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Minmus Taster

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Everything posted by Minmus Taster

  1. Not sure if this has been posted before but: Oh boy here we go again..
  2. Not the biggest name but it's sad to hear he's gone, he was an inspiration to people around the world.
  3. You can see here the ship isn't entering with it's tiles facing the "wind", it's actually coming in by the engine bay in a sort of pencil dive. Maybe the extra weight of the engines is a factor in all this? Either way this explains why this is the end of the video, the camera was probably melted but they still seemed to be getting telemetry back, the last of the graphic showed the ship was actually recovering from this slightly but was still clearly tumbling with the tail being pushed forward. The end would have probably come when the plasma finally wore through the tanks and the remaining fuel detonated. I am curious if anyone caught views of the breakup, maybe a satellite or an asset down below.
  4. Watching the starship footage back it was clearly tumbling, you can see the rotation in the the little graphic below. Looks like the main issue was actually controlling the ship and not just the tiles.
  5. Rewatching the feed from the booster it looks like it was intact up until the end and smacked into the water at over 1100 KM an hour, yikes.
  6. That's probably the largest single spacecraft to ever reenter the atmosphere. Maybe Mir was heavier but that was a whole station. Will this require another drawn out investigation? Technically the vehicle launched properly and the circumstances of reentry of both vehicles wouldn't change the risk to public safety much.
  7. Not sure about that, we lost out frame of reference once the plasma kicked up but it looked like the ship was still tumbling based on the graph below.
  8. The views were truly incredible, never seen a reentry like that before!
  9. Biggest issues are likely tile loss and control, looks like they still lost some tiles based on the onboard views, but better than last time!
  10. Blackout should have ended by now. Looks like were wrapping this up.
  11. All data was lost at the same time, that loss of signal could have been the end.
  12. Why would they be, it's been a great day regardless of if it survives.
  13. Still nothing, you'd think if it was alive it would be done by now.
  14. Telemetry is gone I think this is the end. Goodbye S28
  15. A steep reentry trajectory would probably be harder for the ship than a normal deorbit. Burn is not going forward, reentry upcoming.
  16. Wonder what continent that is, maybe Africa? Were a long way from Texas... Less than a minute to the burn.
  17. Again, it looked as though something was leaking around the engines, is that normal venting?
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