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Everything posted by darthgently

  1. After dealing with the kraken on Minmus too many times I'm experimenting with a leveling modular platform where each piece is a hexagonal procedural structural element that is light enough that a single kerbal can assemble the bigger platform on the surface using KAS. Basically an IKEA deck that a base can be built on later, or even just a storage area for KIS containers or whatever. So the craft is very light weight. I was planning on having a leveling base under the center hex, level the platform, then nail it in place with a launch clamp or something like that (kind of fuzzy at that point). But on the current experimental craft I've tweakscaled the single base to 10m and I'm just hyperediting it to the surface with some RCS thrown on. I edited the part cfg to reduce the ExtensionRate of the base to 1/8th at 0.0125 and that helped a lot. No more launching off the surface. But the platform is nowhere near level once the legs stop moving. It almost looks like in the low g, it will be teetering on 2 opposing legs, and by chance reach a point near level, and decide it is done which leaves other legs hanging. I've ruled out the speed of the legs pushing down in by slowing ExtensionRate to 0.025, so it must be something else. I'm thinking the combined dV of the extending gear needs to be less than some number related to whatever body the base is on, and perhaps some indicator to the player that the base is busy doing this stuff if the rate is very slow for a low g surface; indicating that it might take awhile (blinking the lights above the gear "A", "B",... labels?) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ADU6wZYjcTPciPPeDFM1Pqp2HOj3uINE/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Lk6YA9fj_SnGPP_TF7fOGgCODMZNv5Kx/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iLJQ-fKJ31ZF1h3TaFeJYkdlvk_51VNf/view?usp=sharing If you look really close you can see in the last 2 images the right click menu for the base shows the "finished" level reading in degrees of 4.x and 8.x degrees, and in both attempts I noticed it reach a teeter-totter point of near zero on 2 opposing gear at which point it seemed to stop moving (but hard to tell at 1/8th speed) I'm wondering if this is an artifact of scaling it up to 10m. But I don't see how as those pad offsets would make even less sense at the smaller, original, 3.75 scale. I guess it depends on how the code is determining how to move the pad to where it needs to be and whether that is scaling those values correctly. Or maybe scaling some, but not others. If getting the pad to the position depends on the extension rate and moving for a period of time then maybe my changing the extension rate triggered this out-of-plane condition if the extension rate doesn't scale right and it is used on for positioning the pads The pads should end up in a 2d plane tangent to the slope if all works right, so whatever the extension rate or scale just moving the pads into that plane, but not too fast for the local gravity, is one way of looking at it. And verifying that everything scales correctly EDIT: Just tested at default scale and it works mostly (2.2 degrees off of level, but all the pads are on the ground) so I'm fairly sure the autolevel doesn't scale correctly. And not sure if the 2.2 degrees off is normal or a bug; if not normal, then its a bug. So the only big issue is keeping the ExtensionRate down with regards to local gravity and the level algo needs to take scale into account. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zf1r7wsyyyQV8YZzv85DqCtJcKsN1zIO/view?usp=sharing
  2. I'm trying to sort out how these autolevelers work using HyperEdit. Is there any way to control the force at which the landing legs on the autoleveling bases deploy? In low grav the autolevel isn't working for me as it launches vessel off the surface as they deploy. Do they work by detecting ground contact as they deploy or by making internal reference to the slope and its direction? It seems the former. Once the first pad comes into contact with Minmus, it launches the vessel up such that the other legs don't stop at the correct point and keep going so even after it settles back down the legs are all wrong. I've tried using RCS to hold the craft down when I click autolevel but the legs just overpower it and its just hopping around like a frog as I keep trying
  3. Do the autoleveling bases need any support parts like electrical power or a KAL9000 etc? Or do they just "work"? Thanks for all you do!
  4. I'm curious about the particulars about how a satellite scan gets "more detail" if rovers with the right parts are involved. How much more detail? Does the detail only apply to the area a rover roves in? How big an area around the rover gets more detail? Would any landed vessel work, or does it have to be a wheeled rover?
  5. Wow. First time on the forum and I go to the more recent posts to ask a question and it has just been answered already. I need to go to Vegas now and bet some money. Thanks! Very cool mod, gritty and keeps it more real. Just a shot in the dark but I had vaguely similar issues and for me the culprit appears to have been RemoteTech. No issues since moving to RealAntennas (and starting over basically as I had all the wrong antennas throughout the Kerbol system ). But I also changed a few other things so it may not have been the RT; just throwing out that fuzzy data point
  6. Ok, I am running 1.9, that explains why after installing KSP-Recall I haven't had it happen again. I'm just trying to have fun playing when I'm not working and have trouble finding time to methodically sort out which mod, or combo of mods, may be an issue; so many times I'll change so many things at once trying to get a stable system quick that I'm never sure what fixed a problem. I did finally take the time to look at logs and leverage the Exception Detector mod to realize that RemoteTech was by far the biggest problem. It is gone now and things are so much better. Thanks for the clarification
  7. I've had tweakscale glitches where boosters would be short on fuel when scaled up, but never empty and never all of them. Any earlier and it would be in the editor. That's funny
  8. Hi, thanks for all the work on this devs, I truly appreciate what it takes. A couple of things that have been recurring to me. First, I was wondering if the possibility to have one's flag displayed on the side of procedural parts was on the list of todos. Basically having a "toggle flag" option as many of the stock command pods and some other parts allow in the right click menu. A minor thing, but when it comes to screen shot time those big procedural tanks are perfect for displaying the logo/flag. Second, there are a few points in the edit process where with a procedural part the top and bottom can get reversed (like putting symmetrical cone shaped fuel tanks around the COM for balance by copying one and flipping it over) then when adjusting dimensions later the 'top' is now the 'bottom'. Then with the procedural decoupler it is very hard to know for sure which side it separates and which side it sticks to, but come to think of it I'm not sure if I've ever noticed if it sticks around as debris after decoupling. Maybe it goes out of game completely so the orientation issue doesn't matter. Then finally, the main reason I came here is that I want to start playing with making textures for various parts in ksp and was looking for pointers on how to make a texture for procedural parts. Is GIMP adequate to do this? Do they need to be compiled into something or just put as files somewhere with maybe updating some cfg file as to their existence? Any clues appreciated and any decent textures I make will of course be made freely available
  9. Bingo. The best advice I ever received was do *not* talk about your plans unless forced to in order to actualize them. *Do* them. Makers make. Put away the cheerleading pom-poms, break out the blood, sweat, and tears, and *work*. Let your ideas emergence and actual existence do the talking after you have actually done something tangible enough to make it real for others. Imagine an egg that started talking about the chick it was going to grow inside, but with every flap of its strange egg-shell lips yolk and egg white scatter to the wind leaving an empty shell. Don't say and spray your chicks to the wind before they hatch. Don't dissipate your creative energy by using it to power mere flapping jaws. You don't need the crowd's approval to make something and the true reward comes from making it, not from talking about it
  10. I'm curious what the top use cases are for a persistence/craft file editor are for different KSP players. I know what my top goals are: .craft file editing: 1. Ability to remove (maybe even upgrade to newer similar part in same step) obsolete parts, en masse with a few clicks. 2. Remove parts that are causing exceptions or errors, perhaps replacing them with procedural structural elements and healing all attachments affected with the stub as a placeholder. Or maybe just removing the modules from the parts that are specifically causing the problem (for me lately it is RemoteTech AYA stuff) 3. Duplicate contents of one full KIS container on a vessel to multiple empty containers on the vessel without having to drag and drop each item into each container in the editor 4. Tuning RCS placement and angle algorithmically in the file outside of the game rather than in the editor 5. More convenient editing of Action Groups 6. Finding and dealing with those "lost" parts buried in the clipverse under the skin of craft 7. Audit a craft for what parts and mods it relies upon. So one can know the impact of removing a particular mod 8. Audit a craft for part clipping/overlap issues 9. Audit a craft for weak joints relative to forces from engines, drag, and torque 10. Re-establish symmetry for parts that have been removed from symmetry for one reason or another 11. Select a set of parts based on a regular expression of part names, nameTags, ... and then apply any number of operations: tweakscale, thrust/yaw/pitch/roll/translate toggles, autostrut on/off, etc to all at once .sfs file editing: 1. Countering the Kraken. I think it is fair play to set the SMA of your Dres satellites by hand in the sfs when after hours of doing things by the book, during your last satellite deployment in the system, it, and your deploying ship, gets nuked by the Kraken simply because it got annoyed by time warp (the errors and exceptions in the log were all from Farram Aerospace and the satellite, in space around Dres, was rattling and shaking like it was descending through atmo to the surface of Eve (ship effects mod), then it exploded, so yeah, big problem there, but not my problem). When KSP and mods play by the rules, so will I. I only do sandbox anyway until I get a combo of KSP and mod versions that is mostly stable and predictable; which hasn't happened for me yet 2. I don't have a 2 for .sfs I am mostly concerned with .craft file editing at this time. But I'm thinking of diving into this aspect of the KSP code support community and maybe trying to help out with some mods so am wondering what the main reasons are that people want to edit these files are as I'm sure they aren't exactly the same as mine. There are too many possibilities to cover all, so I want to focus on what is useful
  11. I have yet to get wine going on this build but I could give it a shot in the next week or so and report back
  12. There is a possible middle ground where the focus would be to just get it to the point of running under wine on linux I suppose: https://ccifra.github.io/PortingWPFAppsToLinux/Overview.html Most linux users are familiar with it as a compromise and while they wouldn't wan't to run KSP under wine, a file editing tool would be perfectly normal use of it. It will be interesting to see what KSP2 reveals in many regards. I'm wondering if it will still be hard in 2 for mods to prevent propagation of clicks to windows underneath. It boggles me that is a problem in a major game in the year 2020; that is like a 1993 kind of problem when even cool techies were still vexed as to whether "gooey" or "Gee You I" was the proper way to say GUI
  13. Could someone throw me a quick clue on where to start on getting this to run under linux? I downloaded the source, am fairly familiar with C, C++, but C# is newish to me. I did grab the mono dev env when I installed the debian awhile back so I think I'm mostly set to give it a go with maybe some other minor downloads. Really, just some focused clues, I can go from there. I just don't want to go down a garden path for a week when if I'd asked these questions I could have been going in an hour or less; the unobvious gotchas, that kind of thing. Thanks in advance
  14. Ok, I'm clear on it now. Thank you for clarifying and all your effort, I know it takes a lot of work
  15. I think this may have been what made me wonder (in the OP recommended list): Kethane. Allows hot-spot mining of MetalOre. old thread (for history). My question probably should have been "What is hot-spot mining"? The old thread link isn't working so I ask
  16. I read the OP and the manual. I always RTFM first. That is how I knew to ask the question about kethane in the first place. The OP was posted awhile ago and ksp mod docs typically get updated far less often and with less accuracy than the code. It seemed plausible something might have changed in the code, but not the OP or the docs, in the intervening months. So thanks for the assurance that the OP and manual are completely up to date. Good to know and I appreciate your answering at all given the high ratio of unanswered, but reasonable, questions, I see posted in various ksp forums
  17. I apologize for not reading the entire thread to find an answer but I want to play with EPL and want to know if the Kethane mod is still required for metalworking. I'm trying to reduce mods to just the core that I need to enjoy the challenges of kerbaling in space and would like to try EPL in that select group but a small red flag popped up when I read an older post about a kethane mod req. Thanks in advance, and a bajillion thanks for all the creative and administrative work keeping a big mod going
  18. That isn't exactly what I'm getting at. For example I want to define a "rover parts kit" ( a lot of wheels mostly, ha ha), or another example a container with a variety of solar panels that commonly get busted up by Jeb not looking where he is going etc. I want to define contents of a container then be able to make copies of that container with its contents without having to place each wheel in each container each time. I want to grab a "rover parts kit" from my custom category. I'm looking into the manufacturing but for now I just need to get my first bases going. I can't decide which manufacturing mod to focus on. Then there is the issue of yet another mod and how stability goes down as number of mods goes up, lol. I figured out the .craft file stuff and am looking into what it would take to make a mod. What I'm thinking for now is that if you tag name a container in a .craft file 'rover parts' and it has contents, then the script would look for any other container of the same type, even if empty, that has '[rover parts]' (with the square brackets) as the tag name. The script would populate the empties using the one named 'rover parts' as a reference. The contents of a KIS container in a .craft file is real straightforward from what I've figured out so far so this really isn't making it complicated if one is comfortable scripting and parsing text files, but yeah, an in game mod would be better. Coding a mod isn't my comfort zone at this time
  19. Quick question. I know I can save pre-packaged containers as subassemblies but unless I can duplicate them somehow I still end up having to grind a lot to get multiple similar content containers into a launch. Is there any additional mod or hackish technique that will allow me to copy a prepackaged container that is easier than repeatedly pulling up the subassembly, rooting my ship to the sub, moving the precious container over to the ship, getting another subassembly, then repeating 12 times? I suppose I could have multiple same conent containers in the subassembly but this isn't really helpful when I want to use symmetry to put 12 containers of pylons and such onto a base ship. If there is no solution then I'll do what I did before using KIS/KAS and just radially attach all this stuff to the ship directly and use the ship as my "attachment system". Is there any way around the grind? Clarification: I'm willing to edit .craft files if necessary, but if it is just as grindy as the UI then would probably not. I'm considering a tedium-reducing python script that would look in the .craft file for a KIS container attached to some symmetric radial point, like a ring of docking ports, and if it has contents and the other symmetric attachment points are have nothing attached to them, then it would edit the file to mirror the full container to all the other symmetric points. There are problems in doing this; like coming up with all the unique IDs for the new containers. Maybe I could have say 11 empties, and one with contents, that way the IDs would all be in place, but I think I'd still have to gen IDs for all the items in each container Looking at a .craft file it appears that contents in KIS containers all have a persistentID of zero, so the probably don't "exist" in the game until taken out of the container and put in play, so maybe I will try to script something, but it really seems like something that would make far more sense built-in in KIS or into a mod on top of KIS. I've never coded a mod for ksp and it would be far less familiar to me than doing a script to modify the .craft file. Still, either a mod, or a fix in KIS would be far more ideal in the long run for everyone
  20. Thanks, I did re-edit and put a google drive link to all my logs but I'm not seeing that in my post now, though it seemed to show up fine right after I added the link (subject to moderation I suppose). Anyway, I'll get them into the original report from now on
  21. @linuxgurugamer, thanks for all you and others who herd these cats we call mods. Very much appreciated. I'm having an issue on debian linux 64 ksp 1.9.1, IR Next, and with version of QuickExit that CKAN is doling out. A couple of questions; is there a better version of QuickMods or QuickExit I should be using with 1.9.1? Is QuickExit considered stable currently and if not what are the caveats re: other mods? The issue I'm having is that Infernal Robotics goes into fits when I quick exit. It apparently has a hook in for when the vessel gets destroyed but is not handling the quick exit well. I can send full logs but below is the spam that repeats for several minutes until the main process finally just hangs up the phone (so no quick exit at all). The downside is that my IR settings for parts on the craft not only don't get saved, but get wiped, also I sometimes get similar behavior from Action Groups Extended where action groups will lose their details, but the actions names are still there in the custom action list, just no associated parts or actions. QuickExit seems to be the common factor and if it isn't honoring protocol for giving other mods a chance to do their final chores prior to exiting it would fit the symptoms overall. Let me know if you think this is an IR issue or if you want more info, or want me to test anything Exception handling event onVesselDestroy in class ControllerFlight:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at FlightGlobals.get_Vessels () [0x00005] in <ac04291822974a138f007b85091a10d0>:0 at InfernalRobotics_v3.Command.Controller.RebuildServoGroupsFlight () [0x00154] in <7643688b073444688efe2328ed71d977>:0 at InfernalRobotics_v3.Command.Controller.OnVesselUnloaded (Vessel v) [0x00016] in <7643688b073444688efe2328ed71d977>:0 at EventData`1[T].Fire (T data) [0x000b0] in <ac04291822974a138f007b85091a10d0>:0 (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) After reading back in forum I see you *always* ask for logs, so here are links to Player.log, KSP.log, and edu.log (exception detector) Also, I'm newish to KSP and am in the middle of sorting out what mods I should or should not be mixing and matching on 1.9.1 by just trying them out so there is a lot of noise in the logs which is why I was going to spare you that https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dWxgvCPeiwhRO9UnVYRuISWHcaHUHIAk?usp=sharing
  22. I'm running ksp 1.9.1 running a beta IR from MS site from last week or so. I'm relatively new to IR but not to the real world stuff that IR replicates. Anyway, is it possible in IR, through some 'recoupler' type trick or similar, to have a robotic limb connected via more than one IR moving part path to a common ancestor? See pic. I faked the top joint visually, it ain't workin. Can I edit the file and link those points up if I drink a pot of coffee first? I really need the extra leverage and stability and the biggest scale Liftotron isn't up to it. On a related not, can I put 2 gantries face to face to get twice the distance and double the joint surface in an IR device? Editing the file is what I'm thinking of trying but if everyone here but me knows that that won't work I'd like to know before I get down that rabbit hole. And if there is a better forum to ask this in (I looked around, a big booming central IR forum eluded me) then I'll go ask there I got a boost when I discovered IR as it made KSP seem 'new' again; more to play with. Thank you devs for your passion and work It appears my shareable google drive link isn't good enough for the server, it is just a pic of a gantry visually connected to parallel 2 pivotrons on extendatrons upstream toward the root part. I probably haven't posted enough to earn that priv, but you it isn't like I have to draw a picture, right? :^)
  23. linuxgurugamer, I'm using the faster zoom all the time as zooming with the mousewheel under linux is spotty for me and I end up using the -/+ keys all the time. Thanks for your attention keeping all this rolling. If you could find it in your heart to do the same double-tap/fast change for the PgUp and PgDn keys with regards to moving up and down in the hangars that would be so very cool. Or if someone could point me to how I can reliably make my mousewheel scale up under linux I'd really appreciate it. I changed the scale in for AXIS_MOUSEWHEEL in the global settings.cfg and it seems to work for the first few scrolls, then goes back to glacial. Mousewheel speed is great in X in general. Just glacial in KSP. I'm running 1.9.1 and a bunch of mods so not sure I want to keep going down that rabbit hole for now; but if you have something that might help I'd appreciate
  24. Is there a way to refer to the Windows Key in the KSP settings.cfg file? I'd like to assign the windows key on my keyboard as the MODIFIER_KEY as it isn't used by any linux distro windows manager that I'll ever use and having the mod key on the left makes a lot more sense to me. I could config my XFCE to use the windows key (which is called 'Super' in this config context) instead of Alt and let KSP have Alt, but I do a lot of Alt-Tab multitasking while waiting for scenes to load in KSP. Any other related ideas welcome, thanks in advance
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