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Ben J. Kerman

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Everything posted by Ben J. Kerman

  1. Phew! Once I saw moderators posting on my thread, I got worried for a second(Not like I have anything to worry about, as far as I know my thread is currently 100% compliant with forum guidelines. Let's try to keep it that way!) I think @Stormpilot's second fact is false. I somewhat like tea, but I don't drink it regularly. Fact 1: I am sitting on a couch right now. Fact 2: I am on a phone right now. Fact 3: I have a fireplace in my house.
  2. My crane runs over the Kerbal silhouette with ease, utilizing the Liebherr 6 cylinder 330 Kilowatt engine. I win.
  3. Because it's awesome. Why does Liebherr paint their equipment (Besides many of their cranes) orange-yellow with white operator's cabs?
  4. I think @Stormpilot's first one is false I think @Souptime's second one is false. My first one is false. I want to go to Germany, but I have never been there. Oh, and another rule revision. When you answer a user's guess as to wich one is false, you don't need to post your own 3 facts.
  5. This is the last day of school this school year! I just finished my last period class a few minutes ago!!!!
  6. Because it is. Why is the LTM 11200-9.1 the LTM 11200-9.1 (I know why, but I want you to give me a stupid answer)
  7. You ordered our new Mobius Soup! Half off this week only. Waiter, there's a crane in my soup!
  8. Granted, I drive a heavy crane up a wall in KSP, but then it falls onto you. I wish for a regular Lego size RC Lego Liebherr R9800 mining excavator.
  9. This has recently become stuck in my head. A lot of Al Yankovic's parodies are really funny.
  10. Because the Kraken is angry. Why is my favorite color blue?
  11. Granted, now everybody knows too much. You know what you need to do. I wish for a regular size RC Lego Liebherr R9800 mining excavator with all the Lego pieces.
  12. It's simple. You say three things about you or things you have done. 2 of them are true, but one is not true. The next user must guess which fact is a lie (and post their 3 facts about themselves), and the user who posted first must confirm if the poster who guessed which one of their facts is false guessed correctly or not. Sounds confusing? It is! See better explanation below. The only rules are that you try to follow the game directions, try to keep the side conversation to a minimum, and don't violate any other standard forum rules. EXAMPLE: Poster 1 posts their 2 truths and 1 lie - Right now only poster 1 knows which one is false: Fact 1 Fact 2 Fact 3 Poster 2 guesses, and also gives their 3 facts: I think Poster 1's second fact is false Fact 1 Fact 2 Fact 3 Poster 1: Poster 2 is correct, My second fact is false. I think Poster 2's first fact is false Fact 1 Fact 2 Fact 3 And it continues on like this forever and ever and ever...Or at least until the moderators need to stop it for some reason (Let's try to keep that from happening) I will start. Fact 1: I have been to Germany. Fact 2 : I have never flown on a plane. Fact 3 : I once saw a Liebherr mobile crane, Liebherr wheel loader, and Liebherr crawler crane all in one day.
  13. I think I have some jelly beans or something somewhere. Not with me right now, I am in a car. TUBM is or has a sibling, relative, or parent who is a construction worker or crane operator.
  14. Granted, I click on it and it takes me to a site which downloads a virus to my computer which causes it to detonate, destroying everything in a 500 kilometer radius. I wish for an RC Lego Liebherr R9800 mining excavator with all the proper Lego pieces.
  15. Yes. TUBM can help me learn German.
  16. It is still technically spring, but it is what you would consider to be summer. I think summer legally begins in 4 days. TUBM was a frequent poster on the megathread before, well, you know. I can't talk about it.
  17. Uhhh... I don't think so... TUBM is a moderator.
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