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Everything posted by PlutoISaPlanet

  1. I hope not because I realy love it. Even went to a game!
  2. 2022 is going to be a good year. Ksp 2 releases, Avatar 2 releases, XFL relaunches, and just maybe I land on Duna (hopefully sooner lol) Does anyone else get Assassins Creed vibes from the music (mostly AC 2 and Brotherhood)?
  3. I will say it once again, the music sounds great! Keep up the good work I cant wait to play this game!
  4. I agree with everything said above. Ig this game is seventh wanted on steam and is going to consoles it is going to be a big boom for ksp
  5. Quite possibly because it has been shown and said parts can be colored. But no conformation on that for now.
  6. Your model is good. I just wonder what methods the multiplayer would be For example, it could be random (you see other colonies and interact) It could have private servers. I hope it is liek Forza Horizon 4 where you see ghost and can request to interact with them
  7. I hear you I just like the accesebility of consoles and I have never owned a pc. I know nothing about them, which is why I stay away from them and a lot of peopel are like that. Btw 1000 for a PC is a lot
  8. I just want to make the point that most console players play console because they do not understand how to build a pc etc. Putting a game like ksp 2 or one on gamepass would be cool though, and expose it to millions of people.
  9. I want to thank you for sharing this because it helps reasure me, but I do think that the disscussion should continue. I believe this is enough evidence to prove the game will be on consoles. With that being said, as many people have pointed out ksp Enhance Editition is anything but enhanced on console. This topic should continue to be discussed, but thanks for answering one of many questions relating to ksp 2 and consoles! Ksp Enhanced Edition is a bad port. I just hope ksp 2 is not ported so poorly.
  10. The problem with Ksp Enhanced Edition is that the onboarding is bad. Luckily ksp 2 looks better in that regard.
  11. They plan to release it on console, and we wont learn more for a long time. I do hope if they do it they do it right.
  12. I want to put this in understandable words, I think your logic is somewhat flawed. To say millions of people should just be happy if we get a subpar port with almost no updates (and usualy a higher price for the game) then you just do not understand. Thats fine, but I still do bot agree with you and many others probably do not.
  13. Ik but all I mean is that the console market is big, and it exist. To ignore it (or not give it decent treatment) would be upsetting.
  14. Maybe a big company like Take 2 would do this? I do not know if they have a history of porting?
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