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Everything posted by BigStar Aerospace
I put it in quotation marks because I refuse to assume the gender of a lesbian that passed in 2012 when being trans was still very socially unacceptable compared to being lesbian.
Modded? I'm getting mach 6.2 with stock.... I found that less parts to engine ratio means that you can go faster and get a higher TWR. My last plane got to 2103.2 m/s with 6 engines, one nose cone, that pointy thing that you put on the front for SAS, two fuel tanks, and the capsule. Oh, and three control surfaces. I did have to turn off re-entry heating though because otherwise I esssssssploooooooshon
Sadly that's the way people will always be, but I believe that everyone should at least get a chance at asking for representation in a game that suits them so strongly! Like me actually working for NASA at my high school, I also hope to be the first non-binary person in space. Having any type of prejudice against someone, especially when it involves an industry that's so vastly inclusive is just ignorant. Yet ignorance is bliss for those who refuse to educate themselves. “A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.” - Yoda
Thank you very much mixter moderator person! You uphold my argument better than myself, thank you very much!!!! Agreed! With the colony building and all, we can truly see the kerbals as a civilization now. More than tiny green sentient plants or frogs or well, aliens, but now they are simply put, people. We treat them with love and curiosity as we would ourselves, so why not allow us to portray ourselves as the explorers we are as a species. Who's to say they did not have ancient philosophers previously in their history that debated such topics as of what the universe consists of and how many snacks are enough to walk around the planet? Or even, is Kerbin flat or round, does the rest of the universe revolve around Kerbin? Was there once a Kalileo Kalilei to debate the tyrannical rain of the once great Flat Kerbin Society? There is history to be learned here, as we are all different, but so are they. Who else is there to say that they are not different in similar ways? We are all explorers are we not?
I refuse to reply to you more because you're trying to make this a political subject in which I wish this not to be. Wow! Two pages thanks everyone!
Gender is not a political subject, it is a social construct and social subject, it is only political if you make it political.
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Agreed, I personally work in a program at my high school called NASA HUNCH, that's High Schools United with NASA to create Hardware. I've gotten a few things that NASA personally plans to use in it's future exploration of the moon, which goes to show that there are people like me in the industry helping push us into the future giving even more of a reason to give us representation. hunchdesign.com
I understand your viewpoint, but gender isn't as simple for me as it is for you. Just the fact that there are gender conforming kerbals means that a majority people get a simple yet vital privilege of representation that others don't have. I believe it's a very simple thing that I'm asking for. Sims 4 came up with one of my favorite ways of allowing for the prime representation of my umbrella of people. This is the wisest thing in this thread so far and I agree wholly.
Yes, I've tried my hand at game developing and honestly, it's not all that easy. I couldn't imagine designing a 3D physics based game with an unfathomable amount of 4D space. I can understand a simple feature being postponed until later editions to allow for sooner development of other less simple features. I'm not impatient, just asking for representation.
@Basesixty Yes, but then again, it should be able to represent each individual explorer that sets out to either dominate the universe or collaboratively prospect each individual science point there is to be had. @Strawberry I ABSOLUTELY AGREE! That is a better point than I had.
@The AzizI understand, but gender is a human concept and they're meant to represent us humans in many ways. So I ask, why not represent more of us?
Hello everyone, I start this thread hoping first and foremost it does not bring any controversy in the KSP community. I start it to ask the developers if - what I believe to believe to be a small percentage of the KSP player base and community - may get representation in the new game? I ask this in good heart, especially being one of those players myself because in the original game, I was able to create kerbals, but I couldn't create one to be like me. They had to be either male or female, but personally, it hurt because it made me feel that people like me won't get to one day explore the universe. Keep in mind, Sally Ride, the first American "woman" and third "woman" in space, did not personally follow the gender binary, she was in fact an important part of the LGBTQIA+ community after she admitted her secret on her deathbed. I bring this up, not to be political in any way, I believe politics should stay out of space as to preserve a better future for the younger space explorers and to ensure that it is a welcoming environment for explorers of all backgrounds. I've been playing KSP since I was little in fact, since before I understood I was a non-binary person. Which is why it's so important to understand that space isn't just about discovering what is out there to explore, but also discovering what is inside of your wonderful and kind brains to understand yourself. This is why I ask the devs to give me and many other players some representation, as we are all explorers. Not a single one of us could explore the entire universe alone, nor was it made for any singular person. It was made for the each of us to go out and explore together, learning new things and sharing it with others. Slowly, but surely expanding our wondrous horizons. A simple way that this may be added, is through a kerbal creator that allows us to customize each kerbal to our liking, whether it be a kerbal that follows the gender-binary or a kerbal with a little bit of everything from everywhere. This would also be great for multiplayer, because then every single beautiful person here will be able to greatly express themselves as well as have a little bit of them exploring a far of universe with near limitless bounties. Sincerely, BigStar Aerospace Note - I ask that each one of you be understanding and unprejudiced, the KSP community is meant to be unpolitical and accepting. If you do not agree, then I apologize greatly, but I ask you politely to move on. I do not believe that this thread breaks any rules and if it does, I ask you to tell me so I may fix it myself.
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Reusable Rocketry
BigStar Aerospace replied to Omni122's topic in KSP1 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials
I know this thread is a bit old, but recently I've been delving into reusable SRB core stages for my new career mode which is the hardest one yet. I use a very steep launch trajectory while using the first stage to get an apoapsis of at least 100 Km, then an efficient upper stage that can push the payloads apoapsis as far away as possible while keeping it the same altitude. Then once the apoapsis is at a MINIMUM of 10 minutes away, then I switch over to the booster. What I've done (I use DLC) since I don't have airbrakes is use the robotic parts, specifically the small alligator hinge as well as a square wing piece and a KALL-1000 Kontroller to deploy the airbrakes, I can explain the airbrakes more if needed. And then at the bottom of the large SRB, I'll have either Shrimp or Mite engines pointing upwards for when the SRB reaches apoapsis, if you're in career mode, you want the stage to land as close to the KSC as possible to get the most funds recovered as possible. After those are fired at apoapsis and the airbrakes are deployed before I reenter the atmosphere, I point prograde with the heatshield on top of the booster ensuring that minimal damage occurs during reentry. Then once I get down to 12 Km and I'm going slow enough, I deploy the drogue chutes at 5 Km, then I slowly descend to 2.5 Km to deploy the main chutes, the amount of these needed depends on the boosters weight, I use six for the Clydesdale and 4 for the Thoroughbred. You also want enough reaction wheels in the booster so that when you splash down you can hold radial in to ensure that the booster doesn't tip over and ruin some of the technology, this can also be done by adding weight to the top of the booster so it always wants to face down, this wastes fuel, but is more realistic. Then once it's below 0.3 m/s I recover it. Similar techniques can be used with liquid fuel boosters, all though the extra parts can cause some noticeable differences. -
I started a moderate career mode, but the gravity is 2 times higher.
I personally have the goal of mass colonization. I will start with a mega-base on the Mun due to it's equatorial orbit, lack of atmosphere, and low gravity. I will use the facilities at this base to mass produce the parts needed for a super-station that would go into high orbit of Kerbin between the Mun and Minmus. This station will be my second mass production facility, but instead it will mass produce many types of ships. These ships will all have different purposes and sizes; fuel freighters, material freighters, colony ships, exploration ships that will be a sort of Swiss army knife of landers and orbiters meant for many different planets and systems, etc. After manufacturing all these ships, I will begin a mass colonization of every large body in the Kerbolar system, first Minmus, then Duna and Ike, all the way to Eeloo and Moho's southern pole due to it's lower temperature. After that, I will utilize the Joolian system as the second mass production facility, Laythe will be the home of all the main Kerbal Facilities, but other moons excluding Tylo (unless a specific needed resource is found there), will be used for mining and ore transport to fuel my Kerbal Empire with money and resources. After the whole Kerbolar system is colonized (hopefully within the first ten years), the first expedition the the closest habitable planet or system will begin. Similar processes will happen there as to the Kerbolar system. Afterwards, I will attempt to make a ship capable of going 80 to 90 percent the speed of light in order to shorten travel times as much as possible, if higher than 90% speeds are achieved, I will begin the Great Civilization Explosion, all at once ships will be sent out to 5 or 10 new systems ready to colonize, this will only be possible due to the alarm clock feature, otherwise many ships would fly off into intergalactic space. Once I achieve the colonization of 10 extra-Kerbolar systems, the second Civilization Explosion will happen, but instead colonizing 15 different systems, these systems will all have close proximity to already colonized systems. Then the Great Helios Station will begin construction in a stable infinity orbit of Rask and Rusk. This will be the pinnacle of stations. After construction of that is complete, I will begin construction of cities around Kerbin, each having a different purpose, and finally the capital city of Everkrest that will be home to the tallest building in all of the systems. This building will more than likely be as tall as the game allows, hopefully taller than 10 km, but if we're lucky, then it will reach all the way up to 71 km, at the top there will be a system with the ability to fling objects into LKO, quite possibly a swing more than 25 km long, it will spin around a pivot at the top using engines, then after it spins fast enough, the object will be released, if not possible, I will construct an orbital space tether aka a space hook meant to bring SSTOs into orbit of Kerbin, if ever possible, a space tether will be put into orbit of every body that has a colony on it. Where I go next is still to be determined.
It's just a suggestion for those more hardcore players and I who personally plays it on PS4 wouldn't mind hooking up a keyboard to my console and a mouse in order to put scripts together, and the non-native scripts would be possible on console because on a game such as Fallout 4 you can download mods through an in- game "Mods" menu on the main menu that gives you access to mods that have been uploaded for the PS4 version. Which means that we would only need an in-game menu that allows us to see scripts that have been uploaded and then we read them and download them. We could even use that menu as a CKAN type platform for downloading mods in the future which would be very nice.
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Personally, I feel like there should even be a setting for "hard mode" where you have to program rockets and satellites in order to fly them, even space shuttle re-entry would be an interesting feat that I've seen people conquer with kOS. And even making it so you have light speed delays for downloading scripts onto a craft already launched and on its way to Duna or even Eeloo would have a tremendous effect on gameplay. It would make interstellar travel interesting in the fact that you'd have to plan the entire mission before hand, even the landing, unless of course it was a crewed mission, then you'd be able to program the craft directly through a pilot as long as they had the high enough skill set.
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Very odd that you all are only hitting mach 1 or 2.... On PS4 all of my planes tend to go over mach 5.9, it's not even hard. But take this info with a grain of salt, I had a period of time where I was just trying to make my planes as fast as possible without using any bugs or tricks so now all of those building techniques are stuck in my head. Still though, it is too easy now to hit mach 5.9. I would also like to raise the point that it's harder to go above mach 4 when you reach more than 10-15 Km in altitude where as in real life it would be easier to get to mach 4 or 5. Another thing to take into point is that for me to hit mach 5.9, I hold at 30 meters above the ocean, when in real life I would barely be able to hit mach 1 at that altitude. You must remember that KSP2 is based in the future tense of the KUniverse so if anything RAPPIERs and all the other jet engines and early engines of the first game would be pretty close to the beginning of the tech tree.
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I was snooping around in the astronaut and I discovered the mythical snack stash hidden beneath Jeb's bed! But then I went to the tracking station to review some of the craft I'm tracking, and two probes seem to be stuck in two of Kerbin's Lagrangian points! They're missions launched somewhere 25 years ago to Duna and they have both been floating about in Kerbolar orbit for some time and just happened to get stuck in the L4 and L5 points. No I don't have Principia, I'm on PS4 so no mods, but still I don't think this is a coincidence, Kerbin must've pulled them into the perfect orbits over time somehow!
I truly hope that in KSP 2 there will be an official way to put a heat shield onto space planes. I'd like it if my wings didn't explode when coming in from deep space, it really does make it hard to land a whole space plane in one piece.
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- spaceshuttle
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