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Ben J. Kerman

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Everything posted by Ben J. Kerman

  1. Granted. You get a spherical multimeter that always rolls away when you are using it. Next time you should ask for metres. I wish that the United States used the metric system.
  2. No, a bed. TUBM is the user below me.
  3. I bring a bunch of dump trucks, excavators, and loaders to build my own hill, then a crane and some other trucks to build a small fort on it. My Liebherr-built hill.
  4. No, we have a leak diverter for that. That's so the flies in your drink have some shade to lie in (So I guess it's a parasol) Waiter, what is that tiny Bender doing in my soup? (Futurama reference. If you watch Futurama, please reply with the appropriate response. If you watched that episode, you'll know what to say. If you haven't watched Futurama, then just find something funny to say)
  5. Nein, this is an actual German stop sign. Oh, and there's a detour. (Das ist Umleitung) Probably pronounced as 'Schtop', though.
  6. Because it's a big block of cheese and they always hold it too close to the camera, or sometimes the actor's ego generates enough gravity to pull the moon closer to the Earth. Who am I?
  7. I think I accidentally deleted my partially completed Kania/Kiebherr truck mounted crane.

    Is there any way I can get it back?



  8. In my opinion, a dwarf planet is still a planet, just a dwarf one. I guess.
  9. I think I'll download this to give all my trucks and cranes real enclosed cabs. Hopefully it works for me!
  10. Put a road in-between the oven and the chicken, then make a corny joke. ШНДЋ ЇЗ С́ЎЯILLIЄ? What is Cyrillic?
  11. No, but I am in the SPH building a crane (Actually a truck mounted crane, a Kiebherr KTM 1060 mounted on a Kania PK370) TUBM knows something (anything) about Iceland.
  12. Sometimes when I undo (Ctrl+Z) on a craft that has a lot of the Making History structural panels, the panels move all out of place and get messed up and I need to manually fix them or just give up and start from scratch. It does not happen often, and I think it has only actually happened to me three or four times. I am just wondering why it is happening, if it is a known bug, and if there is anything I can do to prevent it. Below is an example of one time it happened. I removed a few panels before I took the screenshot, so this isn't exactly what happened, but it shows how the panels moved. *sigh* KSP is an awesome game, but full of bugs and glitches. Some are fun, some are not, and some are really not.
  13. No, I don't know. TUBM wonders where ColdJ lives, because he says he has seen both Freightliner/Western Star trucks as well as DAF, Scania, and Mercedes-Benz trucks. South America is the only place I can think of. I just remembered!! Duh, a big place where American and European trucks are driven is... Australia!!!! I think. Anyone from Australia who thinks I am wrong, please correct me. I am not trying to be creepy or anything by wanting to know where everybody lives, just wondering where both American and European trucks are driven.
  14. I like to use Cubeupload because it is only an image uploader, it is pretty easy to create an account, I think (yes, unfortunately it does require that you create an account), and it seems more painfully-slow-internet friendly. Just use whatever works best for you, and I hope you have a great experience on this forum!
  15. Ridin' to the stratosphere in style in a quality Kwedish truck! Hooray for Infinite Propellant!
  16. The Kerbals are kind of cute, I have to admit. I need to see if I can get a screenshot of Jeb's face as he is driving my Kania road train again, he looked so excited! I really like the different expressions they make.
  17. I worked more on my Kania trucks, and made a logo for them! I will post pictures/videos soon. I haven't really been going into space recently (in Kerbal Space program, go figure; but hey, KSP is for making and doing whatever you want, no matter how dumb or irrelevant, that's what makes it so cool!)\ Besides that, I didn't really do much.
  18. I've only got 10 mods and both DLCs, and I think it takes about 4-5 minutes to load.
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