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Everything posted by Entropian

  1. So for the KAL abuse method, it seems the limiting factor is air resistance. When I use a heavier projectile, it actually goes higher up than a lighter projectile. I think the piston has enough force that it's extending at its maximum traverse rate long before it extends fully, regardless of mass.
  2. Nice! I'll make a separate leaderboard for KAL bug entries. Leaving pistons on the ground is fine, along with breaking them. The real premise of the challenge is to get as high as possible with hydraulics. EDIT: Is the craft above water? If not, can you run it again to find how high you went AGL? I'll take the ASL level for now.
  3. Sure thing; I managed to get even higher this time: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g8va89s35z5bt4j/Pogo stick.mp4?dl=0
  4. So I completed this challenge at 3rd level (I think). 8 kerbonauts went to all of Jool's moons in 4 lander cans. Mechjeb and Luna Multiplayer were installed, but not used. No parts mods or physics-changing mods were used. Takeoff: Ascent: I forgot to take photos of the transfer to Minmus though. Descending to Minmus: Landed: Flag: Refueling: Takeoff: Transfer to Jool: Correction burn: After a Tylo gravity assist, I got this transfer to Laythe: Aerobraking: Landed: Flag: Takeoff: Vall transfer: After braking: Descending: Flag: Takeoff: Orbit: Tylo transfer: Tylo descent: Landed: Flag: Takeoff: Orbit: After some gravity assists: Pol capture complete: Pol descent: Landed: Flag: Takeoff: Bop transfer: Capture complete: Descent: Landed: I forgot to plant a flag on Bop; does this disqualify me? Takeoff: Transfer back to Kerbin: Propulsively braking at Kerbin: Reentry: I was landing in the dark so I ended up smashing up the top of my craft having a hard splashdown, but any landing you can walk away from... Thanks for continuing this challenge.
  5. So I managed to get about 600 meters AGL using a hydraulic-powered pogo stick, and I wondered, how high can you guys get? The challenge is simple: Use a pogo stick to bounce as high into the air as you can. Rules: 1) No method of propulsion other than the hydraulic piston(s) may be used. No rockets, jets, propellers, or other shenanigans. 2) No kraken drives or physics exploits, with the exception of the KAL track bug. This is necessary because, as far as I could tell, this is the only way to extend the piston fast enough to lift into the air. (EDIT: @vyznev has disproven this conjecture!) 3) Recovery is optional. 4) The craft can be unkerballed or kerballed. Have fun! KAL exploit leaderboard: @Entropian 1,667 meters No KAL exploit leaderboard: @vyznev 1,338 meters
  6. Yeah, I tried 1.10.1 when it released; it's probably one of the worst x.x.1 versions I've seen, and I've been playing since, what, 2012? As soon as that nasty time warp bug returned, I went back to good ol' 1.8.1. The new Kopernicus actually is pretty stable in 1.9.1. I haven't found any bugs yet, but this landing gear thing... grrrrrr.
  7. I disagree. Probes are expensive (money), you have to track it (more money), and you have to dedicate a team of skilled engineers and scientists to it (even more money), and there probably are more expenses that I can't name off the top of my head. Teslas are cheap compared to a complicated interplanetary probe and its upkeep. This is getting a little off-topic though. I wouldn't like to see a SpaceX themed update because it might push more bugs into an already buggy release that needs a couple bugfix-focused releases.
  8. It seems like there was some already in the air when it ignited, so it might have gotten pushed away by the shockwave before the hot gas hit it.
  9. Bah! I messed up and didn't read the names properly. Thanks.
  10. I think the more reputable sources are saying that it was ammonium nitrate that caused the explosion, and it was ignited by a welding fire. I live next to saltwater, and literally everything iron rusts. Perhaps there was enough rust to color the explosion? (I'm not sure, just putting it out there) I used to blow up things using homemade thermite, and you can make it sparkly, slightly yellow, or even red using extra iron oxide and other materials. EDIT: From Wikipedia: Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ammonium_nitrate#Disasters Maybe some of the ammonium nitrate didn't get burned, and got decomposed by the heat of the explosion?
  11. What would be the benefit to SpaceX? They seem to have enough public recognition already.
  12. This time warp-changing-orbit bug is really getting on my nerves now. It's persisted throughout several versions and still hasn't been fixed, and it's getting more and more severe.
  13. If it was tidally locked, wouldn't the water on the dayside get evaporated over time? I would expect that any liquid water would have to exist on the terminator.
  14. I haven't played on 1.10.1, but I'm absolutely sure that there's an H on the administration building in 1.9.1.
  15. Nope, that's an EVE problem I've experienced as well. EVE isn't updated to 1.10.1, so I guess AVP won't work in 1.10.1. I think @R-T-B had a 1.9.1 version update in the works at some point (correct me if I'm wrong) but I'm not sure if it would fix this problem.
  16. It should be called... Lyebale. There's not enough options to make an accurate judgement of what the community wants though.
  17. As people where I come from say: If you don't hear, you feel. At least since more people are experiencing this, they are realizing the widespread effects of the virus.
  18. In the PAW. It might require Advanced Tweakables to be on.
  19. Is the rotor motorized and engaged? EDIT: It could be locked as well.
  20. Did you install the dependencies (EVE, Scatterer, Module Manager)?
  21. Make sure the RPM limit is greater than 0, you have EC, and you have a control unit on the craft.
  22. Granted. Now it's too heavy to fly. I wish for 2 wishes.
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