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Everything posted by Lewie

  1. Oh boy......this is sad, really. Not quite like Oppy....but still like it. Let’s hope insight will pull through.
  2. Ten years ago today, Portal 2 was released. So happy b-day! Crazy to think it’s been out for ten years....I mean, you can’t tell it’s that old. Holds up pretty darn well.
  3. No words Great job!!!!!!!
  4. 2005-2020

    One year

    1. Spaceman.Spiff


      I’m really sorry dude. 
      I can’t imagine how awful it is for you. 
      Just remember if you need to talk I’m available. 

    2. Guest


      Knowing what you are talking about from discord, it hurts real bad to lose someone you cared about.


      I lost someone close to me last february, it's hard. But no-one is truly dead as long as we carry on what they did in their lives, tell their stories, and never forget. The fact you still remember it is an amazing declaration you cared about them.

    3. Lewie


      Thanks guys.....that really means a lot! *big hug* Don’t know what to say, really aside from thank you

      (words are hard)

  5. Awesome!! This is a really neat dive into the technical aspects of the game, loved to see this! Semi-relaed question....will ksp2 suffer from flickering orbits?
  6. Nice job with your math, guys! The amount of work done on these questions never fails to amaze.
  7. Thanks! I use TUFX, scatterer, EVE, planetshine, engine lighting continued, and distant object enhancement. ( maybe a couple others, I'm not sure) Thanks Spiff! The lighting effects would be from TUFX, while the plasma trail/sparks from re-entry effects continued. Cheers!
  8. This took a little bit longer then anticipated, but I hope you guys like it- Now here's the mission-
  9. Isn’t that something China is would do? Try to kill off their elderly population. They spend billions of (USD) on them, so to bump them off... Besides, they are a huge country. Plenty of people. I’m not saying I think China intentionally created covid, but it’s definitely something they’d do.
  10. Rick and Morty season five release date has been announced, woot woot!!
  11. Thanks! I knew that gases such as helium were used for tank pressurization. Thanks for the insight!
  12. Lewie

    Random facts

    Isn’t that what Mick Mars has?
  13. Oh, the Falcon 9 upper stage is pressure fed? Huh. I knew krestel was, but not the V-Merlin.
  14. Do you guys think SN15 will stick the landing or RUD? I’m betting on a landing
  15. Oh. My. Kraken. This sooooooo makes up for any delays! I’m speechless! Absolutely stunning! Great job!
  16. Real or not real? Either way, this is INCREDIBLE!!
  17. Are they new, or have they always been there? (Am I going bonkers?? I don’t remember seeing them before)
  18. @sevenperforce your guess sounds pretty spot-on with what we saw
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