship must contain a M700 scanner, an antenna with DSN connection to KSC and a way to store and generate electric power. Put your ship in a stable polar orbit (90 +/- 10 deg. inclination) of the sun between 26160 and 1500 km altitude. I guess I should move this to a proper forum location. Do we need badges? This could be a mod - actually make the scan work and overlay some graphic.
  13. No, you need to rescale each part individually. I thought @Lisias said there was a way... Ctrl + K maybe?
  14. There were 2 facts I was aware of: 1. according to the Wiki for M700 scanner, it is possible to scan Jool, despite not being able to land on or mine it. 2. When I attempted to run a M700 scan in sun orbit, it told me I needed to be in the correct orbit: polar between 26160 and 1500 km. So based on this I figured it might be possible to do a scan of the sun. I could find no record of this online. Since everything in KSP that could be done has been and redone and overdone, any reasonable person would have concluded that it is impossible. BUT NO! I persevered with the slightest sliver of hope that I could do something that nobody did before. Imagine the glory! So off I went, I built a ship with some SRBs and a Nerv with plenty of fuel. I launched into a polar Kerbin orbit and tried to push it into a polar sun orbit with a continuous burn near Kerbin to maximize Oberth but I only got to 75 degrees. It takes 80 degrees for "polar" orbit. So back I went and added some moar boosters and drop tanks for the LVN. It had over 17 km/s dV. That should do it. And some thermal panels because the whole ship was overheating from the long LVN burn. A faring was not needed with the scanner folded - less mass. I launched north in the morning. With 2 ejection burns near the north pole I had a downward escape from Kerbin SOI in 2 days after dropping the first pair of fuel tanks. When I got out of Kerbin SOI, I tried to deploy the scanner and got this message: Why didn't I see this message before I started this mission? Because I already deployed the scanner inside Kerbin SOI. Is only says it's disabled when it's deployed in sun SOI. Did I quit there? NO! Jool has no solid surface so maybe it was still possible. Glory shall me mine. It took almost 12 km/s to go from 5.5 deg to 90 deg inclination. And when I finally ran the scan: BUT I AM IN A STABLE POLAR ORBIT BETWEEN THOSE ALTITUDES! AHHHH! THERE MUST BE A WAY. I'LL ADD MOAR BOOSTERS AND MOAR STRUTS. I'LL GET OUT AND PUSH WITH MY RCS PACK. MUST HAVE GLORY!
  15. This looks like a fun mod. I just loaded it and my career file gave me 12 awards which is about 1/3 of the things I have done. Is is supposed to give you everything retroactively? I'll do most of it again anyway... but it would be nice to get credit for Eve. I'm going to need more astronaut diapers before I land there again. Mod from CKAN with KSP
  16. Thanks for this great mod. The "selected object" resource display in the tracking station is a nice feature. I'm surprised it didn't come with KER instead... or stock! One request, if possible make this resource display update real-time or maybe poll the ships when you enter the tracking station. That would make waiting for ISRU to complete more convenient. Right now it seems to only remember the values at the time when the ship was actively viewed last.
  17. Great! I used Klaw Plane 8 (yes 8 revisions to get it right) in my career for a contract to recover a large drill in LKO. The launch and recovery went pretty well but I overshot KSC and landed on the peninsula to the East - in the dark. More pics at Kerbal X but this one has the numbers shown.
  18. Asteroids do reduce mass as you mine them. I mean the total mass of ore lost and fuel gained is constant, but after mining an asteroid and undocking, the roid will have less mass. Are comets different?
  19. @RoninFrog Well done, but you have crushed my booster ego. Reading about your first rocket, I was thinking "7 Rhinos is good but my Kisyphus (link) has 8 Rhinos and way more fuel. I win." But then you come back with 9 of the freakin 5m boosters and over 500k LFO. I dream of having my own pet comet some day. I'll get medieval with TweakScale. It's too bad the Kraken got you. I didn't have any problem with that on Kisyphus so far, but that's pushing an asteroid not a comet. I didn't use autostruts.
  20. My Kerbin Klaw plane can recover scrap from orbit. May I suggest a reverse unilateral commendation? Or a "scavenger commendation"? See my craft on KerbalX for pics. Vanilla stock with 4 Panthers and 2 darts, uncrewed.
  21. So I just did my very first Moho capture... that's basically it. But let me explain. The probe has a M700 planet scanner. So I needed capture with AP under 1.25 Mm and PE over 25 km for the scan. But I had just barely enough fuel. I did a 5 minute Terrier burn for about 3500 m/s dV, with PE initially at 10 km ASL. Due to the long burn, PE dropped down to 460m AGL as it passed the south pole. When the burn was done PE was -6454m ASL. The orbit went directly from escaping to sub-orbital. It has an elliptical orbit with World's First only saying I have initiated a fly-by. And when I push PE to 25 km it will have 13 m/s left. Thirteen! My new lucky number. Album: https://imgur.com/a/ZqSnf76
  22. Don't worry man - I already fixed it. Took 15 minutes. I'm building a giant Eve lander so that was the least of my problems. Purple witch... grumble... So do parachutes Tweak correctly? I scaled a Mk2-R up but the drag displayed in KER info window stays the same: 1.0 / 500.0. Mass and cost follow a squared law so that seems OK.
  23. Thanks! I just removed CC and it did not fix my craft. Oh well I'll rebuild her. OK... I think I've had it happen without scaling though; just moving/ offset/ rotate/ undo sequences. It's happens when I'm zoomed in and don't notice when it happens exactly. It could be the same root cause. I often put struts on somewhere in the middle of the build so I can test on the pad without it falling apart. But maybe I can autostrut temporarily to do that and add real struts last. I didn't know about ctrl-K scale chaining. I should try to abuse this power.
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