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Everything posted by CFYL

  1. Somehow I guess @Admiral Fluffy is still around
  2. I know this is not a complete list, but I personally think the washing machine is missing. Imangine a world without the washing machine. How many extra hours of a day is needed to do the laundry? Albert Einstein will spend his time washing his shirt rather than thinking about the loophole in Newtonian Physics. Many men and women will stay in the house washing clothes instead of working to boost the economy and develop cutting-edge techonlogy. Without the washing machine there would possibly not exist Microchips or the ISS till today because their developers and engineers need time to wash their socks and trousers and their effective time for calculation is low. Also there would not be a game called Kerbal Space Program and this forum wouldn't exist. So the next game-changer may be something that lets a country pioneer. But it may also be something that benefits the entire population of 7 billion (including the current population sunken in poverty). That seems like a big word but maybe it eleiminates the need to do something completely mechanic and involves little creative thinking. What can you think of? A machine that can clean your skin/teeth/etc. automatically so you don't have to spend half an hour taking a shower and getting dry?
  3. https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/florida-passenger-lands-plane/index.html Have this been discussed yet? A passenger with 0 flying experience successfully landed a small Cessna 208 successfully on the runway intact, because the pilot was suffering from a disease that prevented him from piloting the plane. I doubt even experienced KSP players who often fly FAR airplane can't do it that well if given a plane to fly in real life.
  4. Yes CO is better at entering the human body than O2, but even if it is 77% Oxygen and 23%Nitrogen Humans can't live for long due to the oxygen having a very strong oxidizability(repetition?) and will quickly(still takes years but that's quick) destroy the organics that build up your body. 21% Oxygen is magically good for life. But it is 2154 now. 2154=421+1733, both are prime numbers. They just realized that in 1733 the Flying Shuttle was invented by John Kay which can somehow be seen as the trigger for the revolution in the spinning industry, which eventually led to the industrial revolution. In 2154 someone named John Kerman (I've checked. There is a forum user named John Kerman.) invented the Flying shuttle which revolutionized the transport industry. This Flying Shuttle can transport crew and/or cargo across planets and/or space stations and it can perform SSTO on Mars and Titan, making the Moon trivial. So this is what happened in 2154.
  5. Banned for not showing a signature for me to read.
  6. Soup, yes. But it's not Souptime yet. TUBM can fastforward to Souptime
  7. This one is my own entry which sends my "checker" on a Kerbol orbit near Kerbin's. That quite near so you can absolutely go much farther than I do. BTW "far" and "near" are told by the typical ΔV needed for a standard trip from launchpad to the target orbit/position for this challenge. So I got to Kerbin Escape, which is 3400+950=4350m/s away. As I promised. Working on it already.
  8. I don't know if someone has done this before. How far can a craft go with only one aerospike engine? Rule are simple. Only one launch for this challenge. The craft should be launched from the KSC launch pad OR the KSC Runway on Kerbin. The major and deciding source of thrust is a single stock aerospike engine. To justify this: There is only one engine on the craft. That is the Aerospike. RCS is allowed. However the maximum total amout of RCS thrusters is eight. Any "part" is counted as "one" thruster, including the multi-nozzle thrusters. The Aerospike engine cannot be dumped from the craft. This is to prevent using RCS to push a lightweight probe far away, which is a good design but spoils the fun. No other engines and/or Kraken Drive, bug exploits, are allowed for this challenge. Please keep it to stock parts. Aesthetics and/or Information mods are considered "Stock" (And some say they should be stock) Creative Staging / Lifting body / Gravity Assists / ... Any method to make full use of every tiny bit of ΔV is allowed and encouraged. (Optional)Go as far as you can. If you have (a) Kerbal(s) on the craft, it/they do(es)n't have to return for this challenge. The real challenge is to have as much ΔV as you can in LKO! Thanks to @Poppa Wheelie Refueling? Allowed! ISRU allowed. If you manage to bring an ISRU system to LKO... That's hard for me. If you manage to carry an ISRU system to the surface of a celestial body, refuel the craft and then go to orbit... That's extremely hard for me. You can fly or not fly the rest of the mission once you are refuel'd and launched into orbit. But there some exceptions. Please do not refuel from an asteroid and/or a comet. Please do not land near your refueling base and then transfer fuel from you base. Docking with your orbital tug or space station and get refuel'd? No, thanks. By 2 and 6 I mean the craft should be able to fly independent of any other missions. Apollo-style rendezvous is OK, but I don't really see the point in doing that. Also commnet is not a problem: switch it off if you don't want to have a heavy antenna but want to go far. You know what to post for an entry. Some screenshots and description of your excellent mission so we all know! An aerospike provides a maximum of 153.53kN thrust on sea level. Here are some of my personal trial-and-error suggestions: Build a conventional SSTO rocket, and lift a maximum of 15.666t rocket off the pad. Stock fuel tanks have a wetmass-to-drymass ratio of 25 to 3. That means a maximum vacuum ΔV of 6021m/s without staging. With the probe core/Kerbal on board it will be less, but with empty tanks dumped it may be more. Just go to LKO, and you may find that an ascent with a low TWR is neither easy nor efficient. Build a SSTO spaceplane and launch it from the runway and try to bring more mass off the runway. Sounds great, but the aerospike don't burn as long as a jet with the same amount of fuel. Drag losses and dead weight from wings may significantly reduce the final payload mass. I didn't make it to orbit. I didn't even make it above 12km on a horizontal launch. I may make a badge for this challenge! if... Honor Roll 4317m/s in LKO by @Ultimate Steve (using an amazing optimized spaceplane! This is definitely beyond what I could imagine!) 3087m/s in LKO by @Poppa Wheelie(by @swjr-swisusing a stock and optimized version of Poppa Wheelie's craft.) 2759m/s in LKO by @Poppa Wheelie(using a modded probe core; a minor problem with the rules.) 2642m/s in LKO by @Watermel00n(using a unique horizonatal launch!) 1575m/s in LKO by @zeta function (carries Jeb and was enough to go to minmus and back with a mun gravity assist on the way back!) 1110m/s in LKO by @AllenLi(using dumb heavy side tanks and heavy deadweight. poor design!) 1040m/s in LKO by @sevenperforce(rank 4 by ΔV, but got Jeb into LKO.)
  9. This one toggles the feature you are asking. The"Show Extended Burn Indicator" one, just below those sliders in the first column. This is the settings page from Main Menu. Also there is a mod which gives you better nodes. I mean planning node by @HebaruSan
  10. 好久了,解决了吗 我对BDA不太了解,但是这些或许能帮到你 1. 如果BDA本身确实有这个效果:检查是否有一个设置选项,能控制这一效果的开启/关闭? 这句话似乎在描述与你相似的情况。 2. 如果你认为这是一个bug,那么 BDArmory Continued 的帖子里有这样一段话 也提到了这个帖子 如果确认你的mod版本和安装路径正确,那么也许是一个bug,那么你需要给出能使问题复现的步骤(我猜,随便找个什么东西把762或者点50的子弹打上去?),以及日志文件KSP.log,它的位置是 ... { ... Kerbal Space Program { ... GameData{...} ,.. KSP.exe ... KSP.log ... } ... } 3.emm...子弹是好像确实是动能杀伤……“真实情况”应不应该有爆炸效果我也不知道……
  11. 31. In fact trying a Eve return mission would be awesome for this day...
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