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king of nowhere

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Everything posted by king of nowhere

  1. the thing is, this game is a sandbox. and a space station is just whatever you define as a space station. it literally does not matter how you make it, as far as the game is concerned. you don't really need it besides completing the contract. of course, if we approached the game this way, it would be boring. so you can add as many things to your station as you want. but they are not actually needed, besides anything else you may want to do with your station. so, don't fret too much over it. if you do something and you're not satisfied, you can always send a new one. basically,, launch the station and see if it does what you want. if later you see you'd have wanted to add more, that's how you learn what you want in a station
  2. crystals are surface features, and should not feature in kerbnet. really weird.
  3. huh. that's... definitely not how kerbnet should work. those are examples of how it should work as you can see, there are 1 or 2 anomalies at most - except on mun and kerbin. and I get more accuracy the closer I go. if you see many question marks in a small area, and there's nothing... there are contracts that have you look for anomalies, and lead you into a chase as you go looking various places. maybe those question marks are spawned by those contracts? if that's not the case, i really have no idea. it could be a mod issue. it's definitely not working as intended, because kerbnet is accurate and does not mislead
  4. Kerbnet is very accurate, if used properly. As @Superfluous J mentioned, if you are in high orbit and click on a pixel, that pixel is probably several km wide. If you hit the wrong pixel, you can be tens of kilometers off. My first time using kerbnet i made that mistake, and ended up having to search a large area on eve. Next time i learned to lower orbit, and all my readings eere very accurate. So, i do suspect you're misusing kerbnet. The fact you mention clusters of question marks give it away. You are probably seeing the whole planet from afar, clicking roughly on a question mark, and get wildly inaccurate. When you make a checkpoint, kerbnet marks the exact spot you click, not the position of any anomaly. Try to refine the position of the anomalies by going in a lower orbit, and being more careful of where exactly you click the checkpoint
  5. There is a bug that occasionally causes the game to think i have level 1 structures. If I am in the vab and i click to change to the sph, the game reverts both to level 1. Only way to fix is restarting the game. It generally happens that when i open a report i forgot some pictures of the vehicles. So i open vab and take all the pictures i'm missing. When i move to the sph, it triggers the bug
  6. actually, I could do it easily enough. land. point east. activate propellers. alt tab the game in background. return after a few hours. i wouldn't even have to worry about posting multiple screenshots for different locations amazing how a planet can be so nice from orbit and so boring once landed
  7. And as announced, here's also the circumnavigation of Jifgif, also from whirligig world @18Watt took a hiatus, and I have 3 new circumnaviagted worlds
  8. Part 5B: From lobes with love This spinoff chapter covers the circumnavigation of Jifgif. No, I still have no idea how it's pronounced.
  9. a worry for further in the future, but there is an issue with the full plan for a potential mars landing. on start, starship broke because the rockets were too powerful, they tore chunks of concrete from the launchpad that hit the rocket. they want to solve this with the water suppression system. but what about the final goal of landing on mars? true, starship will be a lot less powerful by then, but it will have to land on gravel. in a thin atmosphere, so there will be nothing to stop those shrapnel going everywhere. and they can't reinforce the engines, they need to be thin to cool off. so, how do they plan to survive landing on a hostile surface?
  10. ah, it works. i was using "copy link" from imgur. there was a big button for it, it seemed the right thing to do. the option on the right click of the mouse works properly. and my screenshots are in png format
  11. https://imgur.com/feSzLzg Doesn't work. First, I have to manually write .png. Even then, it doesn't upload correctly wait, it did upload correctly! very uncomfortable, though, because when I paste the link I can't see it, and I can't see what I'm writing; I'm still better off going the long way
  12. Part 5: A super-Jool with a super-Laythe Boundless explores the Tyepolbinar system. The moons of Tyepolbynar. Do notice the relatively high orbital speeds, especially for Jifgif, and that Etrograd is in a retrograde orbit 5.1) Not quite like Laythe 5.2) Two lobes is better than one 5.3) We can go retrograde the hard way, or the long way 5.4) The north pole of Aerious 5.5) Refueling on Tannor
  13. I hope @18Watt is taking a long vacation, and didn't have an accident. Meanwhile, I circumnavigated another modded planet. It's the minor body 2-Wolda, from the whirligig world planetary pack. I also circumnavigated Jifgif, from the same planetary pack, but its report will wait a bit longer. Reminder: the OPM Tal circumnavigation is still awayting confirmation
  14. Part 4B: Very hot wheels In this spinoff I reload back to bring the Cigar rover to Wolda. I figured that since I'm going to circumnavigate the minor body, I may as well do it sooner than later. Probably the first entry in the Elcano challenge where ship overheating is an actual issue.
  15. not too difficult. make a grand tour. make sure your landers have wheels (or, for eve and laythe, propellers and wings) so they can reach every biome. collect all science. it takes time.
  16. I don't see any forum technical support, so I'm posting here... Up until one week ago, I could upload an image on imgur, then right-click copy it, and paste it on the forum. The forum would recognize this as meaning it must take the image url. Now, it does not work anymore, It says I cannot post images directly. So I have to click "insert image from url", copy the url, and add .png. Which is a lot more annoying when I have to post dozens of pictures. What changed there? is there some way to get back the easy uploading?
  17. does it make any difference? it's a celestial body you can land on in this game. why? it's a completely arbitrary definition.
  18. this is the dancing porcupine rover, with the rockets mounted on hinges. here pointing downwards, for ascent here the engines are pointed backwards, for greater propulsive power as rover some people even managed to build actual robots. so yes, robotic parts do work, but they do have limitations. first, in the amount of force they can take. those I used in the pictures are terrier engines. the hinges can keep them in position with some shaking. i tried using the more powerful darts, and the thing broke apart. In the same vein, I made a retractable solar array by attaching trusses to hinges, and solar panels to the trusses. but the more trusses you put, the less the system is stable. At some point it just keeps oscillating. So, your attempt at putting rapiers engines on servos failed because of strenght limits. maybe using bigger servos would help. maybe the rapiers are just too powerful. in any case, related to this, robotic parts are not perfectly still. As you see, I used them for vectored thrust, in that I can direct my thrust upwards, downwards, or backwards. but fine control? nope. The push from the engines make the joints shake too much. In fact, the rover can be stable in flight only because of engine gimbaling correcting it. Second, robotic parts are prone to shifting and getting distorted if force is applied on them. for example, if a big ground station is laying on them, like you tried to do. In this case, they can get bent by small amounts, that gradually get bigger with time. In my case, those hinges were moving lower and lower, until at some point I had to go in eva construction, disassemble the engines and hinges, and build them again. third, robotic parts are also prone to bugs in many other cases. for example, if you place a docking port on a robotic part, it generally crashes. or two robotic parts stuck on each other. you can mmitigate this by putting other parts between the two robotic parts; for example, a simple octogonal strut between piston and docking port. fourth, robotic parts can get bugged even if you're not doing any of the above. the more complex your construction, the more likely it will bug. on the plus side, my dancing porcupine rover went to circumnavigate four different celestial bodies, and the robotic parts kept on working. so you can find some safe configuration. they are rddled with bugs, but they can be made to work.
  19. exactly as @Hotel26 said: basically, "running a test" means that you bring the lander on the planet it's intended for, try it, and then revert the flight. it means, for example, that you can cheat a tylo lander in orbit and see if it actually works at landing on tylo, without having to go through all the hassle of sending it to tylo in the first place
  20. I would try uninstalling some mods. it's definitely a bug, it's not in the stock game, so it's most likely caused by mod compatibility issues
  21. very weird. how do jet engines work if the game thinks there is no oxygen? when the game lets you take off the helmet on a kerbal, how does it know the air is breathable? probably another piece of programming with the actual oxygen value. anyway, it's clearly not intended.
  22. i can't really understand your issue. red cross thing? resource transfer has nothing to do with launch anyway, you can't block resource transfer from a fuel tank to a adjacent engine. i have no idea what kind of issue you could have. you can try to post some pictures to show it P.S. your rocket has a probe core, right? EDIT: ok, i see what you meant by red cross. i played 3 years, and never noticed that option. still, can't you unlock it manually? if it's a basic rocket it can't have many parts, it will take half a minute. your probe core should still work to provide guidance, because every probe core has built-in batteries. if electricity is still the problem, you could try to cheat infinite electricity just to solve this issue.
  23. it's not difficult, actually. what helps you is that changing inclination is very cheap when you are in a high, slow orbit. so, you arrive in the wrong direction. I assume, using your picture as a reference, that you would like to arrive from above or below, so you'd get captured with the right inclination, and instead you'll arrive from the right or left. it's ok, the important thing is that periapsis will be roughly where it should be in the target orbit. so, get captured around eve, in a high elliptic orbit, with periapsis roughly in the right place. this should give you a planar node in the high part of the orbit. use that for the plane change, and it will be cheap. less than 200 m/s over an ideal capture. alterntively, if you can't get captured with a periapsis close to the target one, still no despair. get captured into a elliptic orbit, then at periapsis make a burn to reach your target orbit. how do you make that burn? pretty simple; just point in the direction of apoapsis on the target orbit. use radial and normal components liberally, by trial and error. the idea is that the ship is going slowly, so you can cheaply enough override its orbital speed and send it to cross your target orbit. you will then need then another similar burn once you intercept the target orbit, and this will be a lot more expensive. probably 200 to 400 m/s for the first burn, and 1000 or so for the second. it would add 1500 m/s to your fuel budget, not ideal but not tragic. i would like to post some screenshots of similar maneuvers I made, but I am using a limited connection right now; still, i can point out some of my mission reports linked in my signature. in the dream big mission, as well as the bolt mission, there are some maneuvers posted on how to reach gilly for a low cost despite large differences in inclination. reaching gilly is basically the same as reaching apoapsis on your target orbit. in one of those reports i even left the maneuver node open so one could see the radial, normal and prograde/retrograde. both times in the early chapter, as eve was the first interplanetary destination in those grand tours. perhaps most helpful to you, in the a'twin mission I had basically your same problem when coming back to the moons of Uranus from Neptune; should be around the end of chapter 15, the subchapter about returning to Uranus. there I discuss and explain with some detail how I got there, despite having an unfavorable approach and being unable to put periapsis on the right side. I still ended up spending quite a substantial amount of deltaV, but maneuvers in the real solar system are much more expensive.
  24. when the rover starts bouncing, I broke them wheels at much lower speed. probably the mass of the rover also helps. ah, makes sense. if the wheels were not flat and have issues with hitting the terrain at an angle. when you are going down a steep slope, your wheels are hitting the terrain at an angle, recreating the same conditions that caused it to bounce earlier.
  25. I'd suspect an issue with running out of electricity, robotic parts freeze if left without energy. but if it happens at launch, and only sometimes, it's unlikely to be the case.
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