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Everything posted by Entropian

  1. Alright, here's Jool Saturn STS-1: The mission design was actually much easier than the Mars mission's. The hardest part was the ridiculously thick atmosphere - getting to orbit is really annoying because aero drag is still a thing so high up... On a side note, I've been looking through the RSS configs for asteroid size and I think I can rescale them back to stock size. If I do that, I'll be able to do STS-9, as the 'roid colliders won't glitch out. Can I do this and still have it qualify as RSS? Thanks.
  2. Last thing we need is a Bismarck of space industry...
  3. Stock parts to Mars, shuttle style: (this is my first time creating a video like this, please forgive my noob editing)
  4. After much blood, sweat, and overheating computer parts, I present to you the Mars megamission I thought implausible: I filmed this to be like a cinematic; if there's more details needed I can provide them.
  5. FAR seems to be throwing a bunch of exceptions: This may be the cause of the problem but I don't use FAR and so I don't know if it modifies any Space Center things. If removing/reinstalling FAR doesn't work, try clearing your input locks (through the debug menu).
  6. Pretty much stated in the title. Is there a mod that retains the camera focus across docking/undocking? Something like the view/focus part PAW feature but retained across docking/undocking would be ideal for me if such a mod exists. Thanks.
  7. Still having trouble with this - I tried several variations and looked in the wiki and it didn't seem to have any details for this. Does anybody know of a solution to this? Thanks.
  8. Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to create Parallax configs for RSS, but I have a really dumb question: how do I get the stock textures to apply to a RSS body? So far, I've tried changing the name in the ParallaxTerrain config, but it doesn't seem to apply to the RSS body in question. Can anybody give me some advice on this? Thanks.
  9. Thanks! As far as I can see, Minmus doesn't really have a RSS equivalent; no RSS body has the kind of flats that Minmus has. Some RSS bodies, such as Europa and Enceladus, have the icy surface, but none of them really have the Minmus theme of mint and sparkle.
  10. I finished Duna Mars STS-1. I ended up using a massive lifter with a 64-ring of Clydesdales on the first stage and a series of Rhinos and Wolfhounds on the upper stages for the shuttle, and an asparagus'ed version for the support mission (fueling). Liftoff of the shuttle: Ascent: SRB jettison: 2nd stage jettison: 3rd stage jettison: 4th stage jettison: Orbit achieved! Liftoff of the support mission: SRB jettison: Asparagusing: Core jettison: So many stages... Orbit: Rendezvousing and docking: Docked! The shuttle was launched empty, and the support mission was simply a fuel tanker. After the fuel had been transferred, the tanker was undocked: Trajectory to Mars: Burning: Staging the side tanks: Staging of the NERV booster and shuttle engine startup: Bye Earth! Correction burn: Encountering Mars: Aerobraking went very well - the shuttle was very stable and more than enough velocity was lost to capture: Minor periapsis adjustment at apoapsis: 2nd aerobraking pass (it was slow enough to not show any aero effects): Resultant orbit: Periapsis lifting: Circularization: In RSS, the Martian atmosphere extends to 125,000 meters ASL, so the 70,000 meter mark for Commander can't be used. I assumed that the point of that restriction is to have the station in low orbit, so I put it in a 126 km - 126 km orbit just above the atmosphere: Deploying the station: Return trajectory: Burning: Final trajectory: Bye Mars! Hi Earth! Aerobraking: Resultant orbit: Periapsis adjustment: Another aerobraking pass: Inclination adjustment to make it easier to land at Kourou: Atmospheric entry was really sketchy - I misbalanced the no-fuel CoM, causing a borderline lethal interesting landing sequence: Luckily, nothing overheated, and I was able to regain control and use my remaining fuel to barely make it back to the runway: Landed!
  11. Thank you! I just returned to KSP and this is a great surprise! Mars mission is in the works...
  12. Entropian


    Hold on, you said e5, but the diagram shows e6. I'll go with the diagram. d4:
  13. Can somebody please explain how the immunization works? From what I've heard, there's 2 injections, each 3-4 weeks apart. If this is the case, why?
  14. Thanks - I know about the red X, but I'm talking about keeping it active while doing other things, like setting targets and switching focuses.
  15. Something that's bugged me for a long time is that whenever you misclick or select some things with a maneuver node active, it dismisses it, and in many cases, finding the maneuver node again is really annoying. A key binding or some other form of dismissal would be much better than what there is now.
  16. Thanks! Out of curiosity, what type of printer did you use? EDIT: Nevermind, I see it's a depositional.
  17. On to Mars and the asteroid belt! This part is focused on the Martian moons and Vesta. dV margins were tight, but the shuttle can't handle the heat of a full aerobrake, so an aerobraking/propulsive braking hybrid was used to capture at Mars. Approaching Mars: Aerobraking: As you can probably see, the control surfaces are at full deployment, however this was not enough, which meant that the RCS had to compensate, so I nearly ran out of RCS fuel on my way to Phobos. Propulsive part of the braking: After a couple more aerobraking passes, I got this orbit: Which was quickly changed by the Phobos transfer burn: Final trajectory: Braking at Phobos was nerve-wracking. It was passing by really fast and I barely made it into orbit (well, what orbit there was to be had). A small burn from the NERVs got the shuttle on a landing trajectory: You may wonder why I have the drill extended. This is because extending it while on the surface pushes the shuttle up by ~1 m/s, which is enough to be really annoying on Phobos. Landing was a piece of cake, but the staying still part... not so much. Many F9s and sanity-shattering krakens were encountered during ground operations. Mining: Flag: Bye, Phobos! Deimos transfer burn: Braking at Deimos was just as nerve-wracking as at Phobos. These things' SOIs are ridiculously small: Landing (well, what can be called "landing"): Drill out for the same reason as at Phobos. Landed and mining! Flag: Takeoff: Trajectory plotted for the Vesta transfer: Burning: Bye Mars... ... And hello Vesta! Circularizing: Descending: And landed! Mining: And flag: Takeoff: In orbit: To be continued...
  18. Is that a F9 I see in the background? If so, where did you get it?
  19. After a brief hiatus from KSP, I wanted to try my hand at a shuttle-themed interplanetary mission in RSS and I figured you shuttle-people might want to see it.
  20. After a brief hiatus from KSP, I decided the best thing to get back into the game was an interplanetary RSS mission. After working through the Kerbin Earth and Mun Moon series of the wonderful Shuttle Challenge, I wanted to take a break from the Mars mission planning and do something else - so here it is. Basically, the shuttle is a medium-sized fairing with wings attached. Inside the fairing is an ISRU unit, batteries, and a lot of fuel. This uses the 1.25 meter ISRU as the 2.5 meter one was too large and heavy to work, so the shuttle is powered by several Gigantors. Heat control is achieved with several small-sized radiators stowed inside a 2.5 meter service bay, which also contains a single large drill. Nukes are the only engines used on the shuttle, as the high ISP is a must-have for the dV requirements in RSS. To reduce weight and drag, the cockpit is partially clipped inside the fairing, so its hatch is blocked. This is bypassed with an inflatable airlock in the back of the shuttle that I can transfer Valentina to and then EVA from. The lifter is composed of a first stage of SRBs, to lift the vacuum engines on the rest of the rocket high enough to have a much better efficiency than at sea level. The shuttle weighs in at about 90 tons, so a pretty large lifter must be used to get it into orbit. The eight side booster liquid fuel stages are four-way asparagused, to maximize payload mass. If you can't see the photos, please post with your browser and OS so I can try to troubleshoot - I use Dropbox for photos and people sometimes have problems seeing them. Well, here it is on the launchpad: Yes, those are Clydesdales and 5 meter boosters. And liftoff! SRB separation: First side booster separation: Second side booster separation: Third side booster separation: Final booster separation: Orbit achieved! Core reignition for the boost to the Moon: Core separation and NERV ignition: Burn complete: Leaving Earth: Capturing burn: Circularization burn: Final orbit: Deorbiting: Landing: Landed! Refueling: Flag: Takeoff was really sketchy. It involved a lot of high-speed disassembly and F9s, but eventually I managed to get it into the air vacuum: Ascending: Back in orbit: Escape burn: Leaving the Moon: Burning to a Mars intercept: Nailed it: To be continued...
  21. What are the advantages and disadvantages of pusher vs. puller propeller configurations? This has bugged me for a long time.
  22. 1.11 should work with the bleeding edge Kopernicus: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/195699-191-111r-t-bs-kopernicus-unified-bleeding-edge-branch/
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