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Everything posted by royying

  1. I found that module manager successfully add "GPWS" string in landing gear manufacturer field in VAB/SPH interface I think it also successfully add GPWS module into landing gear .cfg file, but GPWS didn't work
  2. I am interested in this mod, but I want to know the game logic before I install the mod 1) Is kethane a renewable resource? Will kethane exhaust in a plant/ moon 2) can I scan kethane by plane/ rover? 3) If whole block of kethane store under the ocean, how can I extract it? Thank you:)
  3. when the ladder become aligned, the windows turn to strange angle lol
  4. MK1-2 pod hatch and ladder placed in strange angle, it can't match any symmetric mode, make the rocket ugly. So I never use it on my rockets:(
  5. on body that have atmosphere KSP always break the solar panels even the craft are landed thats why I need the EVA repair function:(
  6. I found a bug When I try to transfer a kerbal from EVA seat to command pod, the plugin will clone the kerbal not transfer him
  7. I encounter a bug: when smart ass activated, sometimes the auto pilot function like execute next node or auto land can't take over the control from smart ass, I have to manually turn off the smart ass to make the auto pilot works
  8. I use to build a crane by KAS using one winch is very unstable, unless the payload is very very light you have to use multiple winch to exert tension on 3-axis
  9. Why the download version slope relief map don't have the sea color layer? It makes the map difficult to read And the download version Laythe slope relief map included the seabed slope....
  10. KSP game performance are deeply affected by part counts I think the custom part can reduce the part count: this is a common ascent stage design each "fuel tank stick" contain 3 tank and two strut connector, total are 30 parts in this case,if KSP can make a custom part, we can attach a 2.5m tank and "drag and click" like strut connector to make a longer(bigger) tank, therefore each "fuel tank stick" only make by one fuel tank, no joint within the whole stick so don't need the strut connectors to connect the stick the part count reduce from 30 to 6. Also the reduce of joint make the craft less wobble, we can reduce the use of strut connectors between each stick This significant part counts reduce should solve the laaaaaag problem
  11. Could the GUI have the balance craft function when two or more balloon attached on the craft? the CoM and CoL are hard to perfectly aligned, make the craft have some pitch. Although user can right click the balloon to increase/decrease the buoyancy to balance the craft, but use the slidebar or vertical speed control will reset the buoyancy make the craft imbalance again
  12. wow this mod is awesome:) I think the coolest and most important part of GPWS is altitude voice hope the next version will have it!
  13. In real life, landing gear have the steering function, plane can easily make a turn. But in KSP, landing gear can't steering .When we make a turn while taxi the plane ,we have to use the vertical flaps to make a big curve turn. If the landing gear can steer, it will be awesome
  14. I think the dev. team should give up the unity engine. Multi-core CPU not a new technology,first personal PC dual core CPU release in 2005. It is ridiculous that a game engine still not support multi-core process after 8 years. How can we expect unity support multi-core process in short term? I know change the game engine are very painful for dev. team, but it will be more painful when the game code become bigger and bigger. dev. team should consider to change the engine ASAP
  15. you can open menu.html in text/html editer, add link within the <td> tag. If scrollbar comes out, change row 10 to smaller value
  16. I listed all pages provided on this mod, each cell can separate switch to another information page in browser.
  17. I want to view more information same time, so I make a html page to do it If you wanna try, you can download it in follow link It tested and works on Firefox, IE, Safari and Mobile Safari, but I don't know why it won't works on chrome Do any CSS expert can help me fix it:P Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r61iq7oyis9tobb/Telemachus-overview.zip
  18. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Duna altitude (m) 2 100 300 500 1460 2420 3000 4272 5000 10000 specific impulse 684.1 687.8 695.1 701.8 728.7 748.2 757.3 772.1 778.1 795.9
  19. I concern about will the resources on plants /moons be deplete
  20. It broke my game I have to redownload the full programme....
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