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Everything posted by Lewie

  1. Is that really a bad thing though? (Ugh, this is why I hate conversing in textual format...you can’t say stuff the way you mean it to sound.)
  2. There’s a lot of reddit users with stranded kerbals, that’s always an option...As for being a Blunderbirds rip-off...We should probably ask, actually... Hey @Matt Lowne, is this project ok by you, despite being a blatant rip-off er, a community-led rescue force inspired by your Blunderbirds?
  3. Holy mackerel!! Thanks a million, they look AMAZING! Now, to find out how to put them in a signature...
  4. I could help with that if you’d like. Heck, I’ll give this challenge a whirl! Sounds fun, really... But with a Saturn V, we shall reach the Mün!
  5. Hi, and welcome to the forums! To get better in ksp...there's no trick. It's just trial and error, really. Just take your time, watch a couple of tutorials. But...make sure to have fun! Seriously, don't follow the tutorials for each and every step....experiment! Explore! Learn! Crash! Explode! These are the joys you will experience in ksp. Good luck mate! Oh, and learn the way the game works in sandbox. Once you master getting to orbit...You're halfway to anywhere!
  6. @Commodore_32 your crew is home! I will upload some pictures as soon as I can. Cheers! (also, how would you like me to get your save file back to you?)
  7. Homecoming week is almost over.. We’re up against my old school, so this’ll be fun to watch. *evil laugh intensifies*
  8. @Commodore_32 I have my rescue ship rendezvoused with your shuttle. I will bring your crew home tomorrow...cus y’know, I have to go to bed.
  9. Hey man, I feel ya. The porting process takes a while, so give the team over at blitworks a little slack. I feel your frustration, I really do. @Commodore_32 I just launched the ship that will rescue your crew!
  10. I used to play on console.. switched to pc. Great decision. @Dr. Kerbal if you have even a halfway decent pc, get it while it’s on sale. Mods add so much to the game. Yeah, might want to get used to that if you’re going to play on console
  11. Wait...really? I heard it was just a bundle of the base game and dlcs...
  12. Weeelll... Tomorrow is looking pretty good... I should be able to. I’m really sorry for the delay, but life has been pretty hectic since school has started up. But, I will as soon as I get a chance.
  13. If you wish to have those craft, just enable ‘allow stock craft’ when you create a new save. If not, I’m sure you can find them on kerbalx.
  14. Dang, that title sounds like a buzzfeed article... In all seriousness, that’s a pretty clever system you’ve come up!
  15. *sigh* Look, my day usually starts at 0445, and it ends at 13:00. Most days I don’t have anytime for ksp, high school consumes a ton of it. I’m more then happy to rescue your crew, I just need to have some time free to do so.
  16. Wow! This looks really neat, can’t wait to see what people come up with! @UomoCapra do you know all of what this update entails?
  17. Really? I could’ve sworn you’ve said you had it... I could just be crazy, of course.
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