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Everything posted by darthgently

  1. Thanks, I did re-edit and put a google drive link to all my logs but I'm not seeing that in my post now, though it seemed to show up fine right after I added the link (subject to moderation I suppose). Anyway, I'll get them into the original report from now on
  2. @linuxgurugamer, thanks for all you and others who herd these cats we call mods. Very much appreciated. I'm having an issue on debian linux 64 ksp 1.9.1, IR Next, and with version of QuickExit that CKAN is doling out. A couple of questions; is there a better version of QuickMods or QuickExit I should be using with 1.9.1? Is QuickExit considered stable currently and if not what are the caveats re: other mods? The issue I'm having is that Infernal Robotics goes into fits when I quick exit. It apparently has a hook in for when the vessel gets destroyed but is not handling the quick exit well. I can send full logs but below is the spam that repeats for several minutes until the main process finally just hangs up the phone (so no quick exit at all). The downside is that my IR settings for parts on the craft not only don't get saved, but get wiped, also I sometimes get similar behavior from Action Groups Extended where action groups will lose their details, but the actions names are still there in the custom action list, just no associated parts or actions. QuickExit seems to be the common factor and if it isn't honoring protocol for giving other mods a chance to do their final chores prior to exiting it would fit the symptoms overall. Let me know if you think this is an IR issue or if you want more info, or want me to test anything Exception handling event onVesselDestroy in class ControllerFlight:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at FlightGlobals.get_Vessels () [0x00005] in <ac04291822974a138f007b85091a10d0>:0 at InfernalRobotics_v3.Command.Controller.RebuildServoGroupsFlight () [0x00154] in <7643688b073444688efe2328ed71d977>:0 at InfernalRobotics_v3.Command.Controller.OnVesselUnloaded (Vessel v) [0x00016] in <7643688b073444688efe2328ed71d977>:0 at EventData`1[T].Fire (T data) [0x000b0] in <ac04291822974a138f007b85091a10d0>:0 (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) After reading back in forum I see you *always* ask for logs, so here are links to Player.log, KSP.log, and edu.log (exception detector) Also, I'm newish to KSP and am in the middle of sorting out what mods I should or should not be mixing and matching on 1.9.1 by just trying them out so there is a lot of noise in the logs which is why I was going to spare you that https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dWxgvCPeiwhRO9UnVYRuISWHcaHUHIAk?usp=sharing
  3. I'm running ksp 1.9.1 running a beta IR from MS site from last week or so. I'm relatively new to IR but not to the real world stuff that IR replicates. Anyway, is it possible in IR, through some 'recoupler' type trick or similar, to have a robotic limb connected via more than one IR moving part path to a common ancestor? See pic. I faked the top joint visually, it ain't workin. Can I edit the file and link those points up if I drink a pot of coffee first? I really need the extra leverage and stability and the biggest scale Liftotron isn't up to it. On a related not, can I put 2 gantries face to face to get twice the distance and double the joint surface in an IR device? Editing the file is what I'm thinking of trying but if everyone here but me knows that that won't work I'd like to know before I get down that rabbit hole. And if there is a better forum to ask this in (I looked around, a big booming central IR forum eluded me) then I'll go ask there I got a boost when I discovered IR as it made KSP seem 'new' again; more to play with. Thank you devs for your passion and work It appears my shareable google drive link isn't good enough for the server, it is just a pic of a gantry visually connected to parallel 2 pivotrons on extendatrons upstream toward the root part. I probably haven't posted enough to earn that priv, but you it isn't like I have to draw a picture, right? :^)
  4. linuxgurugamer, I'm using the faster zoom all the time as zooming with the mousewheel under linux is spotty for me and I end up using the -/+ keys all the time. Thanks for your attention keeping all this rolling. If you could find it in your heart to do the same double-tap/fast change for the PgUp and PgDn keys with regards to moving up and down in the hangars that would be so very cool. Or if someone could point me to how I can reliably make my mousewheel scale up under linux I'd really appreciate it. I changed the scale in for AXIS_MOUSEWHEEL in the global settings.cfg and it seems to work for the first few scrolls, then goes back to glacial. Mousewheel speed is great in X in general. Just glacial in KSP. I'm running 1.9.1 and a bunch of mods so not sure I want to keep going down that rabbit hole for now; but if you have something that might help I'd appreciate
  5. Is there a way to refer to the Windows Key in the KSP settings.cfg file? I'd like to assign the windows key on my keyboard as the MODIFIER_KEY as it isn't used by any linux distro windows manager that I'll ever use and having the mod key on the left makes a lot more sense to me. I could config my XFCE to use the windows key (which is called 'Super' in this config context) instead of Alt and let KSP have Alt, but I do a lot of Alt-Tab multitasking while waiting for scenes to load in KSP. Any other related ideas welcome, thanks in advance
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