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Everything posted by Entropian

  1. Not an older forum member, but a KSP veteran. Gotta back you up here - intake spamming, infiniwings, and other weird aero glitches were ridiculous while they were around. Souposphere is a pretty good summary of what it was like.
  2. Yeah, I've been keeping track of this one. It's pretty much an unmanned Apollo. I guess NASA did it that way for a reason...
  3. Say it all goes according to plan, you accelerate the fuel and somehow end up with the oxidizer back. What are you going to use the oxidizer for, exactly? There's less fuel, so you're just ending up with extra weight, because of the fixed oxidizer/fuel ratio. At this point, you should just use NTRs or ion thrusters.
  4. Some advice: never use CurseForge. The mods there are not updated frequently and there are way more options on CKAN, SpaceDock, and the fora.
  5. The Not-Rockomax Micronode. I can't even think of a single time I've used it. Moar boosters.
  6. If you want force, that's in newtons (N). A newton is a kilogram meter per second squared. (kgm/s^2) It does match, and in fact, the fundamental units are defined in terms of universal constants. Imagine a conversion of meters (distance) to tesla (magnetic field). That would make no sense. Not sure what you mean here. I think you would benefit from some research into dimensional analysis. I found a wiki page that I think is in Swedish: https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dimensionsanalys
  7. One small thing I noticed: those FAT-type control surfaces are going to melt upon atmospheric entry. I would recommend replacing them with the elevon-type ones, as they have a much higher heat resistance.
  8. Hold on, we don't need calculus here. This is simple algebra. For the m/s vs watts thing, here: Watts are joules/second and a joule is a kilogram meter squared per second squared. Substitute and you get a (kilogram meter squared per second squared) per second. After some cancellation, you get a kilogram meter squared per second cubed, or kgm^2/s^3. A meter per second is the best it gets. Fundamental units, yay! If watts are convertible to meters per second, they must have a conversion ratio (not constant) that we will call A: A * kgm^2/s^3=m/s Cancellation: A*kgm/s^2=1 Hold on, now, that 1 has no units, but the other side of the equation does! Unequal! Therefore, watts cannot be converted to meters per second. What I just did is called dimensional analysis and it's a critical component of physics in general.
  9. Probably this ought to help: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_quantity And this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dimensional_analysis EDIT: Conversion ratio of meters to tesla?
  10. You've pretty much got it down. The "best" TWR would be infinite, as you spend less time burning fuel against gravity, but this is obviously not possible, and with an atmosphere you would burn up pretty fast. Generally, the higher TWR the better but at some point the engine mass outweighs the benefits, although there is no formula that I know of. Just play more KSP and you'll get a feel for it pretty fast. The horizontal component of the orbital insertion is the same way. Higher TWR? Start your burn closer to apoapsis. Lower TWR? Start your burn farther away.
  11. Thanks; I thought they might use the same livestream but I wasn't sure.
  12. I can't seem to find the launch livestream, but the mission control audio is live... Any idea what's going on?
  13. Somebody obviously has a good sense of humor.
  14. That's not good at all. Be careful and, I hate to say, be prepared for the worst outcome. The same thing happened to me near the beginning of the first wave and it did not go well at all, to say the least.
  15. You need a config for RSS in order for Parallax to work. That video clipping is a known problem, and Blackrack made a fix for it here:
  16. NASA will become less and less useful for the DoD, and thus their programs will, over time, be shut down, plans scrapped, and overall disappear as the private industry takes over the role.
  17. You can mark an answer as correct and that will show in the thread list as answered, but here threads regarding questions are generally not closed so people that have the same problem can post in the same thread.
  18. Well, for you 'muricans. I'm far more careful than the average because the healthcare here is not too good and the populace is not well educated in, well, science in general, unfortunately, so the cases skyrocket and given it's a densely populated country I prefer to stay almost completely isolated. It doesn't hurt that much to be more careful, at least for me. Because it's not effective for many of the other viruses as they are high mortality but low transmission.
  19. Just slowing down, I assumed VTOL was disallowed.
  20. Ok, I quickly cobbled together something: (Yes, inverted at Mach 1.5 with the ladders out) It actually flies surprisingly well, and is very easy to control. More flight pics: It lands on the runway with the assistance of four parachutes, but I'm sure it can be done with 2. Right on the centerline: As can be seen from the pictures above I included a ladder on the leading edge of the wing. Height = 24.6 Width = 4.1 Length = 6.2 (24.6 - (4.1+6.2)) + (24.6 - (4.1+6.2))/2 + 1 = 23.45 Fun challenge! I think this score can be improved though.
  21. There were no fairings in the first place. This is a planet pack, not a parts pack. Are you talking about RO or Procedural Fairings?
  22. I'm in a country that completely closed its borders and locked down and the number of cases plummeted to under 10. After they opened up, boom - cases skyrocket. Now we're in the tens of thousands. (there was widespread testing, by the way) Yes, I can. I think it's a perfectly reasonable decision, in fact. I'm not going to answer that, as I like to keep my finances private. Which is exactly the point. The more people you know have it, the better you can prevent further transmission. Yeah, but it doesn't change the fact that the border closure and quarantining worked. Sorry to say, but they are. Studies are coming out all over the place on observed heart, lung, and even brain damage even in asymptomatic cases. Out of curiosity, do you have a source for that? Also, it might be me but I think this debate is getting a little heated. Can we cool down the tempers?
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