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Everything posted by Krzeszny

  1. It's not that simple. CKAN marks CC as compatible with any KSP version, but people are having lots of problems in latest KSP versions according to posts in contract pack-specific threads. Is it really 1.9.1-compatible like CKAN claims?
  2. Is there a chance this mod still works with 1.9.1 or is it completely dead?
  3. Does this mod need the Firespitter Core plugin? CKAN lists it in dependencies.
  4. I would rather not assume something is working... Ok, ok, I actually do it all the time while building my rockets. But if it really is compatible, @sarbian please update the metadata or something so that CKAN sees it as compatible. FAR doesn't show up in the mods list even though it's a great mod, and having to select 1.8 in CKAN's settings is both inconvenient and gives users lots of doubts, unless they dig around the forums, which kind of defeats the purpose of CKAN. Plus, there are no official news whether or not Modular Flight Integrator is 100% compatible with 1.9.1. Thank you.
  5. Who says it should be working? It's officially compatible with 1.8.9, not 1.9.1.
  6. Please update the plugin. Ferram Aerospace Research depends on it.
  7. EEX settings don't work at all in my KSP (on Steam). I can cycle only between default symmetries (1,2,3,4,6,8). The default setting is 20, but even when I set it to max 5, the symmetry button still only shows the default modes. The mod must be incompatible or broken. Yet another reason not to have to install mods for features that could be in the game.
  8. I have it installed and I all it changed when it comes to symmetry, is showing numbers in place of the default symmetry icons (1R, 2R, 3R, 4R, 6R, 8R). Its context menu doesn't show a way to change it, either. Anyway, the whole point of this topic is that we should have it in the official game because it's such a simple and useful feature that can't be done manually. And as previously mentioned, if we have 3-way, why not 5-way (and even more - custom symmetry)?
  9. CKAN shows that this mod, as well as MiniAVC and Toolbar Controller are incompatible with 1.9.1 (which makes around 100 mods show as incompatible). Could you please update the metadata?
  10. KSP suffers from the low-symmetry syndrom. No CKAN-compatible mods (that I could find) can do it and I know that 5-way symmetry is something the community wanted since forever. If we have 3-way, why not 5-way? The upper limit of symmetry should be configurable in the menu OR in the UI, with a slider under the symmetry button, so that players can set maximum modes they want to use (for example, a maximum of 6, but including 5). After all, a per-user customizable experience is always better. The default could be 6 or 8.
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