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BigStar Aerospace

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Everything posted by BigStar Aerospace

  1. Hey there, I am new at asking questions so please be gentle. I am a PS4 KSPEE player and I am trying to perfect my landing on the launch pad, now with that being said it is going to require allot of math and I just don't know the formula, I was thinking about how it should include the TWR, the weight of the object being landed, how quick the fuel is being drained, it is kind of like the rocket equation but with added steps and it will lead to a different outcome, if there is someone who could make a calculator I know that not only I will appreciate it but so will the KSPEE players and the stock KSP players alike. Thanks everyone!
  2. @Matt LowneI had to build it on PS4 which took forever, but it took me quite a few tries to get to Moho, but I figured out that adding moar boosters worked, it took another while to add them but a few extra Saturn V first stages and 5 of every solid rocket booster in the game for me to have a very inefficient launch to Moho. WHAT BETTER WAY, THAN THE KERBAL WAY!
  3. I agree that the second option would be much more interesting say we could have somewhat of 200 people on a single sever, maybe the challenge of having to form a governing body or factions would be a good aspect in which to increase trade (If Available), if you look at it on the other hand you could get bored because you know you don't have to worry about your next scheduled mission being delayed because a rando decides that you are a good target to take out their anger on. Anarchy is impossible with humans because we strive to be in groups, so we should at least plan for needing a governing body.
  4. Should we address the problem of the fact that people are just going to be able to launch ICBMs at our bases and so therefore if our VAB gets hit we can't strike back unless we have enough funds to repair. Are we going to need a governmental system established by players or a bot government or can we declare independence from the government in the game and then have relations or something, honestly this kinda freaked me out when I thought of the complications of political space entities?!?!? Fortiter Ad Astra
  5. Is now a bad time to bring up how we might do time warp with a schedule/management/regulation system? I'm makeing a google spread sheet for what a schedule might look like.
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