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Everything posted by Entropian

  1. Try upgrading to 1.7.3, it has a lot of bugfixes and is better supported. You can use CKAN: Or you can install it manually: Here's a guide to getting old versions of mods: The current forum thread for [x] Science!:
  2. I think the craft you weren't piloting must have exited the physics range. When a craft leaves the physics range, the game engine stops calculating throttle, rotation, reentry heating, staging, etc. for that object. At a certain altitude above Kerbin (the "death zone"), if a craft isn't piloted by the player, the game automatically destroys the object. Probably your other craft fell into the "death zone" for out-of-physics-range objects and was destroyed. Try reentering with your space junk; that probably would fix it.
  3. This happens to me too. I first noticed it when 1.6.1 was released, but I can't reproduce it.
  4. A photo would be useful, along with a log file.
  5. It uses an orthographic view, so the landing gear are way easier to align than in KSP's default perspective mode.
  6. I use the mod Kronal Vessel Viewer (KVV) to align my landing gear: https://spacedock.info/mod/1092/Kronal Vessel Viewer Continued Set the picture view to head-on and use the grids to align the landing gear. You also can offset the landing gear into the fuselage.
  7. I'm on 1.9.1 most of the time as well. I didn't see the bug during 1.3.1 - 1.6.1, but ever since 1.7 released it has reappeared several times, most of which were in 1.8.1. I think it got fixed, but it came back. Can a moderator please move this to the unmodded install section of the forums?
  8. I'm having the same problem. It also seems that when the game does that, any nearby craft move in a seemingly random direction almost as far as 3km. I also found a more recent bug report from 1.3.1 that matches your description: https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/16503
  9. Hi, I'm using KSP with Breaking Ground installed. When helicopter rotors are connected by 8-way symmetry to an electric rotor one or two sizes down (e.g. a heli blade type B to an EM-16S rotor), when the craft loads on the runway or launchpad, the helicopter rotors flail around uncontrollably. I am able to reproduce the bug in a fresh install of KSP with only Breaking Ground 1.4.1 installed. Picture of test craft here . Is anyone else having this problem? Thanks for your time.
  10. Hi, I'm playing on KSP 1.8.1, Windows 10 64bit. When I try to grab an asteroid, instead of grabbing the asteroid, my craft moves through the asteroid's surface until it hits an invisible wall inside the asteroid, which when hit, flings my craft away at high speed. Sometimes the invisible wall is outside the asteroid. I've tried hitting the asteroid at different locations, speeds, and angles, but the grabbing unit won't grab, and the craft is always flung away. I've narrowed down the mod to RSS. I started a fresh install of KSP 1.8.1 with only the latest versions of RSS and its hard dependencies installed, but the phenomenon still occurs. Log file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8tsylx8412ih9qz/Player.log?dl=0 Picture outside the asteroid: https://www.dropbox.com/s/uxeoc92z0lsrg2d/Buggy asteroid outside.png?dl=0 Picture after flinging: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bbv538iqm249jcv/Buggy asteroid after flinging.png?dl=0 Is anyone else having this problem? Thanks for your time.
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