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Everything posted by TheDicko

  1. Can anyone help me debug this? Pretty simple code. I want it to turn on the onboard LED when the SAS button is pressed. At the moment it does not do this. (The example files work however :)) #include "KerbalSimpit.h" KerbalSimpit mySimpit(Serial); void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); while (!mySimpit.init()) { delay(100); } digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); mySimpit.inboundHandler(messageHandler); } void loop() { mySimpit.update(); } void messageHandler(byte messageType, byte msg[], byte msgSize) { byte actions = msg[0]; if (messageType == ACTIONSTATUS_MESSAGE) { if (actions & SAS_ACTION) { digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); } } } Edit ** Solved
  2. Hi, just started out with what looks to be an amazing mod. Quick question, how do you guys debug code? I was thinking of printing to the serial monitor, but it says port busy, when using ksp.
  3. For jool why is the cfg defaulting to this path "StockVisualEnhancements/SVE_Scatterer/Planets/Urlum/atmo" ???? It wont let me change it either.
  4. Hey, awesome mod. Im using it with EVE AND SVE. However i have an issue. Before i installed scatterer, i was running EVE and SVE, but i disabled jool's graphics as i prefer the stock look. But now when i installed scatterer, it puts a wierd grey tint on to jool. Is there a way i can prevent scatterer from changing the way jool looks ?
  5. First of all , fantastic mod, really amazing. Using with outerplanets mod. Its stunning Quick question, since its not currently up to date with the jool revamp, is there a way i can remove the mod's retexture of jool? i happen to like the stock jool Many thanks.
  6. **EDIT** turns out my module manager was messed . I reinstalled it and all works fine. My bad. Apologies for not checking this
  7. Hello, i am suddenly getting the same issue that i have said in a previous post. My installations are still correct FYI. Recovery controller no longer works despite FMRS and Stage recovery working fine. I also re installed ZeroMiniAVC but that didnt fix it. Please could you help? Here is my log file https://www.dropbox.com/s/zcnxc7ju0dzc6m2/Player.log?dl=0 Many Thanks
  8. Hello, this mod is fantastic, but the LSS Status (life support screen) says it is not installed. Do i need to install the TAC Life support mod? or is there a different mod i need to install for it. Thanks!
  9. https://www.dropbox.com/s/zcnxc7ju0dzc6m2/Player.log?dl=0 Ive checked and i have the latest versions installed correctly. please note, both these mods work fine, its just the recovery controller as stated before.
  10. Hi, im guessing this doesn't yet work for 1.10.1. If not, do you know when it will be ? My issue is that when i right click the decouplers, the button for changing recovery type isnt there. FYI i havn't included a log file as i think its because the Mod isnt yet updated, however i can give it to you if needs be. thanks
  11. Thankyou ! I actually realised like 30 mins after posting, but i appreciate the reply
  12. I have a weird thing going on with my new space station. When i put SAS in prograde, and then go into IVA mode on any of my kerbals, the SS starts spinning until it stops in a particular position. FYI, this doesn't happen with my other space station. Any Suggestions?
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