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Everything posted by GabrielP

  1. Would be perfect if that mountain was not there! Discord server: https://discord.gg/EJmz3kE
  2. Always get a quicksave close by!
  3. yes, I think that when I separated the stage, the periapsis decreased to less than 70
  4. I just want to go to Duna! Discord server: https://discord.gg/EJmz3kE
  5. Sending a probe to Laythe. server discord: https://discord.gg/EJmz3kE
  6. I'm editing a video that I took a probe to laythe
  7. Forgot the heat shield, and explode the parachutes!
  8. Everything was just right, and all of a sudden everything is wrong!
  9. The closer I got, the more the maneuvers were wrong...
  10. it's because my ksp was in portuguese, and the name of dres in Portuguese is des, and in english it is dres xD
  11. Laythe, I just tried to use your atmosphere to desacelerate me!
  12. I tried to go to Duna and come back, but it happened... https://discord.gg/EJmz3kE
  13. Landing in Mun, and returning. A KSP discord server: https://discord.gg/EJmz3kE
  14. This is how not to make a planned rocket, almost missed fuel! https://discord.gg/EJmz3kE
  15. This is a video that I recorded Im playing ksp and going to Mun
  16. This is a video that I recorded im playing ksp and going to Dres
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