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Ben J. Kerman

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Everything posted by Ben J. Kerman

  1. I am downloading it!!!! Unfortunately, at 70 kbps. It's taking a little while, but I should have it before KSP2 Just kidding, I am already at 20% complete after maybe an hour. It's not that bad, but it is slow.
  2. Yeah! Now, unfortunately, we need to make sure we talk about it on the other parts of the forum so we can keep the Megathread going. But yes, I am very excited about the anniversary!
  3. Calling 911 to ask if they want to go out for some beers later.
  4. I started in Feb. of 2018 (For my birthday), but I still almost feel like I have been with it from the beginning. Or not, I don't know, but what I do know is that I am at least as excited, if not more excited, than people who have been Kerbonauts since the beginning for the 10th anniversary!!!! I can't believe it has been 10 years (For me, only 3. Still, wow, 3 years. <snip>) Great video for a celebration of an AWESOME game!
  5. IT'S THE ANNIVERSARRY EVERYONE!!! (Continue discussion on other forum sections)
  6. No, it starts with a K, ends with a P, and I think there is an S in the middle. Actually, it starts with a K and end with an M.
  7. I know we can't really talk about it, but come on. Just a little bit. It is 1:53 AM in Konnecticut, which means it is officially technically... THE 10th ANNIVERSARY OF THAT GAME WE ALL PLAY!!!!
  8. Where I live, it is 1:50 AM, 6/24/21. That means it is officially technically: KSP'S 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. No. I'm definitely a nerd, but not that kind of nerd. TUBM has gone to every planet in KSP.
  10. I did more work on my mobile launchpad, and even tested it! I barely blew up anything, but I do need to add a heat shield to the bed of the truck. I also cleaned up some debris in orbit of Kerbin.
  11. Almost, but it was in May 2020, although I think I only really became an active user within the past 12 months. No, but I made a paper dodecahedron. I know, that's only 12. TUBM is a moderator.
  12. I am not exactly sure what my most common mistake is, but a common is building a plane/SSTO, going on a test flight, and halfway down the runway I realize: I have no control surfaces! Oh, and staging.
  13. I have missed it too! I can't wait until tomorrow! You know what that is. (Please moderators, at least allow a little KSP talk on the Megathread tomorrow!)
  14. Calling 911 because your lander exploded when trying to land on a planet in KSP.
  15. No. But it is very useful and highly recommended! TUBM is over 20.
  16. No. I need to get back into space. Yes, I haven't been to space for a while in Kerbal Space Program. Go ahead, laugh. TUBM lives in an apartment building.
  17. Some Lego cranes, but unfortunately, no real cranes. TUBM has a piece of construction equipment (Excavator, skid steer, loader, bulldozer, material handler, etc.)
  18. Yes. I don't have a lot of them and I don't use them very often, but they are fun. TUBM lives on Earth.
  19. Way past, it's about 11. TUBM is also excited for the anniversary and KSP 1.12 tomorrow (I know I am!!!)
  20. If you want Japanese stuff, I've got some Japanese cranes, (Not as good as German cranes, but they're still cranes)
  21. I have a post plane: Unfortunately, I don't think there are any post cranes since there are much more efficient and economical ways of getting mail to someone living in a tall building.
  22. Thanks @OrdinaryKerman for the Wikipedia link. Ooh, I have an idea! I could make a mail truck in... that game that this forum is all about. (Dang it, it's going to be hard to conform to these rules!)
  23. These became stuck in my head after watching a video about service tools for Liebherr mining equipment. (The video used this music) I like it. It seems kind of, kind of "epic", or whatever the word is, it just seems like the right kind music for stuff as big and powerful as mining equipment.
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