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Ben J. Kerman

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Everything posted by Ben J. Kerman

  1. Granted, you get it and you are happy. I wish for a properly colored, regular Lego scale Remote control Lego Liebherr R9800 mining excavator with all the Lego pieces (Including moving/controllable parts) the instructions, and the proper app downloaded on my phone so I can control it, all of this delivered safely to me on Earth without Earth imploding or exploding, without me having any medical issues or conditions, and without my house being destroyed, and I wish to be happy once I get it, even without other Lego mining equipment. Please read wish carefully.
  2. Good night, everybody!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ben J. Kerman

      Ben J. Kerman

      I think it's a Liebherr LR 11350 lattice boom crawler crane.

    3. Singhnaut


      It had to be Liebherr. They are my favorite too. John Deere and CAT tie for second.

    4. Singhnaut


      Also, could you share some of your crane craft files? (If you already have, can you tell me where they are?) Thanks.

  3. Granted, it may or may not happen. I wish for a properly colored, regular Lego scale Remote control Lego Liebherr R9800 mining excavator with all the Lego pieces (Including moving/controllable parts) the instructions, and the proper app downloaded on my phone so I can control it, all of this delivered safely to me on Earth without Earth imploding or exploding, without me having any medical issues or conditions, and without my house being destroyed. Please read wish carefully.
  4. Granted, but they fall out again. I am nearby to help, but don't want to touch your organs. I don't have any gloves, but I would have been able to save your life if I had my Lego R9800. Unfortunately, Godzilla broke it. I again wish for a properly colored, regular Lego scale Remote control Lego Liebherr R9800 mining excavator with all the Lego pieces (Including moving/controllable parts) the instructions, and the proper app downloaded on my phone so I can control it, all of this delivered safely to me on Earth without Earth imploding or exploding, and without my house being destroyed. Please read wish carefully.
  5. Granted, you get 2 skittles. I wish for a properly colored, regular Lego scale Remote control Lego Liebherr R9800 mining excavator with all the Lego pieces (Including moving/controllable parts) the instructions, and the proper app downloaded on my phone so I can control it, all of this delivered safely to me on Earth without Earth imploding or exploding, and without my house being destroyed. Please read wish carefully.
  6. Calling 911 to ask if they can give you a ride home in the fire department's crane (I know in Germany some fire departments use the LTM 1070, but then I would need to call 112) https://www.liebherr.com/en/deu/latest-news/news-press-releases/detail/fire-brigade-crane-ltm-1070-4.2-with-variobase®-news.html
  7. Granted, you laugh even harder while reading the wish below. I wish for a properly colored, regular Lego scale Remote control Lego Liebherr R9800 mining excavator with all the Lego pieces (Including moving/controllable parts) the instructions, and the proper app downloaded on my phone so I can control it, all of this delivered safely to me on Earth without Earth imploding or exploding. Please read wish carefully.
  8. That mod looks AWESOME! Especially since half of what I do in KSP is ground vehicles! And I thought Space Center Vehicles was cool. I will definitely download that soon. Thanks! What version of KSP does that mod work on? I think I have 1.11.2. Does Grounded Modular Vehicles work with that version?
  9. Banned for possibly being behind your computer.
  10. Sort of, it depends. TUBM thinks that Legos are cool.
  11. No. TUBM wants to see a video of me testing things in KSP which results in a crane that has been posessed by the Kraken (I got KSP somewhat working again-True story about the KrakenKrane)
  12. Banned for not specifying that you hate mosquitos.
  13. I don't so it very often, but it's not bad. I don't dislike riding in boats. TUBM wishes that mosquitoes were wiped off the face of the Earth!
  14. I will put it on KerbalX in a few minutes. The only problem is that it requires Tweakscale.
  15. Loaders are sometimes used in agriculture. More often farmers use tractors with loader arms, but this kind of counts. Once I get KSP working again (Don't ask), I will make a combine harvester or something. Oh, I just read the rules. I will put this on KerbalX soon (If I haven't already), but this does need, besides both DLCs, Tweakscale.
  16. Not sure yet. TUBM likes pizza.
  17. No, I joined in 2020. TUBM has a model/toy crane or piece of construction machinery.
  18. If you know me, you know I have a very good sense of humor/sarcasm. Almost too good... To continue this thread in the right direction with a different question, in the moderator UI that was posted on page 231, what does the triangle with exclamation mark (Warning sign? I don't know how to describe that symbol) mean, and what does "ModeratorCP" mean? If that is classified information, I sort of understand.
  19. I found these on the internet, and I will put them here for you to read. I hope you enjoy them! 
































    Just to clarify, I did not make these comics.

    1. Dman979


      @Capt'n Skunky
      made those, I think.

    2. Admiral Fluffy

      Admiral Fluffy

      I saw those. They are great

    3. JB182


      i seen the episode 10 before, where do you get those?

  20. Granted, everyone clicks on the don't click thread, and the earth implodes into nothingness. I wish for a properly colored, regular Lego scale Remote control Lego Liebherr R9800 mining excavator with all the Lego pieces (Including moving/controllable parts) the instructions, and the proper app downloaded on my phone so I can control it, all of this delivered safely to me on Earth. Please read wish carefully.
  21. Banned for not having enough stuff in your signature.
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