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Everything posted by PlutoISaPlanet

  1. I recomend checking out the tread I started (you cant miss it) because this is a realy important subject matter to many of us kerbonauts on console.
  2. I get the majority of people in the forums are PC players, but to think that Take 2 is going to pass on the console market seems somewhat unrealistic (to me). By 2022 the new consoles will be established, maybe someone else can elaborate I just do not understand the veiwpoint.
  3. I think both of you are pretty right! I know they said they are developing console versions, but they will come "later". I hope when ksp2 makes its console debut more people will be able to play it. Many people dont have PC's (or powerfull PC's) that will be able to run the game (people also dont have ps5 or x). Anyways, I just wanted to hear your good opinions so thanks!
  4. I guess the conversation shifted to specs, ok! I do want to just chime in and say that a lot of people play console because they do not understand PC's (somewhat me). To everyone who does, how do you think KSP 2 would run on a PC woth good specs and a X Box Series X? How long would it take to port. Just want to see if we can relate the conversation somewhat to those questions.
  5. Many of us are console players, and with the next gen consoles being pc's we should not have to wait for KSP 2. The game looks amazing and when it comes out I do not want to wait years to play on console.
  6. Look at games like cuphead that got delayed for years, but when it came out it was a overwhelming succes. Just pit in the time in effort to make a good game. Anyways I cant see ksp 2 being in developmental hell (or at least for not to long).
  7. This thread looks dead, just wanted to say I docked today for the first time around the mun constructing my lunar gateway mission!
  8. It is a joke, trolling dont worry Zimm liked the post btw, I am taking that as evidence
  9. Good news! In the new ksp video, their is a mention of multiplayer! It does not give away gameplay details, but I do think it may be hinting towards a crew multiplayer. This thread is dead I am trying to revive it. But realy I may be reading into it to much, or I missed something but this is very interesting!
  10. So I heared a mention of multiplayer! Specifically how the faces of the kerbals and their expressions are KEY to how multiplayer in this game works. I interpret this as meaning you can get a crew of freinds and thag is what they are hinting at. Maybe someone can rewatch it and get a better idea but this is very exiting!
  11. I just realy think prematurely denouncing the game put everyone in this situation.
  12. So if we want to tall about world size, then lets look at what we know. We know the game will have terrestrial Kerbin like worlds, gas giants, and super Earths. So expect a lot of variety and fun orbital mechanics.
  13. A great way to build hype would be to let Jacksepticeue play it early
  14. I totaly agree. It is not the devs faults, but I felt so hyped for this game- then it got delayed. I was fine with that, but then it happened again. I was upset but understanding. Now it has happened again, and I am starting to get fed up. I have come to understand that this game has been in pre-alpha for awhile. With that being said- why did they start advertising the game and putting out a overly ambitoiuse release date only to delay it! I am not mad at the devs, but mad at the way their product has been handled.
  15. Two things 1. Would make a good DLC 2. THE GRAVITY OF A BLACK HOLE (depending on mass of course) WOULD PROBABLY CRASH THE GAME AND CAUSE CHAOS!!!
  16. You hit the nail on the coffin! This is why I started this thread. I feel like the inplacation on gameplay, especialy interstellar gameplay are realy important when considering the question, "can we put colonys on asteroids and comets?"
  17. Looks natural. If you increase brightnes you can notice other formations
  18. I understand we can make a orbital station anywhere we are orbiting, but can we make a surface colony on a comet, asteroid, or any irregular body. Yeah seems like a good way to summon the Kraken
  19. At this moment we know of the planets Char, Glumo, Puf, Ovin, and Rask and Rusk (they dont apply because they are binary, unless binary systems have moons). Of those first four, we know glumo, a gas giant has one moon murble, but that is it. I find this exiting because of all the possibilities for moons, but also troubling. I have heard some rumors about ovin having a moon, but those are rumors. I think this should get a lot of attention because moons are going to be very important in this game, yet we dont have much info.
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